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Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

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suffism and wahhabism has already been tainted by Petrodollar country to become their tool, although until now myself doesn't know what is their true motive and agenda. You must admit lot of preaching and teaching in pesantren and madrassa related with Saudi funding has already became the sources of terrorism roots and manpower around the world.

You know a little about Sufism and Wahhabism my dear friend, what I can say is that terrorism is a product of a lack of Islam knowledge. People that don't have thorough understanding about Quran and Hadist, and they don't have proper knowledge about context. JI group that should be watched, and Indonesian intelligence knows about them. Even I saw one of their book who tell the reader to favor Al-Qaeda can be sold in PIM Gramedia. Until know, our police has been so weak in dealing them.

Pointing to Sufism and Wahhabism means pointing to Islam. Muhammadiyah has Wahhabi roots and NU has Sufism roots. How can those group get marginalized since they are big political power in Indonesia since 1945 ??? Even General Sudirman who is the leader of Indonesian army during Independence war is from Muhammadiyah.
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Wahabi & Wasabe, both make you cry, but one goes through the stomach, the other into the stomach.
China is not only threat to muslims but to the whole neighborhood. Show me one neighbor country with whom you are not hostile with?
show me a country China is currently at war with?

China has strict non-intervention policy. That's why we do not care when you keep slaughtering Muslim Kurds in scores.

Inside China, whatever happens is our own business. Anonymous internet posts will not change our official line. That's why we keep killing the extremist cousins of yours at the moment while your government is busy with divorcing from the terrorists that you fed in Syria but now came to haunt you in Mosul.

Really, what is going on with some 20 truck drivers and 50 embassy personnel that the terrorists hold hostage?

I see, unlike China, you are enjoying a peaceful neighborhood. Russians adore you, Syrians adore you, Armenians adore you, Bulgarians adore you, Greek adore you, Kurdistanis adore you, Iranians adore you.

As far as as I know, other than religio-fanatics, no body likes you in your region.

And China have diplomatic problems with Vietnam and the Phil?

On topic: China needs to clean off the intellectual basis of extremist ideologies. Spread secular education and completely erase madrasa style, of-the-book, underground education. Also, China should carry out a strict dress-code in public areas. No wearing of burka and other archaic stuff. Most of those women and (especially girls) kids are held hostage by a patriarchal backward culture and religion. Any sign of domestic violence on women, the government should step in and provide institutional protection. I see those women being oppressed. If women are liberated, the society will slowly change for good.
just one correction, Armenians do not like Turks as they attempted genocide against them.
1. Islam is a revolutionary faith continuously reforming societies. From time to time any revolutionary movement needs purifying or "cultural revolution" to cleanse any extra weights that it has gathered. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab had sought to do this. Yes, some people did and still do take these to extremes.
2. Let us note however that the movement of ibn Abdul Wahab was quickly infiltrated by the enemies of Islam to be used to create in-fights and frustration in us. We know how Lawrence set in motion the end of the Caliphate. Read this one also:
Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. In the emerging global polarization, China appears increasingly to ally with the Muslim nations, not just Pakistan. China understands how Muslims feel for each other. There is no reason to believe in Western propaganda that the Chinese Muslims are ill-treated.
No no, some muslim in yunnan very extrem such like shadian.
there was a shadian incident there,they riot once.
nowaday they just wait opportunite to make trouble again.
Shadian incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wahhabi is the most dangerous religion of the world.
should be banned in china.
for the world sake, china is the last defence against wahhabi spreding
Then break ties with Saudi Arabia and don't allow Saudis to open religious schools or "cultural centers" in China.
Yes, we are still a developing country. :tup:

China doesn't need immigration because we still have hundreds of millions of people in the rural areas, who are moving into the urban cities at a rate of over 10 million per year, the fastest pace of urbanization in the world.

Once we've become a developed country, maybe this debate on immigration and asylum seekers will take place, but that's a long way off.

Not to mention, people in other developing countries will find it much easier to learn English compared to learning Chinese, which is not difficult to learn how to speak, but has a tough writing system.
Chinese are confident and proud people( for both the race and the culture). There is no way to accept large scale of immigration in the future.
As for Islam, it has been marginalized for centuries in China. And it will be marginalized for ever. Cause as I said we are proud of our culture. There is no room for other culture. Single race and single culture, I believe it's a bless for our country. The God must have a Chinese face.
Does anyone know how many branches Muslim have ?

Too many different type muslim people , that really confuses me.

Personally ,I do not like Islam and Christian .

They always like to force the others to believe in allah or jesus

Islam and Christian fight each other for long history.

And internal strife for thousands years ,especially Islam. it is not a peaceable religion, both Islam and Christian.
just one correction, Armenians do not like Turks as they attempted genocide against them.

Yes, bro. I was only becoming a little sarcastic to that guy hailing from turkey. All those countries I listed dislike turkey. Both governments and peoples.

In fact, geopolitically, turkey is the least liked nation in its neighborhood.

Turkey's best friends are reactionary monarchs and blodd-lust terrorists such ISIS that is now carrying out bloodbath in Iraq against the Shi'a.

turkey's PM is a sunni fanatic.

China must be beware of the like of his kind, including the Saudis. Oil business is alright, but it is a national security threat if China allows the Saudis to get involved in education and indoctrination in China.

Their ideology is savage and brutal.
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What a amazing in China ! Does BeiJing see what happened in Chinese place ?




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What is a Wahabbi? A reference to the great scholar Mohammed Ibn Abduallwahhab who is respected by all Muslims around the globe? If so then sorry to burst your bubble but he himself was a Sunni of the Hanbli jurisprudence with a focus on Islamic monotheism so keep that in mind . He never spoke of jurisprudence. At least try to get yourself familiar with the topic you are discussing before vomiting nonsense all over the place. Here is an old pic of Muslim dress code during the Ottoman empire. Sure the Ottoman empire was ruled by Mohammed Ibn Abdu-Alwahhab.lol






I can go on and on.....
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How about Catholic Women ?


A hot-spot discussion about Religious Movement on Chinese internet ... in China YunNan ... there'r some ppl ...
Even not in China XinJiang, it's in YunNan province ( South-West of China, border close to South-East Asia nations ) maybe local Chinese Hui ethnic groups. :coffee:





What do u think ???

I say local government is the STUPID !
If BeiJing government won't do something in laws,
China & Chinese ppl will pay for this.:coffee:

How do you know they are wahabi?

90% of Chinese Muslims are not wahabi

What is a Wahabbi? A reference to the great scholar Mohammed Ibn Abduallwahhab who is respected by all Muslims around the globe? If so then sorry to burst your bubble but he himself was a Sunni of the Hanbli jurisprudence with a focus on Islamic monotheism so keep that in mind . He never spoke of jurisprudence. At least try to get yourself familiar with the topic you are discussing before vomiting nonsense all over the place. Here is an old pic of Muslim dress code during the Ottoman empire. Sure the Ottoman empire was ruled by Mohammed Ibn Abdu-Alwahhab.lol






I can go on and on.....

Abdul wahabi najdi is respected only by wahabis around the globe.

Not Sunni Muslims.

Even the father and brother of Abdul wahab najdi rejected him, and he attacked both of them
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