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Jordan gives new marching orders to clerics in wake of ISIS threat: Preach moderate Islam - or else!


Aug 19, 2014
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ZARQA, Jordan — Several hundred robed Muslim clerics recently packed themselves into an auditorium to hear the minister of Islamic affairs issue their new marching orders. The meeting was mandatory.

“You clerics are our ground forces against the extremists,” Hayel Dawood told them.

Then he made himself clear: Preach moderate Islam — or else.

“Once you cross the red line,” Dawood intoned, “you will not be let back in.”

Stunned by the rapid advance of the Islamic State in neighbouring Syria and Iraq, Jordan has fortified its borders and put its air force and intelligence service to work in the U.S.-led alliance against the self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq. To counter the low thrum of support for extremist movements on the home front, the kingdom is not only prosecuting Islamic State recruiters and cracking down on anyone waving an Islamic State banner, but it has turned its attention to the nation’s 7,000 mosques

Jordanian authorities have begun a campaign to coax — and, when necessary, pressure — Muslim clerics to preach messages of peaceful Islam from their pulpits. The main targets are Jordan’s more than 5,000 imams, including lay clerics and those on the government dole, who give the traditional sermon that follows Friday prayers.

Jordan’s security apparatus has always kept a close eye on known radicals and has pursued a policy in the past of allowing even prominent Al-Qaeda-affiliated clerics to preach as long as they watched what they said. The idea: It was best to grant opposition figures a sliver of political space, to better monitor, co-opt and control them.

But with the sudden rise of the Islamic State, Jordan’s religious authorities are taking a more active stance. The Islamic affairs minister is touring the kingdom to announce new rules in a remarkable series of meetings for anyone who wants access to the Friday flock.

Specifically, Jordan is demanding that preachers refrain from any speech against King Abdullah II and the royal family, slander against leaders of neighbouring Arab states, incitement against the United States and Europe, and sectarianism and support for jihad and extremist thought.

Dawood also suggests that clerics keep sermons brief.

“Fifteen minutes is OK,” he told the crowd in Zarqa. He reminded them that the prophet Muhammad “was short and to the point — often 10 minutes, no more.”

For those who adhere to the new guidelines, there are government salaries of about $600 a month, religious workshops, travel assistance for pilgrimages to Mecca, and weekly guidance.

The ministry is providing suggested topics for Friday sermons, available for download from the government’s Facebook page. Recent suggestions included:

—Oct. 17 — “Security and Stability: the Need for Unity in a Time of Crisis.”

—Oct. 24 — “The Hijra New Year — Lessons Derived From the Prophet’s Flight From Mecca.”

—Oct. 31 — “The Beginning of the Rainy Season — Safety Measures in Preparation for Winter.”

For those who stray? Banishment from the pulpit for life.

The worst offenders, those who openly praise the Islamic State, might be hauled into the newly empowered State Security Court to face charges under the country’s enhanced anti-terrorism law.

Jordan’s soft-power press for moderate Islam, a personal project of Abdullah, has been applauded by U.S. officials for its proactive approach and its emphasis on Islam’s positive messages of charity, respect and tolerance.

Some clerics, though, bristle at being told what to preach. What some see as “moderate Islam,” others decry as “state Islam,” foisted on them by a pro-Western monarchy kowtowing to foreign powers.

“They’ve left no space for us in the mosques,” said Mohammed al-Shalabi, a senior leader of ultraconservative Muslims known as Jihadi Salafis in Jordan. “They’re not even allowing anyone to use the words ‘Islamic State.’ “

Shalabi complained that the mosques were filled with informants from the Jordanian intelligence agency. “They write down everything you say,” he said.

That is probably an exaggeration. Currently, Jordan employs 60 “monitors” to listen in at the country’s 5,500 mosques that regularly host Friday sermons. Dawood told the meeting in Zarqa that he was planning for 200 monitors but thought he needed 400 to do the job right.

In an interview, Dawood said he was “limited by budgetary and logistical constraints that is making policing the mosques that much more difficult.”

