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Joe Biden names Indian-American Sumona Guha as Senior Director for South Asia in National Security Council

Great points. You're right insofar as if Trump was given a fair run, he would have come a lot closer. His worldview is simply not in sync with the American deep state, hence they mobilised social media against him. However, he handled Covid very poorly and this made his enemies' job easier as Covid is the card that trumps all others at this moment in history.

Pakistan absolutely must exert any counter-pressure possible via alternative routes. I fully expect Biden and Kamala to swing heavily towards India but in a subtle way. They may even pay lip service to Kashmir, which will be of zero value apart from helping some on pdf deceive themselves into sleeping better at night. Words achieve absolutely nothing in this world.
Had Trump played along on covid and instead tried to make his voters educated and mentally ready for in mail voting he could have been the president today.
The quid pro quo we were having with trump didnt give us anything on our eastern border. That just just shows we are poor negotiators.. Biden is likely to ask us to stop signing further deals with china if we want him to mediate on Kashmir.. so I dont think its going anywhere.He will continue to hammer Modi on human right abuse but practically will do nothing other than helping his opponents in next indian elections.. he will do the same in Pakistan by strengthening PDM. I believe a lot of tough time is coming up if we dont understand biden admin well, dont prepare our agenda and negotiate well on it.
Just like they supported you in your border war with China. Trump wanted to broker peace, Biden and the democrats looked the other way, and made a few statements.
No matter how many one liners and caps lock you use, the reality is very different.
The US will use India as a tool. The long term stuff stopped after South Vietnam, hint there’s a reason why you can’t find it on a map. Reflect on that deeply.....

nobody puts boots on the ground.
usa gave us real time intelligence and spares when we asked.
we will.do the fighting.
you claim.china is your ally have they fought against India by your side no way
they turned a blind eye during kargil.

all.we need is usa to continue.what they are doing.
not more not less
pakistan also ran in usa needs and India their long term.ally .
the rest we handle on our own
Trump can't move inch Pakistan for Israel recognition; then she can't do anything to us without American think tank policies for Asia. You are seeing Hasina presenting a picture to Modi. This was a tough job for Pakistan diplomacy how to break a tie between Banglesdhes and India. If we are successfully break this bond by this news

If she is not in Pakistan's interest, it is not a big deal for us how to handle her.
nobody puts boots on the ground.
usa gave us real time intelligence and spares when we asked.
we will.do the fighting.
you claim.china is your ally have they fought against India by your side no way
they turned a blind eye during kargil.

all.we need is usa to continue.what they are doing.
not more not less
pakistan also ran in usa needs and India their long term.ally .
the rest we handle on our own

Just more words mate, the fact remains they did nothing and you know it. Intelligence? The Chinese took you by total surprise, something admitted by Indian analysts. Spares? That's part of your arms contracts, nothing special about that.
At least the real Indian nationalists sitting in India are pragmatic, I rate them for that. Unlike yourself and others who sit in other countries, they were spitting venom at the US. Be it normal folk on the Times of India comment section to think tanks. They were unanimous in their condemnation of the so called 'strategic partnership' i.e. it's a one way street, and India has done so much, yet the US abandoned it not once but twice (Pakistan two years back, China last year).
First and foremost. Let us be very very clear. Indian Americans have ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS including 2016 and 2020 voted OVERWHELMINGLY for the democrats. In fact the democrats can ALWAYS rely on the fact that 70% will vote for the Democratic party. Yes there is a noisy constituency for Trump but they are just a rump. Indians quietly and consistently vote for the Democrats.

Yes I know that, and that has been the historical trend. It will be interesting to see if this remained the case with this election.

Nothing happened ????????????
Joined the NSG
Got waivers for Nuclear programme
Opened up the sale of Defence equipment ( Apaches, Latest drones, MH 60R Helos, C130J Mobile Artillery etc etc etc etc) We now have few restrictions in sourcing the cutting edge military har ware from US WITHOUT and longer the need to be allowed by congress and Senate)
Use of US Navel bases in the Indian ocean
Facilitated Indo-Israeli defence cooperation
unshackled conditions on hi-tech imports
Supported India at every international forum
Established what US claims as the MOST IMPORTANT relationship of this centaury
Supported India's accession to P5
etc etc etc
The list is far too long

