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Justice Faez Isa: Supreme Court Created a Holy Cow

Respected Judge Bandial can't forward or put any form of document to lawyer since he was not the complainant ..
it was the instruction to government lawyer to respond in argument about those 3 questions as it in authority of SC judge

SC have dismiss this case void ab initio...
On what legal ground when the existence and ownership of the properties were not only accepted but defended ... but Faez Esa and her wife refuse to provide the Money Trail to ANY INSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN INCLUDING SC ....

so plz just quote a single law or earlier precedence to support this judgement
it was the instruction to government lawyer to respond in argument about those 3 questions as it in authority of SC judge

On what legal ground when the existence and ownership of the properties were not only accepted but defended ... but Faez Esa and her wife refuse to provide the Money Trail to ANY INSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN INCLUDING SC ....

so plz just quote a single law or earlier precedence to support this judgement
FIaz case didn't have to show anything nor court any point of time asked him...it was his wife who was in question ...
I believe we should wait for the detail judgement of the SC...
FIaz case didn't have to show anything nor court any point of time asked him...it was his wife who was in question ...
I believe we should wait for the detail judgement of the SC...
I think you are confusing here Faez Esa also submitted review petition other than the review petition of Serena Esa, the judgement on Faez Esa was announced as 5-5 split.

6-4 decision came against the review petition of Serena Esa in her favour.

Further properties were claimed by Sarena Esa but failed to provide evidences and trail of funds on all three accounts as per FBR report.

1- As per her first claim she was only 50% owner of the properties but refuse to establish that

how the rest of the amount for the purchase of properties were arrange .... ???
And who is the co-owner of the properties .... ???

2- As her second claim she was 100% owner but transfer only half of the amount of required to purchase the properties so again failed to establish how the rest of the funds were arranged.

3- As per case records provided by Serena Esa herself, she accepted the violation of Banking law by sending money for the purchase of property using Pakistani Banking channel when it was not even allowed during that time period. It was a an act of hiding the true purpose of remittance and act of deceiving the banking institutions.

4- It is because of this reason she herself while filling the remittance form wrote the purpose of remittance as Education of her children, for which remittances were form Pakistan allowed.
Any one with western nationality found guilty of money laundering, will be immediately held by the local authorities.

However just for sake of argument... if it has not happened and Pakistan's ruling clergy has evidence of it, they shall take the case to western courts.

Not all.... Ifti choodary was given NRO by Imran Khan, while evidence was against Ifit.
No, if it's true then Nawaz Sharif and Shabaz's son did massive money laundering through TT, and non of them arrest. So, it shows there is no law to scrutinized if someone park ill-gotten money in these countries..
Congratz to Establishment about their tout faiz issa is released from all the cases, now future mission for faiz issa as planned by establishment will be.
-Dethrone pti and ik and blame goes to shareef and issa.
-all shareef cases will be close and blame goes to judiciary.
-all so called bad journos like hamid mir, absar alam, najam sethi etc whom are covertly working for establishment will be labeled as good ones in the eyes of public through media.
A total deception.

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