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Jordan gives new marching orders to clerics in wake of ISIS threat: Preach moderate Islam - or else!

there is Islam and Islam. It can be a religion of peace, knowledge, and the love of the other or a religion of termoil, mayhem, despair..etc etc...It depends how you interpret the meaning of its message. Islam is a religion of all times and should evolve as we evolve. We can't live in 2014 with a 1400 brain.
Whaa? You're actually capable of making statements that make some sense?
Whaa? You're actually capable of making statements that make some sense?
I crashed all your mentor classes..
Small or big this can't be controlled and use off force will only make the matters worse even today known spirtual mentor off Al Qeada is Jordanian and there are many many more and the government is known to be USA puppet they will miserably fail
It was controlled in Turkey and it worked, Islamist loser!

There exist two variants of Islam, one moderate and another extreme, even if some people do not believe there are.
Not exactly only two:
Islamic schools and branches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is only Islam no such thing as moderate or extreme Islam hypocrites try come up with moderate Islam because they don't want to follow Islam completely so they come up with this term and idiotic excuses
LOL. Typical Islamist. So you deny radical Islam's existence?
Islamic fundamentalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agreed with little correction. There does not exist variant of Islam rather variants of Muslims, and yes, we have moderate or normal Muslims, and those who are on the extreme in their interpretations of Islamic beliefs. That is also correct that extremism has nothing to do with Musharraf rather with Moulana Modoodi who's experiment (religious politics) went wrong.
There are dozens of variations in Islam:
Islamic fundamentalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberal movements within Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

West attacks and support mass murder off Muslims by Israel they should not expect flowers in return and but rule off Islam is clear is attack civilians can't be hit as for military and government they are targets as long as they keep attacking Muslims
So if West attacks Muslims, Muslims must also attack terrorize Westerners? Two bads do not make one right?

Sorry sir there is only Islam no moderate or extreme
LOL :D Go back to Madrassah and study.

That is what I have said, there are no variants of Islam.

There is only one Islam is some one is doing something not allowed in Islam is not Islam or something like extremist
If there is only one Islam, why the heck every Muslim state is against Islamic Caliphate, loser?

Damn, I was just going to post this article here lol. Anyway, I think this is a great move too, hateful and inciting speech should be countered with effective measures like this.
Thanks :)

Its the most stupid move its exactly what ISIS wants these known western puppets governments to do. There is only Islam no such thing as moderate Islam and when these kind off actions are done specially by those governments who are known to be puppets of west more and more people move towards groups like ISIS and others similar to them . So called Extremisim rised both in Pakistan and Malaysia when both governments tried to promote enlightened moderation.
Hahaha. No, extremism rose in Pakistan after Zia gave free hands to Mullahs to preach their Saudi brand of Islam in Pakistan during the 80's. Don't troll around if you don't know the truth how Zia single handedly Islamized once more secular Pakistan:
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It was controlled in Turkey and it worked, Islamist loser!

Not exactly only two:
Islamic schools and branches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL. Typical Islamist. So you deny radical Islam's existence?
Islamic fundamentalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BS. There are dozens of variations in Islam:
Islamic fundamentalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberal movements within Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if West attacks Muslims, Muslims must also attack terrorize Westerners? Two bads do not make one right?

LOL :D Go back to Madrassah and study.


If there is only one Islam, why the heck every Muslim state is against Islamic Caliphate, loser?

Thanks :)

Hahaha. No, extremism rose in Pakistan after Zia gave free hands to Mullahs to preach their Saudi brand of Islam in Pakistan during the 80's. Don't troll around if you don't know the truth how Zia single handedly Islamized once more secular Pakistan:
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Controlled in Turkey yes little bit of success but now its failure time and they are going to fail every day passing in Turkey Islamist are rising and rising and after few decades it would be completely under Islamist it always fails in Muslim countries. Yes there is not radical or moderate Islam there is only one Islam these terms are brought by idiots in west and there dumbo agents in Muslim countries specially the liberals. People are against ISIS because that is not Islam. If it would have been Zia some other reason would have resulted in people coming back to Islam thousands who convert to Islam in west and are far more so called extremists according to most liberal dumbos in west blame that on Zia too.
Controlled in Turkey yes little bit of success but now its failure time and they are going to fail every day passing in Turkey Islamist are rising and rising and after few decades it would be completely under Islamist it always fails in Muslim countries.
Islamists may rise in Turkey but won't last for long if they do not deliver. Turkey is at least still a secular democracy unlike Pakistan and Iran type pseudo Islamic-democracies :D

Yes there is not radical or moderate Islam there is only one Islam these terms are brought by idiots in west and there dumbo agents in Muslim countries specially the liberals.
LOL. Its like saying there is only one kind of Hinduism, Christianity or Judaism, when in reality even you know that its not. Take a look at Zionism, which Muslims blame, have hijacked "true" Judaism that was there before it came. Today when non-Muslims say ISIS has hijacked "true" Islam, you say no, ISIS is also Islam as well as Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban and others who believe in Islamic fundamentalism.
When Jews say Zionism is also Judaism just like ISIS is also Islam, you deny, hypocrite! :D

People are against ISIS because that is not Islam. If it would have been Zia some other reason would have resulted in people coming back to Islam thousands who convert to Islam in west and are far more so called extremists according to most liberal dumbos in west blame that on Zia too.
LOL. ISIS biggest supporters are from Saudi Arabia, Gulf, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt and other countries with significant Muslim populations. They are backing ISIS version of 'Islamic State' with both money and manpower. Iran may hate IS for its Sunni leanings, but truth remains that first Muslim Caliphate was made exactly the same way by butchering non-Muslims and Muslims alike :D
Islamists may rise in Turkey but won't last for long if they do not deliver. Turkey is at least still a secular democracy unlike Pakistan and Iran type pseudo Islamic-democracies :D

LOL. Its like saying there is only one kind of Hinduism, Christianity or Judaism, when in reality even you know that its not. Take a look at Zionism, which Muslims blame, have hijacked "true" Judaism that was there before it came. Today when non-Muslims say ISIS has hijacked "true" Islam, you say no, ISIS is also Islam as well as Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban and others who believe in Islamic fundamentalism.
When Jews say Zionism is also Judaism just like ISIS is also Islam, you deny, hypocrite! :D

LOL. ISIS biggest supporters are from Saudi Arabia, Gulf, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt and other countries with significant Muslim populations. They are backing ISIS version of 'Islamic State' with both money and manpower. Iran may hate IS for its Sunni leanings, but truth remains that first Muslim Caliphate was made exactly the same way by butchering non-Muslims and Muslims alike :D
Not for long Turkey will not for long remain a secular country. There is only one Islam you can keep talking crap as much as you want but Islam is one keep following dumb heads in west. It was not made the exact way it shows How big dumbo and master of ignorance and follower of Abu Juhal are you. But you were always an ........................... .
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