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Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'

What is wrong with that? A guy who worked hard and proved himself in life despite being born out of wedlock and being half Afro-Arab.

His late father Sultan ibn Abdul-Aziz was an excellent statesmen.

The home province of his mother (Asir) is also a very beautiful and historic province.

Bandar is doing an excellent job and his track record is not bad at all. Let his critics cry. Bandar is a legend.

You seem very interested in the House of Saud like many are. There is a whole blog dedicated to their personal life and relations?:lol:

They should make a blog about the Al ash-Sheikh family as well.

The king of terror in Syrai is an illegitimate son of a poor African child slave.

Like 60 saudi princes that created by 60 different mothers.

The playboy Saudi prince mired in a £1bn bribery charge - MoneyWeek

Salafi ,Saudi and Jews ; an unholy nexus | SHOAH
The king of terror in Syrai is an illegitimate son of a poor African child slave.

Like 60 saudi princes that created by 60 different mothers.

The playboy Saudi prince mired in a £1bn bribery charge - MoneyWeek

Salafi ,Saudi and Jews ; an unholy nexus | SHOAH

I am not sure why you are posting nearly 10 year old rumors and articles. I am not interested in the identity of his mother and you do not know her identity either. She could be an Afro-Arab from Asir whose parents originated from Sudan or elsewhere in Africa. I don't know. Slave?!

LOL Whatever floats your boat.

Bandar is a charismatic person and seems to be well-liked by several high-ranking officials from across the world and important politicians/statesmen. I much prefer him over the likes of Khomeini (Indian) or Khamenei or whatever they are called.

I also prefer monarchies rather than so-called "republics" who are mostly complete and utter failures everywhere outside the West. Look at the monarchies in the West as well. They are among the best countries out there although they have constitutional monarchies but it's telling.

Oh, so a member of the House of Saud who has no government position and who is a billionaire (among the top 20 richest persons in the world or something) have employed Saudi Arabian/Arab women without scarfs. OK. Good for them and her. What is the relevancy of this once again?


I like the character of Bandar and he has proven himself.
Also I do not care about the internal relations of some princesses without any influence nor some claims of House of Saud being Jews or whatever. I do not care about all this.

I don't even know which ethnicity Khamenei belongs to. That's how little I care about your rulers. You might do the same.


I am fine but been busy until today. What about you? Is everything as it should be?
I am not sure why you are posting nearly 10 year old rumors and articles. I am not interested in the identity of his mother and you do not know her identity either. She could be an Afro-Arab from Asir whose parents originated from Sudan or elsewhere in Africa. I don't know. Slave?!

LOL Whatever floats your boat.

Bandar is a charismatic person and seems to be well-liked by several high-ranking officials from across the world and important politicians/statesmen. I much prefer him over the likes of Khomeini (Indian) or Khamenei or whatever they are called.

I also prefer monarchies rather than so-called "republics" who are mostly complete and utter failures everywhere outside the West. Look at the monarchies in the West as well. They are among the best countries out there although they have constitutional monarchies but it's telling.

Oh, so a member of the House of Saud who has no government positions and who is a billionaire (among the top 20 richest persons in the world or something) have employed Saudi Arabian/Arab women without scarfs. OK. Good for them and her. What is the relevancy of this once again?


I like the character of Bandar and he has proven himself.
Also I do not care about the internal relations of some princesses without any influence nor some claims of House of Saud being Jews or whatever. I do not care about all this.

I don't even know which ethnicity Khamenei belongs to. That's how little I care about your rulers. You might do the same.


I am fine but been busy until today. What about you? Is everything as it should be?
The same for me as well, extremely busy, but everything is fine. It was a long time that I was not chatting with you. :lol:
BTW, Khamenei's dad is originally from Ashtian(a farsi) who has lived in Khamene for some time, and his mother is from Kashmar(another farsi), and he has mostly lived in Mashhad.
BTW, don't waste your time with mullah goons ;) Instead, enjoy your studies and stay in Denmark ;)
BTW, how many of Bani Hashim, (the branch of Hashemites that are children of Fatima, and Hazrat Ali), are still living in Hijaz? What sect of fiqh they are mostly following? Shia? shafi'i?
The same for me as well, extremely busy, but everything is fine. It was a long time that I was not chatting with you. :lol:
BTW, Khamenei's dad is originally from Ashtian(a farsi) who has lived in Khamene for some time, and his mother is from Kashmar(another farsi), and he has mostly lived in Mashhad.
BTW, don't waste your time with mullah goons ;) Instead, enjoy your studies and stay in Denmark ;)
BTW, how many of Bani Hashim, (the branch of Hashemites that are children of Fatima, and Hazrat Ali), are still living in Hijaz? What sect of fiqh they are mostly following? Shia? shafi'i?

