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Jordan bolsters security along Syria border


Apr 28, 2011
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Jordan has tightened security along its border with Syria as Syrian state media warned that the kingdom is "playing with fire" by allowing the United States and other countries to train and arm Syrian rebels on its territory.

A Jordanian security official said on Thursday that the kingdom had tightened security along its 370km border with Syria, including the doubling of the number of soldiers in the last two days, though he declined to disclose the size of the force.

The Syrian warning, coinciding with significant rebel advances near the border, plays into Jordanian fears that its larger neighbour might try to retaliate for its support of the opposition fighters.

It followed statements from US and other Western and Arab officials that Jordan has been facilitating arms shipments and hosting training camps for Syrian rebels since last October.

A front-page editorial in the official daily al-Thawra accused Amman of adopting a policy of "ambiguity" by training the rebels while at the same time publicly insisting on a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

Jordan is "playing with fire", state radio said.

The rebels reportedly being trained in Jordan are mainly secular tribesmen from central and southern Syria who once served in the army and police.

The force is expected to fill a security vacuum by protecting the border with Jordan, assisting displaced Syrians and setting up a safe haven for refugees.

'Proactive steps'

They are also envisioned as a counterbalance to al-Qaeda-linked groups that have proven to be among the most effective of the myriad rebel factions fighting President Bashar al-Assad's forces on the ground.

"Jordan can't sit idle and watch al-Qaeda and other militants seizing control of its common border with Syria," Jordanian Information Minister Sameeh Maaytah said. "It must take proactive steps to arrive at a state of equilibrium in the security structure on the border."

"What we were able to achieve is not enough. The needs are growing exponentially while our ability to react is growing linearly."

- Peter Maurer, president of the ICRC

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said opposition fighters seized most of the Karak district in the southern border province of Deraa after several days of fighting.

The Observatory also reported heavy clashes in the town of Sheikh Maskeen, on the route from the Jordanian capital, Amman, to Damascus, and at a checkpoint outside a camp for displaced Syrians on the outskirts of Deraa.

On Wednesday, opposition fighters captured a military base outside Deraa. That victory followed the rebel takeover of Dael, one of the province's bigger towns, and another air defence base in the area late last month.

Humanitarian crisis

Meanwhile, the Red Cross said on Thursday that the humanitarian situation in Syria is worsening rapidly with some areas a landscape of "devastation and destruction".

The Syrian government's restrictions on aid convoys have meant most supplies are distributed in government-held areas.

Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), said aid workers had been able to make more trips into opposition-held areas in the past two weeks, indicating Damascus may be softening its stance on convoys into such territory.

He said the workers were "not pleasantly surprised" by what they found in areas accessible for the first time, with the need for food, sanitation, water and medicine increasing.

"We saw devastation and destruction," he said.

"What we were able to achieve is not enough. The needs are growing exponentially while our ability to react is growing linearly."

Activists called March the deadliest month so far in the conflict. About 70,000 people have been killed and millions displaced during the two-year old uprising, the United Nations says.

Source: Agencies
Jordan bolsters security along Syria border - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Jordanian fears that its larger neighbour might try to retaliate for its support of the opposition fighters.

If they feared Syria, then they should have been smarter by not supporting and training terrorists... Jordan will get its share from this chaos that its supporting... Chaos is contagious... the same terrorists Jordan is training will bite Jordan later on...
If they feared Syria, then they should have been smarter by not supporting and training terrorists... Jordan will get its share from this chaos that its supporting... Chaos is contagious... the same terrorists Jordan is training will bite Jordan later on...

Nope not exactly fear, I would say worried, the only neighboring country that Syrian regime didn't dare to violate it is Jordan. There was one accident when Bashar terrorist gangs shot a Syrian child as he was along with his family entering Jordan, two Syrian soldiers were killed and their post was destroyed immediately by Jordanian army:

Jordan is training moderate Syrian fighters, so they keep things under control from the extremists.
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Nope not exactly fear, I would say worried, the only neighboring country that Syrian regime didn't dare to violate it is Jordan. There was one accident when Bashar terrorist gangs shot a Syrian child as he was along with his family entering Jordan, two Syrian soldiers were killed and their post was destroyed immediately by Jordanian army:

