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JNU should be cleansed, renamed as Subhas Chandra Bose University: Subramanian Swamy


Sep 20, 2014
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JNU should be cleansed, renamed as Subhas Chandra Bose University: Subramanian Swamy
Last Updated: Saturday, February 27, 2016 - 13:10

Zee Media Bureau

Kanpur:Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) leaderSubramanian Swamyon Saturday stirred a controversy by saying that theJawaharlal Nehru University(JNU) should be renamed asSubhas Chandra BoseUniversity.

The BJP leader that the JNU should be `cleansed`.

Earlier this month, Swamy had demanded that the JNU should be shut down for four months after the final examinations in May for "fumigating" the hostels by rejecting students who do not swear allegiance to the Indian Constitution.

"But those having proven record of being jihadis, Naxalites and LTTE terrorists must be expelled from the university," he had said in a statement.

Swamy had also said those students who have not graduated from bachelor's courses and those who have not got their master's degrees in three years should be expelled.

Notably, JNU is in spotlight these days after a few students allegedly shouted anti-national slogans within its premises on February 09.

JNU should be cleansed, renamed as Subhas Chandra Bose University: Subramanian Swamy | Zee News
renaming it after a Bhagora will satisfy the ego of saffronis.
Yeah, renaming it after a Nazi will certainly get India the attention it really needs right now.

Ya right .
The quality of Admin and elder member's posts is astounding .
Subhas Chandra Bose was a socialist in his entire life.
Ya right .
The quality of Admin and elder member's posts is astounding .
Subhas Chandra Bose was a socialist in his entire life.

He was a bhagora and my people from NWFP/KpK helped him in running out of subcontinent.

We are talking about facts. Changing JNU name just because BJP affiliates hate Congress it is a shame.
Yeah, renaming it after a Nazi will certainly get India the attention it really needs right now.

Naazi ?
Hold your breathe ....
Some may find it rather coarse to liken the predicament of Jinnah and his sybaritic sponsors who never saw the inside of a prison cell to the calvary of South Africa’s black majority under the National Party.

But two things are especially dismaying in Rafia’s interpretation of events. The implication that Jinnah’s struggle was in any way peaceful airbrushes from history the hundreds of thousands who paid with their lives in the course of Partition. Their deaths were not an aberration, but the direct consequence of Jinnah’s dogmatic campaign. Dr. Rafiq Zakaria, the Gandhian politician who was active in the Indian freedom struggle, went along to one of Jinnah’s “inspirational” rallies. All he found, as he later recalled in his singeing biography of Jinnah, was communalist “venom,” which “aggravated the hostilities between the two communities as never before.”

How exactly was Jinnah “inspiring” people? A letter Jinnah received from the Himalayan town of Mussoorie, written by a young man called Zulfi Bhutto, gives us an idea. “Hindus,” it read, “are the deadliest enemies of our Koran and our Prophet.” Did Jinnah believe that preaching hate would beget love? By 1946, Jinnah was issuing calls of “India divided or India destroyed.” In 1946, Jinnah called for a Direct Action Day. Riots erupted in Calcutta, capital of the sole province then in control of Jinnah’s party, the Muslim League. Corpses lined the streets of that great multicultural city.

Jinnah’s response to this butchery precipitated by his own baleful stemwinders? “I’m not going to discuss ethics.”
If renaming JNU could bring any change for better then we need to change the names of few Gandhis. Kejriwal etc.
Earlier this month, Swamy had demanded that the JNU should be shut down for four months after the final examinations in May for "fumigating" the hostels by rejecting students who do not swear allegiance to the Indian Constitution.

"But those having proven record of being jihadis, Naxalites and LTTE terrorists must be expelled from the university," he had said in a statement.

the psychopath, submarine swamy, must be told that subhas chandra bose was one of the founders of a pre-1947 leftist group called 'all india forward bloc'.

i have listened to a few speeches of susu swamy and each time i developed a headache.
Uneducated remarks aside the JNU needs spring cleaning . Re naming it is of no consequence ( which perhaps is the reason why Sr members chose to comment only on that and not cleansing the Univ).

Far too long has tax payer money been misused to subsidise pseudo students who have education as their last priority.

SC Bose was the Pres of the Congress party FYI. Bhagora ? Every leader in Pk is Bhagora ..they all run to UK / KSA when they get booted. Don't they ?
He was a bhagora and my people from NWFP/KpK helped him in running out of subcontinent.

We are talking about facts. Changing JNU name just because BJP affiliates hate Congress it is a shame.
Drawing wrong adjective mam... But since you have done it let me also try however I leave it on you to infer the " Adjective" from the below analogy.....

To say that it was not Jinnah who was responsible for the division of India amidst the massacres of millions of Indians, mostly Hindus, is like saying that Hitler was not responsible for the murders of Jews. Hitler can very well say that he did not murder a single Jew, for he himself never went near the concentration camps where the killings were organised. So can Jinnah, as he lived atop Malabar Hill in Bombay and perhaps never visited the killing fields of Calcutta and Lahore, where millions of innocent people were slaughtered in cold blood. [1]
He was a bhagora and my people from NWFP/KpK helped him in running out of subcontinent.

We are talking about facts. Changing JNU name just because BJP affiliates hate Congress it is a shame.
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Hello....am new here....could you please help with how to make posts as a beginner?

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He was a bhagora and my people from NWFP/KpK helped him in running out of subcontinent.

We are talking about facts. Changing JNU name just because BJP affiliates hate Congress it is a shame.

May be he was a Bhagora for 'you' and 'your' people.But for Indians he was the prime example of courage and patriotism .Netaji withdrawn from politics after a tragedy .For Indians he still remain as knight in Indian independence movement .And he was a true socialist .
Noone hates any one .Its all a part and parcel of Indian politics .
JNU and some like minded universities are just wasting the resources of GoI .If you are in a university your prime motive should be academic accomplishments not some petty politics or acting like a puppets of some political parties .
Naming it SSUB (Subramanian Swamy University for Buffoons) would be better! :P
the psychopath, submarine swamy, must be told that subhas chandra bose was one of the founders of a pre-1947 leftist group called 'all india forward bloc'.

i have listened to a few speeches of susu swamy and each time i developed a headache.

There goes the freedom of expression for Hindus.

The champion of "freedom of expression" of these forums is castigating another Indian for expressing his opinion..
Oh the irony.
No wonder Malda and putting Tiwari in Jail is ok with you lot!!
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