That's good to hear. Yes, it is indeed. When you are on PDF you are easily caught into long discussions in one particular field and that's about it. On such big forums like PDF you can have big discussions going on in several sections at the same time. It's hard to keep track with all of it if you miss a few days let alone weeks.;)

Aha. In any case origin should really not be important when it comes to personal traits. This is why I find it irrelevant if Bandar's mother is Afro-Arab or even African. He is probably listening to music written or performed by Blacks, watching movies with Black actors, sports, entertainment etc.

Actually I finished my last exam precisely 1 week ago so I actually have time off although that is not entirely true.

Well, I would say quite a lot. I am not sure about the exact numbers but in terms of families they are significant. In fact they are found across KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world and outside of it.

Mostly Shafi'i. At least my family do/have done. In the past, during the Fatimids most were apparently Shia. Some are still Shia but mostly in Madinah. The Makkawi Hashemites are a very international family though. Many left KSA altogether after the ending of the Kingdom of Hijaz and migrated to other Arab countries or the West. Mainly the UK, US and France. Today many have married with non-Arabs as well etc. Even before all that then intermarriages with people from across the Muslim world were common.

I mean like any other dynasty they married other dynast's or people of importance who were often from the outside to form alliances or ties. For instance take the Ottoman Sultan's as an example. From what I can see then most of their wives/concubines until recently were Georgians and women from the Balkans etc. In short they married outsiders as well. Back then nationalism as we know it did not exist either so mostly religion and social standing were the main factors as languages and culture could always be adopted.
Thank you for your comprehensive reply ;)
That's good to hear. Yes, it is indeed. When you are on PDF you are easily caught into long discussions in one particular field and that's about it. On such big forums like PDF you can have big discussions going on in several sections at the same time. It's hard to keep track with all of it if you miss a few days let alone weeks.;)
:lol: :tup:
Aha. In any case origin should really not be important when it comes to personal traits. This is why I find it irrelevant if Bandar's mother is Afro-Arab or even African. He is probably listening to music written or performed by Blacks, watching movies with Black actors, sports, entertainment etc.
I agree. too much emphasizing in this stuff is kind of racism.
Actually I finished my last exam precisely 1 week ago so I actually have time off although that is not entirely true.

Well, I would say quite a lot. I am not sure about the exact numbers but in terms of families they are significant. In fact they are found across KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world and outside of it.

Mostly Shafi'i. At least my family do/have done. In the past, during the Fatimids most were apparently Shia. Some are still Shia but mostly in Madinah. The Makkawi Hashemites are a very international family though. Many left KSA altogether after the ending of the Kingdom of Hijaz and migrated to other Arab countries or the West. Mainly the UK, US and France. Today many have married with non-Arabs as well etc. Even before all that then intermarriages with people from across the Muslim world were common.

I mean like any other dynasty they married other dynast's or people of importance who were often from the outside to form alliances or ties. For instance take the Ottoman Sultan's as an example. From what I can see then most of their wives/concubines until recently were Georgians and women from the Balkans etc. In short they married outsiders as well. Back then nationalism as we know it did not exist either so mostly religion and social standing were the main factors as languages and culture could always be adopted.
That's exactly right. it is called "patrilocality", which was common almost among 2/3 of world nations in ancient times. In Iran, the ones with paternal lineage of Hazrat Ali, and Fatima are called Sayyid. But, almost all Sayyids of South Asia, and most of Sayyids of Iran are fake. The real Sayyids usually have their "family tree". BTW, Are you the only Sayyid of Arab members in this forum? :-)
Thank you for your comprehensive reply ;)

:lol: :tup:

I agree. too much emphasizing in this stuff is kind of racism.

That's exactly right. it is called "patrilocality", which was common almost among 2/3 of world nations in ancient times. In Iran, the ones with paternal lineage of Hazrat Ali, and Fatima are called Sayyid. But, almost all Sayyids of South Asia, and most of Sayyids of Iran are fake. The real Sayyids usually have their "family tree". BTW, Are you the only Sayyid of Arab members in this forum? :-)

I am so tired so I probably made little sense.

Well, it's strange because he knows that Afro-Arabs are present in KSA. Yet he is only trying to emphasize that in a negative way when it comes to Bandar because he is from KSA. Yet he probably has no problem listening to music performed/written by Blacks, movies starring Black stars, sports were Blacks dominate, entertainment or even Black/Mulatto girls. Who knows, LOL?

Besides Afro-Arabs are really friendly people. I have to say this.

That's right.

I really don't want to judge that as it depends entirely on the family history of the particular family. What is a historical fact is that many settled in what is now Iran and South Asia and elsewhere as they were fundamental in the spread of Islam and formed the "elite" so to speak on numerous fronts.

I actually don't know to be honest. Most of the Arabs member here, aside from few rarely engage in private talk, nor have they really talked about their families or background much from what I have seen at least.;)
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