Jordan is training moderate Syrian fighters, so they keep things under control from the extremists.
good job, you killed two Syrian soldiers, by doing that you liberated Palestine....
now anyways like I was saying there is no such thing as moderate fighters, those modern fighters fear Alqaeda, they are under its command... F$A is a name used for the media to play the good guys card... while in reality F$A and Alqaeda are one hand.. and funny that many media source admit that Jubhat Al Nusra works with F$A...


your king knows that by becoming an enemy with Syria, he is hurting himself and Jordan.. however he can't do anything, he has to follow orders from the west and gcc...
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good job, you killed two Syrian soldiers, by doing that you liberated Palestine....
now anyways like I was saying there is no such thing as moderate fighters, those modern fighters fear Alqaeda, they are under its command... F$A is a name used for the media to play the good guys card... while in reality F$A and Alqaeda are one hand.. and funny that many media source admit that Jubhat Al Nusra works with F$A...

Syria's Bashar al-Assad won't fall soon, Jordan's king says - CNN.com

your king knows that by becoming an enemy with Syria, he is hurting himself and Jordan.. however he can't do anything, he has to follow orders from the west and gcc...

Unfortunately, Jordan refused to arm the FSA despite the GCC pressure. It's role has always been providing humanitarian assistance and hosting refugees as well as intelligence work. As the Syrian conflict gets longer, Qaeda will get stronger, and the sooner Bashar gets down the better. If he have been ousted at the beginning of the revolution, there wouldn't have been Qaeda existence in Syria.
Unfortunately, Jordan refused to arm the FSA despite the GCC pressure. It's rule has always been providing humanitarian assistance and hosting refugees as well as intelligence work. As the Syrian conflict gets longer, Qaeda will get stronger, and the sooner Bashar gets down the better. If he have been ousted at the beginning of the revolution, there wouldn't have been Qaeda existence in Syria.
If Syrians wanted Alasad to leave, he would have been gone long time ago... plus you are admitting that this is not a Syrian "revolution" if this was Syrian HOME MADE REVOLUTION.. there would be no Alqaeda, and ALasad would have been gone long time ago.. I keep saying... NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN OVERCOME THE WILL AND THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE... IF SYRIANS WANTED ALASAD GONE, THEN ALASAD WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE LONG TIME AGO... and if you know that Alqaeda will get strong, by prolonging this war, then why don't you end this bloodshed, and this war? all you (government) have to do is STOP SENDING WEAPONS AND TERRORISTS... and the war will be over... peace will be restored and elections will happen under the UN administration... why do you fear peace and elections?
And yes Jordan is arming and training terrorists...



Jordan's government has to follow the orders of the west and gcc... 9 shipment of weapons from Jordan to terrorists... those weapons only shed Syrian blood, and it didn't solve anything... but prolonging the conflict...
If Syrians wanted Alasad to leave, he would have been gone long time ago... plus you are admitting that this is not a Syrian "revolution" if this was Syrian HOME MADE REVOLUTION.. there would be no Alqaeda, and ALasad would have been gone long time ago.. I keep saying... NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN OVERCOME THE WILL AND THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE... IF SYRIANS WANTED ALASAD GONE, THEN ALASAD WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE LONG TIME AGO...
Look, if Syrians wanted him to stay in power, FSA would not have controlled 70% of Syria, the only reason that made Bashar stay in power this long is the unwavering support from the minorities who fear Sunni rule over Syria especially the Alawites. That's why Bashar use bombers, tanks, MRLs, and Scud missiles in countering FSA which is a sign of desperation, he had one of the strongest armies in the region, and nevertheless, it was almost destroyed by people carrying small arms. If Bashar had people support he wouldn't have leveled their cities to the ground and killed, tortured, imprisoned and displaced hundreds of thousands. Only Alawites, some other minorities along with terrorist mercenaries from Iran, Lebanon and Iraq who still fightin for him.

and if you know that Alqaeda will get strong, by prolonging this war, then why don't you end this bloodshed, and this war? all you (government) have to do is STOP SENDING WEAPONS AND TERRORISTS... and the war will be over... peace will be restored and elections will happen under the UN administration... why do you fear peace and elections?
And yes Jordan is arming and training terrorists...
Ending the bloodshed is by accepting a peaceful transition of power like what happened in Yemen not by helping Bashar finishing FSA.