State control of religious life is nothing new in the Middle East. Close monitoring of sermons is common in the oil-rich states in the Persian Gulf. Likewise, many of the region’s current and former despots, in Libya, Algeria and Syria, were obsessed with imprinting their message on Islam.

But message control has grown in the wake of the Arab revolutions and the rise of the Islamic State. Recently, state-sponsored clerics in Jordan — long at the forefront of promoting religious moderation — and throughout the region have been especially vocal in denouncing the Islamic State.

Arab media report the Saudi Interior Ministry may require clerics to pass a security screening before they can preach. Egyptian authorities have banned tens of thousands of unlicensed clerics, especially imams linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Centralized Islam is not a new policy,” said Omar Ashour, a senior lecturer in Middle East politics at the University of Exeter. But, he added: “It has been tried before, with mixed results.”

“You have a segment of society that will seek out other messages, other voices,” he said, perhaps in underground settings with outlaw imams. In an earlier age, extremist messages on cassette tapes were passed hand to hand; now, all it takes is typing a few search terms on YouTube.

Jordan employs about 3,400 Muslim preachers — about 2,000 clerics and 1,400 caretakers — to staff the country’s 7,000 mosques. The deficit has forced the Ministry of Islamic Affairs to grant more than 2,200 permissions for sermons to “unofficial clerics” — educators, tribal sheiks and ordinary citizens.

Those wishing to ascend the pulpit are supposed to register with the ministry’s directorate. Applicants are subject to a security check and must receive approval from the intelligence service. Even so, Jordanian officials say dangerous preachers have slipped through their filters.

“We have preachers using the pulpit for political means, to launch attacks on private individuals and the state,” Dawood said. “This will not be tolerated.”

Jordan has barred 30 preachers from delivering sermons so far this year. The ministry banned six clerics in October for allegedly denouncing Jordan’s participation in the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State, referring four to the State Security Court for attempting to “disseminate terrorist ideology” and “gathering support for the Islamic State.”

Ahmed Abu Omar was among them. The Amman cleric, who declined to use his full name out of concern for his safety, said he delivered a Friday sermon on Oct. 3 denouncing coalition airstrikes he feared were targeting Syrian and Iraqi civilians.

“I was only speaking the truth, that Jordan should not participate in the killing of civilians, which is forbidden in Islam,” he said. “I was told later that this was ‘inciting terrorism.’ “

According to people who attended the sermon, Abu Omar went on to call on Jordanians to “show solidarity with the Islamic State,” which was “defending Islam against the United States and the crusaders.”

The meeting outlining the do’s and don’ts appeared to be welcomed in Zarqa, long a bastion of al-Qaida supporters, including an eclectic mix of salafists, sufis and jihadists who, some state-supported clerics said, have posed a challenge. (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida in Iraq leader who was killed in an American airstrike in 2006, hailed from the city.)

“We have extremists come to our mosques. We know who they are, and they make their presence known,” said Mohammed Mushagbeh, 70, a cleric in the village of Hashmiyeh, outside Zarqa. “But our words can only go so far; we cannot just be in the defensive, we must go on the offensive.”

According to Mushagbeh, a ministry-employed cleric for more than a decade, extremist preachers in Zarqa have also used the pulpit to attack Jordanian authorities.

“It is up to all of us to root them out,” he said.
In bid to counter ISIS’ rise, Jordan gives new marching orders to clerics: Preach moderate Islam — or else | National Post

I personally think its a great move by Kingdom of Jordan to curb out radical versions of Islam to be preached in wake of ISIS threat from other Middle Eastern countries. I can only wish if our unelected government was smart and strong enough to control so-called ulemas from preaching extremism in mosques and madrassas, thus halting further recruitment by ISIS jihadists on our soil.

