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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

So its job of establishment to provide evidence of corruption and bring back looted money..its job of establishment to manage law and order situation of the country then why you need government if establishment has to do eveythings..judges give verdicts as per interpretation of law without taking any dictation and pressure of consequences.. its job of sitting government to maintain the writ of state and they failed in their job..

The judgment could have waited till the China tour was over. BUT NO, something had to be created out of thin air! How bloody convenient.

Establishment is the eyes and ears of the government. If you think this is all spontaneous reaction, you are living in fools paradise. This whole situation was planned well in advance, and again our establishment is found out.

But the point is not the internal issues. Every nation has got its own shares. Its the audacity with which our enemy nations exploit ours without the fear of facing consequences in return , that is the curx of all problem Pakistan face. You need absolutely ruthless and merciless people at the helm of the deep state in this day and age, and geopolitics we are living in.
Oscar - Afghan-India axis and then seeing western/Indian news reports, Father of Taliban assassinated, are they saying in Rawalpindi Garrison town, assassination is implicit way to blame Pakistan and its Establishment and Government and make it more volatile and weakened.

Result is Small Protests has erupted near Aabpara Chowk after Knife murder of Maulana Sami ul Haq, chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan

Hard to believe the assassination of Maulana Samiul Haq can lead to sectarian violence between Barelvis and Deobandis. Both sects have never been closer on an issue since 1974.
Yes, but not in the current context - @Awan68 and @Starlord are close to the nerve of this.
Maulana Sami ul Haq had security threats from current Afghanistan Government due to his continuous efforts for Independent Afghanistan Leadership opposing US occupation to the fullest. The back drop actually provides pretty much idea that only NDS/ANA is beneficiary at the moment as this killing will help ignite sectarian conflict, Blasphemy Case Outrage & in the end, total threat to the state at large. As I said before, am pretty sure that Maulana's assassination had nothing to do with Asia Bibi Blasphemy case but situation created by violent protesters helped hostile providing a window of opportunity to escalate things further.
But , if he was reliable partner for peace talk in Afghanistan , then its blow to Pakistan and NATO. NDS and India intentionally doesn't want peace in Afghanistan. A lawless Afghanistan suites to some ruling Afghan factions and India, who deep penetrate inside Pakistan through Afghan land.

Does not look good.
Mediator between the Taliban and America ? if Uncle Sam leaves Afghanistan than it will turn ugly for Afghan ANA and RAW as ISI will swallow both alive as a revenge .
They wont do much, they have been caught sleeping.
Extremely tragic.As per news sources, he was threatened by some Afghani elements according to Maulana Hamid.He was stabbed to martyrdom.May Allah(SWT) provide his family with ease and provide them sabr from such trauma.
its time to neutralize ashraf ghani himself.
We know afghan government is behind it.
Pakistan should stop supporting afghan peace process.
They wont do much, they have been caught sleeping.

they do, but i think right now ISI hands are pretty much tied cause of heavy CIA presence in Afghanistan, let the Americans leave and we will see the bombastic for ANA and RAW .
This is bullshit excuse, bro....Fact is we are not loyal to this country....If we were, Pak wouldn't be in such situation
In the presence of Fazl ur rahman and Achakzai , what you expect. But, nation stand one, except mullah , where were anti Pakistan since 47.
But, this murder is inside job and some one know Maulana very well.
India Afghanistan playing their cards right. Another war on terror and stream of terror attacks about to begin
I am afraid you may well be right. May the ALMIGHTY protect the nation.
So the killer(s) knew he was left alone in the house,
And struck when guards just happened to go out.....very dubious.
And he was killed with a knife, rather than a gun. why.
knife is easy to carry through security check points.
they do, but i think right now ISI hands are pretty much tied cause of heavy CIA presence in Afghanistan, let the Americans leave and we will see the bombastic for ANA and RAW .
They are not going anywhere, Raytheon needs more money for JDAMs, money they invest in US state department and military along with government; its a vicious cycle.
I partially blame Deobandi ulima for this mess. They should have exposed this rental molvi.
Mufti Naeem bayan about IK speech doesn’t make any sense. I think Mufti Sahab is under pressure to make a statement regarding this case. Now railves have upper hand and deobandi will have deal with the pressure from Jahil awaam.
It is disappointing that not a single major/prominent religious party (to my knowledge) has spoken about respecting the SC's decision, and avoiding chaos/anarchy - something that is extremely disliked in Islam.

IK's government needs some allies from religious groups who can speak up and give the religious "sheeple" some reason to reconsider some of the poisonous rhetoric coming from the likes of TLP.
This is bullshit excuse, bro....Fact is we are not loyal to this country....If we were, Pak wouldn't be in such situation
The most important thing you can do for the country right now is highlight the reasons, make sure people know what is the more likely reason he was killed. Spread reason and fear will diminish; reduce fear and all those rioting will be left with naught
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