Jordan's government has to follow the orders of the west and gcc... 9 shipment of weapons from Jordan to terrorists... those weapons only shed Syrian blood, and it didn't solve anything... but prolonging the conflict...
I hope this is true.
Look, if Syrians wanted him to stay in power, FSA would not have controlled 70% of Syria, the only reason that made Bashar stay in power this long is the a unwavering support from the minorities who fear Sunni rule over Syria especially the Alawites. That's why Bashar use bombers, tanks, MRLs, and Scud missiles in countering FSA which is a sign of desperation, he had one of the strongest armies in the region, and nevertheless, it was almost destroyed by people carrying small arms. If Bashar had people support he wouldn't have leveled their cities to the ground and killed, tortured, imprisoned and displaced hundreds of thousands. Only Alawites, some other minorities along with terrorist mercenaries from Iran, Lebanon and Iraq who still fightin for him.

Ending the bloodshed is by accepting a peaceful transition of power like what happened in Yemen not by helping Bashar finishing FSA.

I hope this is true.
Look I'm tired with you denying reality and facts... if F$A controlled 70% of Syria, explain to me outside "opposition" .... why don't they go to that part where they control? why are they outside??

look there would be no army if Syrians were against the government... the army would be dissolved, and perfect example was Iraqi Army that dissolved easily in 2003, because the people were against Saddam... you must not know Syrians... we do not fear anyone but God... if we wanted Alasad out, he would have been gone... NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN STOP US... do you ever ask yourself... if this was a true "Syrian" revolution.. why are there foreigners? why the west, Israel, gcc, and non Syrians are interfering? why does the F$A need NATO to invade Syria? don't they have the Syrian people support to fight with them?
Look at Libya for example... The whole city of Benghazi and every military in that city defected... unlike Syria... if you really claim that Syrians are against Alasad... then I don't know why Alasad is still in Damascus... do you think Russia and Iran have power over the Syrian people? if Syrians were with F$A... they would have killed anyone easily... they would have had airports and jets... just like Benghazi when defected...you are just denying facts... your hatred and racism, made you go blind... yes that is the reality... what can the minority do against the majority? if you claim that majority are against Alasad... the majority can easily win.. look at the Syrian population and army... 70% Syrian population would fall under the Sunnis category... and there are many Sunnis soldiers in the Syrian army... now you are going to say Alawaites are in control.. but that doesn't mean a Sunni can't take his gun and shoot his commander or anyone easily.. all it takes is one bullet... so why is the Syrian Army is sitll there? because the Syrian Army is the SYRIAN PEOPLE...

If you want war, then don't complain about bloodshed and destruction... I'm against bloodshed and war... I will do anything to end it... unlike the outside Opposition who ask for more weapons and bloodshed, and even ask for NATO invasion...

Wrong, he is a Freemason not Zionist, you need to differentiate between them two:


they are the same...
the dismantling of the state of jordan and the present form of "syria" is best for the muslims...
The King Of Jordan has British blood in him.

Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Of course, that would mean dealing with the Turks at some point down the line, but first the country would have to be repopulated with Jews. And the idea wasn't to bring in more of the same religious Jews who already were the majority in Jerusalem and elsewhere, but the kind of Jews who would eventually accept the Masonic view of history.

Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.
the dismantling of the state of jordan and the present form of "syria" is best for the muslims...

Such deluded misguided people, how can Jordan get dismantled? I hope for a unity with Syria but only under our rule.

The King Of Jordan has British blood in him.

Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Of course, that would mean dealing with the Turks at some point down the line, but first the country would have to be repopulated with Jews. And the idea wasn't to bring in more of the same religious Jews who already were the majority in Jerusalem and elsewhere, but the kind of Jews who would eventually accept the Masonic view of history.

Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.

You are not the first one, but I noticed Muslims living in Western countries as the most deluded, extremist and ignorant ever. If you hate them too much why do even live in their countries? I hope Western countries deport such people because they give Islam a bad name.
Such deluded misguided people, how can Jordan get dismantled? I hope for a unity with Syria but only under our rule.

You are not the first one, but I noticed Muslims living in Western countries as the most deluded, extremist and ignorant ever. If you hate them too much why do even live in their countries? I hope Western countries deport such people because they give Islam a bad name.

You seem to have no response to the facts that i posted, so like an inmature child you resort to personal attacks.

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