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Joe Biden names Indian-American Sumona Guha as Senior Director for South Asia in National Security Council

They are indeed American first and serve America's interests first. That is precisely why they have been nominated and the fact that they happen to be competent at their jobs. It is however a mistake to assume therefore that it does not benefit India and Indians generally.
Links of language, history, ancestral antecedents, and that undefinable longing that exists in the hearts of all the diaspora is not a bad start.

Biden has including many other "Indians" in his administration, at least 10 to my knowledge including some that will be driving the Federal Covid-19 vaccination project that Trump has frittered away so spectacularly.

Oh I have no doubt that they maintain ancestral links, but all this "they will vanquish or help against our enemies" is very far fetched.
Also people are taking it as a certainty that this will immensely benefit India and Indians, and as I said before we've heard it before, and so much was expected and yet nothing happened.
Does not mean anything, it’s like saying sadiq khan who’s mayor of London will favour Pakistanis or will now hand over London to Pakistan, background does not mean anything in these situation, they are just a puppet.

Yep good point, we even had Sajid as chancellor and Warsi as chairman nothing happened.
Currently Rishi and Preti are in cabinet they don't even say a peep about India.
You get it with many people that they tend to distance themselves from the politics of their ancestral lands, because it draws attention to themselves i.e. people begin to think where their allegiance lies.
Agreed , all this bullshit hype around Indian Americans is just to get Indian votes & secure their support , they are Americans period & will do what suits its interest

Yep and I would say the same about any Pakistani American serving in the cabinet. They serve their nation first and foremost, everything else takes a back seat. In actual fact you find them being more diplomatic and politically correct when it comes to affairs relating to their ancestral lands.
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Thankyou for translating my thoughts.. Regarding trump I disagree. He fixed the US economy. And created more jobs.. he rolled back on world conflicts.. For US he was good , for globalism scumbags he was pain in the a$$. He was set to win the last election and it was stolen from him by bringing in mail-in voting, covid was used politically.A trump supporter is too dumb to use in mail vote system and many of them stayed home while Democrats were able to use it to get votes from people who were too lazy to walk upto a polling booth. And then there are allegations of fraud. Can the state OCR system recognize and validate signatures?
Regardless what's happened is past now.. Pakistan has to see if the Democrats seriously help on kashmir...if they are dont Pakistan should tell them they cant walk with them in afganistan.
Great points. You're right insofar as if Trump was given a fair run, he would have come a lot closer. His worldview is simply not in sync with the American deep state, hence they mobilised social media against him. However, he handled Covid very poorly and this made his enemies' job easier as Covid is the card that trumps all others at this moment in history.

Pakistan absolutely must exert any counter-pressure possible via alternative routes. I fully expect Biden and Kamala to swing heavily towards India but in a subtle way. They may even pay lip service to Kashmir, which will be of zero value apart from helping some on pdf deceive themselves into sleeping better at night. Words achieve absolutely nothing in this world.
It is bad news for Pakistan and China. Now that Biden has appointed an indian, india will now become the hyper-power of the universe and vanquish all indians forever............. :disagree:

This is as expected. There is no point in whining. Our Pakistani friends were expecting the change in US policy with change in government. Policy of most of the countries are decided by deep state based on national intersts. Any government in power in US would have hardly made any difference in US policy towards India or Pakistan.
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Oh I have no doubt that they maintain ancestral links, but all this "they will vanquish or help against our enemies" is very far fetched.
Also people are taking it taking it as a certainty that this will immensely benefit India and Indians, and as I said before we've heard it before, and so much was expected and yet nothing happened.

Yep good point, we even had Sajid as chancellor and Warsi as chairman nothing happened.
Currently Rishi and Preti are in cabinet they don't even say a peep about India.
You get it with many people that they tend to distance themselves from the politics of their ancestral lands, because it draws attention to themselves i.e. people begin to think where their allegiance lies.

Yep and I would say the same about any Pakistani American serving in the cabinet. They serve their nation first and foremost, everything else takes a back seat. In actual fact you find them being more diplomatic and politically correct when it comes to affairs relating to their ancestral lands.
I'm sorry to disagree on a few points here. Priti Patel is quite simply a mossad "asset". She has expended more lives than a cat in maintaining her position. Anyone else accused of the harassment she has been accused of would have been thrown out by now. Someone with a lot of clout is keeping her in power.

I'm sorry to disagree on a few points here. Priti Patel is quite simply a mossad "asset". She has expended more lives than a cat in maintaining her position. Anyone else accused of the harassment she has been accused of would have been thrown out by now. Someone with a lot of clout is keeping her in power.