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @Bratva @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @KURUMAYA @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @pak-marine @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani

I wonder why Jordan let itself be used as a base for rebels in Syria as it's ended up putting them at a great unnecessary risk. Maybe they were too scared of Saudi Arabia and the US to say no.
Well if I ever need a job I can be one of those government "monitors" lol.
Jordanian intelligence will make sure of this. Write it down.
The worm is already in. A little bit too late to change things in the field. In the southern part of Jordan is leaning ISIS, even the government troops don't venture there.
I wonder why Jordan let itself be used as a base for rebels in Syria as it's ended up putting them at a great unnecessary risk. Maybe they were too scared of Saudi Arabia and the US to say no.

Wow i never knew Jordan supported/allowed its territory be use for rebels in Syria, if it did then i agree with you it must be mainly due to pressure from of house of Saud/UAE and our clueless/foolish leaders in the west/U.S.

As for the point our Pakistani friend mentioned on here:
'I personally think its a great move by Kingdom of Jordan to curb out radical versions of Islam to be preached in wake of ISIS threat from other Middle Eastern countries. I can only wish if our unelected government was smart and strong enough to control so-called ulemas from preaching extremism in mosques and madrassas, thus halting further recruitment by ISIS jihadists on our soil.'

I completely agree with this. Jordan seems to have learned from the mistake of other conservative countries in the region like Pakistan. Tackling these scums before they spread their tentacles all over the country is the best solution, if you wait and tolerate them until they have grown too big/influential, then it will be too late by then as we can see in Pakistan today. The best defence against these islamist/jihadist scums is to attack, dont give them a breading space at all(even if it means using torture/abitrary means.:agree:) letting them set up their base/madrasss/preaching hate/indoctrinating/brainwashing youths is the worse thing a country can do, since once the generation of youth they have brainwashed with their ideology grows up, then you have a big problem by which time its too late to act/change/defeat them, like its the case in Pakistan today

I really dont see how Pakistan can deal with these extremists/jihdists/terrorists scums today effectively and get rid of them. Its indeed an uphill battle, since the country youths are already too radicalise, and even more madrassa school/mosques and radical Imams/clerics are spreading up all over the country every year financed/supported by the House of Saud(who pakistan still consider a friend/ally.lol). So there is just not political will to act against these madrassas in fear of encuring the fury of the Saudis. So it has turned into a vicious circle. Seems those courageous Pakistanis soldiers who are fighting/sacrificing their lives for the country against these scums are indeed dying invane to be honest.:suicide::tsk:
I think every Muslim nation should have a national registry for Imams, they should also take cources every year or so, be inspected etc. Just to keep them in check and keep the bad eggs out.

Don't worry, the west will make sure Israel and their agents are safe...
I think every Muslim nation should have a national registry for Imams, they should also take cources every year or so, be inspected etc. Just to keep them in check and keep the bad eggs out.
Thats what Turkey is doing since decades, the state is educating Imams and making sure they dont violate any laws and voila, no extremists Imams, but promoting Turkish model isnt very popular these days. :D
ZARQA, Jordan — Several hundred robed Muslim clerics recently packed themselves into an auditorium to hear the minister of Islamic affairs issue their new marching orders. The meeting was mandatory.

“You clerics are our ground forces against the extremists,” Hayel Dawood told them.

Then he made himself clear: Preach moderate Islam — or else.

“Once you cross the red line,” Dawood intoned, “you will not be let back in.”

Stunned by the rapid advance of the Islamic State in neighbouring Syria and Iraq, Jordan has fortified its borders and put its air force and intelligence service to work in the U.S.-led alliance against the self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq. To counter the low thrum of support for extremist movements on the home front, the kingdom is not only prosecuting Islamic State recruiters and cracking down on anyone waving an Islamic State banner, but it has turned its attention to the nation’s 7,000 mosques

Jordanian authorities have begun a campaign to coax — and, when necessary, pressure — Muslim clerics to preach messages of peaceful Islam from their pulpits. The main targets are Jordan’s more than 5,000 imams, including lay clerics and those on the government dole, who give the traditional sermon that follows Friday prayers.

Jordan’s security apparatus has always kept a close eye on known radicals and has pursued a policy in the past of allowing even prominent Al-Qaeda-affiliated clerics to preach as long as they watched what they said. The idea: It was best to grant opposition figures a sliver of political space, to better monitor, co-opt and control them.

