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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated

Unfortunately , unstable Afghanistan next to Pakistan. Plus, these type of people has deep roots with rogue elements. So much power brings so many enemies.

This is bullshit excuse, bro....Fact is we are not loyal to this country....If we were, Pak wouldn't be in such situation

The guy was playing a mediator role for the peace between Taliban and America. Interesting point raised that those who want America to stay in Afghansitan, the likes of northern alliance, NDS, India, and some other hidden lot, they are the prime suspect.
Somebody trying to set the entire region ablaze. God help us.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @Moonlight @BHarwana @Path-Finder Hazrat @Zarvan @Maarkhoor @CHACHA"G"
This has all the hall marks of a CIA hit job carried out by one of their NDS proteges, the Maulana was acting as an interlocutor between Pak state and Talibs, the US DOES NOT wish for a peaceful settlement instead they wish for chaos so they can prolong their stay in this strategic region, GHQ and PM Khan have to play this one right.Kudos folks
Right suspects, wrong reason.. think more.. what else has been in the news that specifically could involve the Maulana.

Oscar - Afghan-India axis and then seeing western/Indian news reports, Father of Taliban assassinated, are they saying in Rawalpindi Garrison town, assassination is implicit way to blame Pakistan and its Establishment and Government and make it more volatile and weakened.

Result is Small Protests has erupted near Aabpara Chowk after Knife murder of Maulana Sami ul Haq, chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan

Hard to believe the assassination of Maulana Samiul Haq can lead to sectarian violence between Barelvis and Deobandis. Both sects have never been closer on an issue since 1974.
Another high profile killing by foreign paid agents hell bent on causing turmoil in Pakistan. Amazing thing is high profile citizens are being tracked, followed and assassinated and everyone is clueless as to who is behind it. Obviously someone with money and organizational skills. These agents have infiltrated the religious and political groups and are using locals for their nefarious designs.
Right suspects, wrong reason.. think more.. what else has been in the news that specifically could involve the Maulana.

Close, but not completely.. what other role did the Maulana play?

Mediator between the Taliban and America ? if Uncle Sam leaves Afghanistan than it will turn ugly for Afghan ANA and RAW as ISI will swallow both alive as a revenge .
seems its all planned. Now Fazl ur rahman will sell his blood.

Maulana Sami ul Haq had security threats from current Afghanistan Government due to his continuous efforts for Independent Afghanistan Leadership opposing US occupation to the fullest. The back drop actually provides pretty much idea that only NDS/ANA is beneficiary at the moment as this killing will help ignite sectarian conflict, Blasphemy Case Outrage & in the end, total threat to the state at large. As I said before, am pretty sure that Maulana's assassination had nothing to do with Asia Bibi Blasphemy case but situation created by violent protesters helped hostile providing a window of opportunity to escalate things further.
اپنے پیارےحبیب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے صدقے ہمارے ملک کواپنی حفظ وامان میں رکھ آمین
I partially blame Deobandi ulima for this mess. They should have exposed this rental molvi.
Mufti Naeem bayan about IK speech doesn’t make any sense. I think Mufti Sahab is under pressure to make a statement regarding this case. Now railves have upper hand and deobandi will have deal with the pressure from Jahil awaam.
Did he have any role in the negotiations between the Taliban of Afghanistan and the Afghan govt/US? Historically, every time attempts were made to start negotiations in Afghanistan, someone gets assassinated to sabotage talks.

Another motive could be to send a strong message to the government, given that he was close to IK. There are any number of people who would have a motive, from foreign intelligence agencies, to domestic political opponents, to religious fanatics like TLP - or all three.

I don't think it has anything to do with the Asia bibi case. To me it looks like an opportunistic killing, with all the protests by TLP just as a smoke screen.
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