That’s Israel not India bro.
That’s Israel not India bro.
Absolutely, and Pakistan's belligerence towards Israel has pushed them decisively into India's arms. It is inconceivable - based on her own personal background and her ties to an agency that actively assists and enables RAW - that Priti holds a favourable opinion on Pakistan, simply impossible. I realise you're trying to brush this all off as a non-event, but that would be somewhat shortsighted of us.
Memory is bit hazy about this, but I believe one of the lead persons for the U.S. who was instrumental in having the F-16 deal with Pakistan go through successfully during 2nd Bush' presidency was an Indian-American.
Is there any Chinese ethnic appointed ? If not, it means Biden will target Chinese like what Trump did. I think it has no effect on Pakistan.
Anyone remember when Kamala Harris stated her view on Kashmir? Many of the Indian posters here simply said that India will give her the 'middle finger' and how someone from Indian parentage doesn't necessarily mean it will be a feather in India's cap. Suddenly we now have several Indian posters including the OP saying this guy will take out Pakistan and China. These guys really are an intense muddle of contradictions. :lol:
First and foremost. Let us be very very clear. Indian Americans have ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS including 2016 and 2020 voted OVERWHELMINGLY for the democrats. In fact the democrats can ALWAYS rely on the fact that 70% will vote for the Democratic party. Yes there is a noisy constituency for Trump but they are just a rump. Indians quietly and consistently vote for the Democrats.
Also people are taking it taking it as a certainty that this will immensely benefit India and Indians, and as I said before we've heard it before, and so much was expected and yet nothing happened.
Nothing happened ????????????
Joined the NSG
Got waivers for Nuclear programme
Opened up the sale of Defence equipment ( Apaches, Latest drones, MH 60R Helos, C130J Mobile Artillery etc etc etc etc) We now have few restrictions in sourcing the cutting edge military har ware from US WITHOUT and longer the need to be allowed by congress and Senate)
Use of US Navel bases in the Indian ocean
Facilitated Indo-Israeli defence cooperation
unshackled conditions on hi-tech imports
Supported India at every international forum
Established what US claims as the MOST IMPORTANT relationship of this centaury
Supported India's accession to P5
etc etc etc
The list is far too long

Trump and Obama have set a common set of interests and objectives for both our Democracies. THAT IS PERMANENT or at the very least long term.
Currently Rishi and Preti are in cabinet they don't even say a peep about India.
Rishi , a fervent and religious Hindu, being the beloved son of one of India's premier Tech company and Brexit Preti being a fervent controller of UK borders. Preti whose hands have been freed by Brexit wants nothing more than to control immigration. She is very busy formulating new immigration laws that is going to ensure all Pakistani and a major part of Indian immigration ENDS. She is going to let only the very highly qualified technical people in future, and the EU which had always stopped the UK from writing its own immigration laws can no longer interfere in the Preti-Johnson project.
Rishi is almost certainly going to take over when Johnson retires to lead the Conservatives.
This is as expected. There is no point in whining. Our Pakistani friends were expecting the change in US policy with change in government. Policy of most of the countries are decided by using ntersts. Any government in power in US would have hardly made any difference in policy for India or Pakistan.

Exactly. I agree. Because of this, india is now the hyper-power of the universe and multiverse. You can now leave PDF for good.
The thing here is important because this news is going to hurt many butts at the wrong place , only burnol can help .

Of course. Because of this unprecedented achievement, india is now 3,000,000× more powerful than China, the universe and multiverse all put together.
Anybody who thinks USA will look at india & Pakistan though the same eyes AND treat them equally is foolish .

The USA thinks tanks & pentagon has ea marked india as a potential major long term strategic ally that had to be won over years ago.

2 decades have gone AND it is only getting stronger NOT weaker regardless of who is in power,

YOU SIMPLY cannot ignore INDIA if your USA.

that is a FACT,

and INDIA need USA

firstly we enjoy a massive $40 billion trade surplus
SECOND thy support us in UN and are a counter weight to china
Third we are now buying more and more USA arms technology

I fully expect this to be maintained by biden if not accelerated

Indian voices will be heard BY USA over pakistan any day

THAT is a natural ORDER OF this bi poplar world
Anybody who thinks USA will look at india & Pakistan though the same eyes AND treat them equally is foolish .

The USA thinks tanks & pentagon has ea marked india as a potential major long term strategic ally that had to be won over years ago.

2 decades have gone AND it is only getting stronger NOT weaker regardless of who is in power,

YOU SIMPLY cannot ignore INDIA if your USA.

that is a FACT,

and INDIA need USA

firstly we enjoy a massive $40 billion trade surplus
SECOND thy support us in UN and are a counter weight to china
Third we are now buying more and more USA arms technology

I fully expect this to be maintained by biden if not accelerated

Indian voices will be heard BY USA over pakistan any day

THAT is a natural ORDER OF this bi poplar world

Just like they supported you in your border war with China. Trump wanted to broker peace, Biden and the democrats looked the other way, and made a few statements.
No matter how many one liners and caps lock you use, the reality is very different.
The US will use India as a tool. The long term stuff stopped after South Vietnam, hint there’s a reason why you can’t find it on a map. Reflect on that deeply.....
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