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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

According to Arynews, it look like someone took over his house security and did there job in 15 minutes. Killers were very well trained who did the job. But, again it seems some insider were in collaboration with killers. Why security crew left the house unattended for 15 minutes.
Yes I am because there is no fking deterrence with enenmy nations at sub conventional level. They go and fk about with us at the time of their choosing. Whoes responsibility is it to ensure that enemy nations will burn in response if they try to create mayhem in our lands? Why do you think all these things are happening right before and in the middle of a very important visit to China? I cant see IK carrying on with his China visit because he was very close to Molanna. Why people are so fking naïve?

We suffer because our so called establishment has become impotent. HEADS MUST ROLE IN ENEMY NATIONS RIGHT FROM THE TOP.
Well your so called impotent establishment tried their best to bring competent PTI government for you ..law and security agencies come under the control of government but they could not manage it even after giving tough speech
Confirm plan by India, Afghan to jeopardize PM Imran Khan biggest China Economic visit. Make Pakistan Economically and Financially fail and add more fuel to already raging fire.
Is it related to Afghan talks?
how was he killed?
he was killed with knife inside his home, when he was sleeping. his guard and son left home for 15 minutes and someone killed him during this interval.
who killed him?
Now it could mean someone was already keeping an eye on his activities.
he was under observation.
the killers were well trained in espinage and sneaking in.
They had enough tech to know that he was alone in the house, as his closest guard and son could not give this information to him.
possible culprits:
CIA wanted him to give fatwa against afghan taliban but he refused.
NDS considered him head of afghan taliban.

General razzak brother wanted revenge and he was the most suitable target.
or it might be RAW which want more chaos in Pakistan. Imagine if in already tense situation his followers also join TLP or start to clash with TLP and a deobandi, barelvi fight starts.
taliban are killing people since 1996 maoulana was one of creator of these monsters . its been 22years kabhi to hona tha ye .

one less molvi on earth is better of planet earth
بری بات

اچھے علما رحمت ھیں
You let Nawaz harami out, you let Zardari move about freely, you cant bring a penny of lotted money back, you let create this drama of Asiya right before very important China trip.

What the f*** establishment is doing?

Complete and utter failure , there is no f***** deterrence at sub conventional level with enemy nations.

Establishment want to see their true color.

“Pakistan First” or “sab se pehlay pakistan” law has to pass by government to deal with Anti-state elements.
More bad days are coming for Pakistan...:(
May Allah(S.W.T) protect Pakistan from internal and external enemies, Ameen...!
Well your so called impotent establishment tried their best to bring competent PTI government for you ..law and security agencies come under the control of government but they could not manage it even after giving tough speech

BULLSH|T . GOP didn't have anything to do with the Asiya bibi verdit. Timing is all what matter.

This is all IRRELEVANT. Had we established the fear of god among the enemy nations, they wouldn't have the audacity to play around in our lands.
Could very well be a response to General Razzaq’s assasination. But how could they hire someone so close to Maulana ?
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