I'm discussing the present and you're raising things from 20 years ago. Ok then;
Joined the NSG, I'll give you that and it was a favour, especially since India hasn't signed the CTBT.
Got waivers for Nuclear programme, same as above.
Opened up the sale of Defence equipment ( Apaches, Latest drones, MH 60R Helos, C130J Mobile Artillery etc etc etc etc) We now have few restrictions in sourcing the cutting edge military har ware from US WITHOUT and longer the need to be allowed by congress and Senate), this defence equipment has been bought and operated by a whole host of nations around the world, among which include Indonesia, Egypt, the UAE, Saudi, Singapore, Greece, etc. These are simple monetary transactions, and the US sells to many states. The real crunch came when Indian Navy and Air force chiefs, supported by government, asked for the F35-JSF, which was needed for the Indian carriers. The answer was a polite no and they offered you the F-18 Superhornet (currently being tested), or other F series planes. The reason was because of your S-400 buy, and general closeness to the Russians. Indian posters on this very forum said that India will be treated differently by the US, due to strategic ties, it wasn't. Turkey met the same result as well, so did India. This special friendship isn't quite as great as you make it out to be.
Facilitated Indo-Israeli defence cooperation, this happened decades ago and was promoted by the BJP government of the 90's.
unshackled conditions on hi-tech imports, some things.
Supported India at every international forum, lip service, India still complains of the US not being tough on Pakistan, and there's never anything concrete from the US regarding the ongoing confrontation with China, aside some statements in Congress.
Use of US Navel bases in the Indian ocean, a reciprocal agreement, they have many with a range of countries.
Established what US claims as the MOST IMPORTANT relationship of this centaury, you have to be kidding right? More important than the US/UK partnership? More important than the US/Israeli partnership, again words.
Supported India's accession to P5, yep words again. No steps taken, the US has fallen silent. How is India's progress so far? No one ever seriously expects any sort of reform of the UNSC, something which allows the US to exercise enormous influence.

Now what is the US getting back? Has the Indian economy opened up to US MNC's? Has Indian allowed US troops on its soil? Nope, and any glimpse into US history can show you that the US doesn't believe in 'half' partners. It's either all in or all out. If you are stuck in the middle somewhere, they treat you as such. Once more US engagement around the world is slowing, the US is moving on from being everywhere and in the midst of it all. That's what gave Trump, if you excuse the pun his Trump card i.e. the American people are not keen at all of the US helping X country, going to war here and there and so on. That reality you saw clearly when the US turned a blind eye to the two encounters India has militarily in the last coupe of years. They were arrogantly dismissive of it all, according to many Indian nationalists.

Trump and Obama have set a common set of interests and objectives for both our Democracies. THAT IS PERMANENT or at the very least long term.

They agreed on somethings but also diverged a great deal as well.
@The Maverick if you can't discuss anything without resorting to insults, then don't bother. Firstly it shows you have a weak argument and secondly just makes you look silly.

"Typical Pakistani mindset"

Consider yourself lucky you were not banned.
Trump can't move inch Pakistan for Israel recognition; then she can't do anything to us without American think tank policies for Asia. You are seeing Hasina presenting a picture to Modi. This was a tough job for Pakistan diplomacy how to break a tie between Banglesdhes and India. If we are successfully break this bond by this news
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If she is not in Pakistan's interest, it is not a big deal for us how to handle her.
Biden is no Trump.
For Pakistan, its always US special envoy to South Asia is important post. Like today its Khalizad, in the past there was Richard Holbrooke , Richard Olson etc
Biden is filling up important positions with Indian americans. A population of just 1% of America yet their influence in administration is tremendous. Anybody discounting their role in favoring India over Pakistan are foolish.
Indian Americans are Americans. Indians don't live in the myth of any "global brotherhood".

Indian Americans are ofcourse the most successful migrant community and that has its benefitted India in some way. But none of this benefit is political. And neither are we Indians desperately waiting for it.
Does not mean anything, it’s like saying sadiq khan who’s mayor of London will favour Pakistanis or will now hand over London to Pakistan, background does not mean anything in these situation, they are just a puppet.
Pakistanis are different boss... guys in Pak itself doesn't care why a guy in London will care...

American Indians will pay to India with interest... wait and watch buddy...
Pakistanis are different boss... guys in Pak itself doesn't care why a guy in London will care...

American Indians will pay to India with interest... wait and watch buddy...

then you haven’t seen British Pakistanis. They are more patriotic than Pakistanis themselves by a mile, and I can say that about 9/10 British Pakistanis, especially the Pakistani Kashmiris here.
Another diversity hire, just like Kamla Devi.

Kind of good for India, and every other US partner, that they are globalists.. no more Trumpian "America first", multilateralism is the way forward.
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