But with the sudden rise of the Islamic State, Jordan’s religious authorities are taking a more active stance. The Islamic affairs minister is touring the kingdom to announce new rules in a remarkable series of meetings for anyone who wants access to the Friday flock.

Specifically, Jordan is demanding that preachers refrain from any speech against King Abdullah II and the royal family, slander against leaders of neighbouring Arab states, incitement against the United States and Europe, and sectarianism and support for jihad and extremist thought.

Dawood also suggests that clerics keep sermons brief.

“Fifteen minutes is OK,” he told the crowd in Zarqa. He reminded them that the prophet Muhammad “was short and to the point — often 10 minutes, no more.”

For those who adhere to the new guidelines, there are government salaries of about $600 a month, religious workshops, travel assistance for pilgrimages to Mecca, and weekly guidance.

The ministry is providing suggested topics for Friday sermons, available for download from the government’s Facebook page. Recent suggestions included:

—Oct. 17 — “Security and Stability: the Need for Unity in a Time of Crisis.”

—Oct. 24 — “The Hijra New Year — Lessons Derived From the Prophet’s Flight From Mecca.”

—Oct. 31 — “The Beginning of the Rainy Season — Safety Measures in Preparation for Winter.”

For those who stray? Banishment from the pulpit for life.

The worst offenders, those who openly praise the Islamic State, might be hauled into the newly empowered State Security Court to face charges under the country’s enhanced anti-terrorism law.

Jordan’s soft-power press for moderate Islam, a personal project of Abdullah, has been applauded by U.S. officials for its proactive approach and its emphasis on Islam’s positive messages of charity, respect and tolerance.

Some clerics, though, bristle at being told what to preach. What some see as “moderate Islam,” others decry as “state Islam,” foisted on them by a pro-Western monarchy kowtowing to foreign powers.

“They’ve left no space for us in the mosques,” said Mohammed al-Shalabi, a senior leader of ultraconservative Muslims known as Jihadi Salafis in Jordan. “They’re not even allowing anyone to use the words ‘Islamic State.’ “

Shalabi complained that the mosques were filled with informants from the Jordanian intelligence agency. “They write down everything you say,” he said.

That is probably an exaggeration. Currently, Jordan employs 60 “monitors” to listen in at the country’s 5,500 mosques that regularly host Friday sermons. Dawood told the meeting in Zarqa that he was planning for 200 monitors but thought he needed 400 to do the job right.

In an interview, Dawood said he was “limited by budgetary and logistical constraints that is making policing the mosques that much more difficult.”

State control of religious life is nothing new in the Middle East. Close monitoring of sermons is common in the oil-rich states in the Persian Gulf. Likewise, many of the region’s current and former despots, in Libya, Algeria and Syria, were obsessed with imprinting their message on Islam.

But message control has grown in the wake of the Arab revolutions and the rise of the Islamic State. Recently, state-sponsored clerics in Jordan — long at the forefront of promoting religious moderation — and throughout the region have been especially vocal in denouncing the Islamic State.

Arab media report the Saudi Interior Ministry may require clerics to pass a security screening before they can preach. Egyptian authorities have banned tens of thousands of unlicensed clerics, especially imams linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Centralized Islam is not a new policy,” said Omar Ashour, a senior lecturer in Middle East politics at the University of Exeter. But, he added: “It has been tried before, with mixed results.”

“You have a segment of society that will seek out other messages, other voices,” he said, perhaps in underground settings with outlaw imams. In an earlier age, extremist messages on cassette tapes were passed hand to hand; now, all it takes is typing a few search terms on YouTube.

Jordan employs about 3,400 Muslim preachers — about 2,000 clerics and 1,400 caretakers — to staff the country’s 7,000 mosques. The deficit has forced the Ministry of Islamic Affairs to grant more than 2,200 permissions for sermons to “unofficial clerics” — educators, tribal sheiks and ordinary citizens.

