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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

This is very disturbing news no one has the right to kill someone in that manner, I think curfew should be in place for now to control the situation before it gets more nasty.
Pakistan's enemies using the opportunity to push Pakistan into deeper turmoil.
The deobandis were not part of the protests, this is getting dangerous.
Supreme Court judges responsible for there drama and contribution should be forced to resign and just put that woman on ECL, before the situation is pushed beyond limits of this govt.
And give in to terrorist demand?
State is bigger than these religious fanatics/terrorists
He was never Anti-Pakistan …………….. And timing of his killing ………… he holds one of the largest fallowing in Deubandi Sect...……..
He was elder of Taliban (Afghan), , , And as per my knowledge he was anti TTP. .. He also gave Fatwa in favor of Polio Vaccination.....
He was extremely pro Pakistan ………

Very , very dangerous …………… Now I am feeling some thing ,which I don't want to type here ,
he was teacher of taliban . its karma what you grow you have to harvest
Samiul Haq wants judgement reversed in blasphemy case

Not to forget that, in the backdrop of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan calling polio-vaccination un-Islamic and forcing people to quit vaccinating their children, Maulana Sami ul Haq on 9-December-2013, issued a fatwa in favour of polio vaccination. The man stood firmly against TTP with bravery. There is credit to him for service as such in favour of Nation. Hostiles availing opportunity and Blasphemy Judgement reversal statement is merely to provoke Religious People against State.
India Afghanistan playing their cards right. Another war on terror and stream of terror attacks about to begin
Here goes the very critical and important visit of IK to China into the toilet. I cant see IK continuing with his trip now.

IK was very close to Mulanna Sami, donated a lot of the money to his Madrasaa.

Those idiots on this forum bad mouthing molanna are ignorant fools. They guy was pro Pakistani.

Problem with Pakistan lies not with the corrupt mafia that has ruled us, but the PUS**** who called themselves the establishment. If don't see New Delhi, Kabul and Tel aviv burn as a response, we all should pack our bags and let Pakistan be on the mercy of Allah.
Not to forget that, in the backdrop of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan calling polio-vaccination un-Islamic and forcing people to quit vaccinating their children, Maulana Sami ul Haq on 9-December-2013, issued a fatwa in favour of polio vaccination. The man stood firmly against TTP with bravery. There is credit to him for service as such in favour of Nation. Hostiles availing opportunity and Blasphemy Judgement reversal statement is merely to provoke Religious People against State.
Well, he own biggest Madrassah Haqqania. Seems some foreign agencies took advantage of this situation. Or may be inside job. Obviously someone killed with knife means someone very close to him.
You let Nawaz harami out, you let Zardari move about freely, you cant bring a penny of lotted money back, you let create this drama of Asiya right before very important China trip.

What the f*** establishment is doing?

Complete and utter failure , there is no f***** deterrence at sub conventional level with enemy nations.
Why you are blaming establishment for failures of government..
His son just said on tv that he was in Islamabad to participate in dharna against Supreme Court decision. He was killed by dagger.
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