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Jundallah () or Jundalshaitan ()

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looooolz , congratulations IbnAlwaled , u really make them feel scared
, they even have a completely open thread to talk about u


Just doing my best in exposing Majosi oppression on the Muslim minority. Islam for the last 400 years has seen the worst oppression in Iran, worse than India & Israel combined. Its our duty to finance and arm our Muslim brothers in their holy jihad.
hey do you like us to open a special thread about you?

loooolz , plz don't make laugh a lot . . is this all you can do !?
. .

this is best what you can do, nothing else

by the way before i forget , how old r u !?

you read just the title : :lol:

After five months of tireless efforts, Iranian security officials managed to track down Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist organization, while he was onboard a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday.

Iran's Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said Rigi was at a US base in Afghanistan 24 hours before his arrest and was carrying a forged Afghan passport issued by the US at the time of his capture.

In a televised statement broadcast on Press TV on Thursday, Rigi confirmed that the US administration had promised to provide him with unlimited military aid and funding for his terrorist activities against the Iranian government.

“They said they would cooperate with us and will give me military equipment, arms and machine guns. They also promised to give us a base along the border with Afghanistan next to Iran," said the 31-year-old terror leader.

“They [were] prepared to give [us] training and/or any assistance that [we] would require, in terms of telecommunications security and procedures as well as other support, the Americans said they would be willing to provide it at an extensive level," he added.

Despite Rigi's detailed confession and a photo taken by Iranian security officials, which clearly showed the terrorist leader entering a US base in Afghanistan a day before his arrest, the Pentagon has chosen to reject the claims.

"Iranian claims that Abdolmalek Rigi was at a US military installation prior to being apprehended are absolutely false," said Pentagon press secretary, Geoff Morrell.

He added that these accusations are nothing but “fabrications” and “propaganda” emanating from Iranian officials.

This is while an ABC News piece reported in 2007 that the Jundallah terrorist cell 'has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials' to destabilize the government in Iran.

In another report in July, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that US Congressional leaders secretly agreed to George W. Bush's $400-million funding request last year for a major escalation of covert operations against Iran.

But the latest of the revelations came from Robert Baer, a former Middle East CIA field officer, who disclosed in October 2009 that Washington had formed relations with the Jundallah group, despite having full knowledge of its terrorist nature.

"American intelligence has also had contact with Jundallah. But that contact, as Iran almost certainly knows, was confined to intelligence-gathering on the country," Baer wrote on the Time.com.

Baer said the close relations between the US and the terror group were to such extent that Jundallah had once been considered "as a piece in a covert-action campaign against Iran."

Jundallah terrorists, which are said to be closely affiliated with the notorious al-Qaeda organization, have claimed responsibility for dozens of bombings, assassination attempts, and terrorist attacks in Iran, one of which killed at least 40 people in the southeastern city of Pishin in October.

The Asia Times reported in May that al-Qaeda militants had sought to establish an alliance with the exiled Jundallah to fulfill longstanding plans of creating a strategic corridor in the region and pave the way for joint regional operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.

hey do you like us to open a special thread about you?

not for homo ...
Just show any bad words by anyone else on this thread excpet the "intelligent" Iranians

And then they say Iranians are peace loving and always are ready for giving an olive branch

this so called human supports some terorist who killed many civilians (sunni and shia)
if this guy was near to me i'd kill him so fast.
They are nothing but terrorist.... Period.
yes ! about terrorism

i can see more ...

maybe ur right , but do u wana know about some thing funny !?

he is make all of you that made ​​yours shut up, and there is no one you can reply to it
. .
Jundallah is the reactionary result of the Iranian shia repression of Sunnis in Iran. They have attacked the IRGC members and other security and intelligence personnels. It becomes the duty of Muslims to arm Syriam FSA Mujahideen and Jandullah Mujahideen in Iran who are fighting for the protection and revenge of sunnis in Syria and Iran against the Satanic regime of Iran, Syria, Hizb-as Shaitan of Nasrallat and Mehdi army of Moqtada of Iraq and other shia satanic forces. Muslims must rise up now to finish this black snake among muslims who have damaged Islam more than the external known enemies.
No wonder Iranians are the most intelligent people on planet eart.

They edit Wikipedia (English and Persian section) and post the English part here and show it is from a reliable source.

But their intelligence fails at changing the facts in the Arabic section and other language sections.
loooolz , plz don't make laugh a lot . . is this all you can do !?
. .

this is best what you can do, nothing else

by the way before i forget , how old r u !?
but how old are you?here became kindergarten.because an arab support some terrorists.the other arabs shouod copy that.exactly like kindergarten!

and after all im not in saudi arabia.i cant call alqaeda do sth against you or your felows.i can just do some network activities.
Fighting for the right of Sunnis is only considered terrorism by Shias. Jundallah have my full support. Inshallah when Balouch get their independence from Iran, they will get their Independence from Pakistan. With the help of our Indian brothers, inshallah.

:disagree: :disagree: :disagree:
look, calm done and just listen, i don't consider abdol malek rigi a shia ro sunni , IMO he is a mother F er who just killed people for nothing!
he was related to USA because our information minister showed shots of him in US based in afghanistan, andabdol malek had the US weapons and ammo so HE WAS A AMERICAN SLAVE!

he killed both sunni and shia and some police soldiers! it show the true face of him.

**** TOO IMPORTANT: BBC HAD INTERVIEWS OF HIM AND CALLED HIM IRANIAN FIGHTER, first of all he was just a terrorist and then his origins was from Afghanistan!

i think it is enough for now, then i will show you some shots from him in US bases. and when he was arrested he was goin to see one the US commanders ( US defence minister? i can't remember)
Jundallah is the reactionary result of the Iranian shia repression of Sunnis in Iran. They have attacked the IRGC members and other security and intelligence personnels. It becomes the duty of Muslims to arm Syriam FSA Mujahideen and Jandullah Mujahideen in Iran who are fighting for the protection and revenge of sunnis in Syria and Iran against the Satanic regime of Iran, Syria, Hizb-as Shaitan of Nasrallat and Mehdi army of Moqtada of Iraq and other shia satanic forces. Muslims must rise up now to finish this black snake among muslims who have damaged Islam more than the external known enemies.

IRGC members !?

I wish people would stick to the topic. There is a serious accusation that Saudi Arabia is a sponsor of a terrorist organization and we should discuss this and the validity of it. Please lets not veer off the topic. Saudi must be questioned at yet again attempting to create unrest and hostility in various nations. Shameful and regrettable....
I wish people would stick to the topic. There is a serious accusation that Saudi Arabia is a sponsor of a terrorist organization and we should discuss this and the validity of it. Please lets not veer off the topic. Saudi must be questioned at yet again attempting to create unrest and hostility in various nations. Shameful and regrettable....

the topic is about jundallah not saudi arabia you should stick to the topic.
but how old are you?here became kindergarten.because an arab support some terrorists.the other arabs shouod copy that.exactly like kindergarten!

and after all im not in saudi arabia.i cant call alqaeda do sth against you or your felows.i can just do some network activities.

oooh hun , i know u r under age
, thats is very clear from ur posts
. .

sweety run from ur mamy and have a nice chit chat with here , cuz here many thread not from ur age
. .

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