Those wishing to ascend the pulpit are supposed to register with the ministry’s directorate. Applicants are subject to a security check and must receive approval from the intelligence service. Even so, Jordanian officials say dangerous preachers have slipped through their filters.

“We have preachers using the pulpit for political means, to launch attacks on private individuals and the state,” Dawood said. “This will not be tolerated.”

Jordan has barred 30 preachers from delivering sermons so far this year. The ministry banned six clerics in October for allegedly denouncing Jordan’s participation in the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State, referring four to the State Security Court for attempting to “disseminate terrorist ideology” and “gathering support for the Islamic State.”

Ahmed Abu Omar was among them. The Amman cleric, who declined to use his full name out of concern for his safety, said he delivered a Friday sermon on Oct. 3 denouncing coalition airstrikes he feared were targeting Syrian and Iraqi civilians.

“I was only speaking the truth, that Jordan should not participate in the killing of civilians, which is forbidden in Islam,” he said. “I was told later that this was ‘inciting terrorism.’ “

According to people who attended the sermon, Abu Omar went on to call on Jordanians to “show solidarity with the Islamic State,” which was “defending Islam against the United States and the crusaders.”

The meeting outlining the do’s and don’ts appeared to be welcomed in Zarqa, long a bastion of al-Qaida supporters, including an eclectic mix of salafists, sufis and jihadists who, some state-supported clerics said, have posed a challenge. (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida in Iraq leader who was killed in an American airstrike in 2006, hailed from the city.)

“We have extremists come to our mosques. We know who they are, and they make their presence known,” said Mohammed Mushagbeh, 70, a cleric in the village of Hashmiyeh, outside Zarqa. “But our words can only go so far; we cannot just be in the defensive, we must go on the offensive.”

According to Mushagbeh, a ministry-employed cleric for more than a decade, extremist preachers in Zarqa have also used the pulpit to attack Jordanian authorities.

“It is up to all of us to root them out,” he said.
In bid to counter ISIS’ rise, Jordan gives new marching orders to clerics: Preach moderate Islam — or else | National Post

I personally think its a great move by Kingdom of Jordan to curb out radical versions of Islam to be preached in wake of ISIS threat from other Middle Eastern countries. I can only wish if our unelected government was smart and strong enough to control so-called ulemas from preaching extremism in mosques and madrassas, thus halting further recruitment by ISIS jihadists on our soil.

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @Bratva @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @KURUMAYA @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @pak-marine @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani

Its the most stupid move its exactly what ISIS wants these known western puppets governments to do. There is only Islam no such thing as moderate Islam and when these kind off actions are done specially by those governments who are known to be puppets of west more and more people move towards groups like ISIS and others similar to them . So called Extremisim rised both in Pakistan and Malaysia when both governments tried to promote enlightened moderation.
Its the most stupid move its exactly what ISIS wants these known western puppets governments to do. There is only Islam no such thing as moderate Islam and when these kind off actions are done specially by those governments who are known to be puppets of west more and more people move towards groups like ISIS and others similar to them . So called Extremisim rised both in Pakistan and Malaysia when both governments tried to promote enlightened moderation.
Jordan is an arab country with a small population so it's more controllable than Pakistan or Malaysia. The governments of Malaysia and Pakistan were too late and that's why they failed in their moderation effort which was unrealistic to begin with considering the huge populations of both of these countries while Jordan has barely a population of 11 million and only 7 million are citizens of the country. "Known western puppets" well, that's only your opinion, sir.
Its the most stupid move its exactly what ISIS wants these known western puppets governments to do. There is only Islam no such thing as moderate Islam and when these kind off actions are done specially by those governments who are known to be puppets of west more and more people move towards groups like ISIS and others similar to them . So called Extremisim rised both in Pakistan and Malaysia when both governments tried to promote enlightened moderation.

Learn to change buddy, you can't have it all your way. The extreme conservatives of Muslim society need to understand that you are a part of the wider society, you have to co-operate, contribute and play by the rules just like everyone else.

Bottom line is if you want society to tolerate you, you must tolerate society too.
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