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Jinnah Class Revealed

So Jinah Class will be less armed then Type 54 A. I seriously can't understand the point of developing super sonic cruise missile and P 282 Hypersonic Ballistic missile which can be fired from Ships and Submarines if you are not going to induct those Ships which can carry such missiles ?

Weapons are not everything, if you want to show your strength, you have to go far from the shores, the size of the ship and therefore the range must be high.
Gentlemen as most of you on this thread seems pretty well versed with various Frigate weapon components; I would like to ask a question about Vertical Launching System (VLS) on Pakistani Frigates - does Pakistani VLS single cell carry one missile or more than one; in case of more than one missile does all missile have to be same type...?
Design is good but lacks weapons we need firepower just two self defence gungs 8 ship to ship missle handfull torpedos we need bigger ship im not happy
apparently it is old design... may be new design will emerge later


This ship makes immense sense to me, essentially a slightly larger and improved Barbur that will be made fully in Pak, this is great and I think just the right size for PN (3500-4000 tons by the looks of it)

I know there are people advocating massive air defence destroyers for PN but PN needs high quality and affordable ships in numbers, looks like Jinnah can give us that, if paired with a decent SAM,/Radar, 6 of these will allow us to have 2-3 on patrol at anyone time. I would rather we have that then 3 big destroyers with only 1 on call at anytime.

Destroyer class will be imported at this stage, we are asking for trouble, if we try it at home. We are putting a lot of resources on "boomer"
Classified info Mr. spy from the east

Gentlemen as most of you on this thread seems pretty well versed with various Frigate weapon components; I would like to ask a question about Vertical Launching System (VLS) on Pakistani Frigates - does Pakistani VLS single cell carry one missile or more than one; in case of more than one missile does all missile have to be same type...?
Gentlemen as most of you on this thread seems pretty well versed with various Frigate weapon components; I would like to ask a question about Vertical Launching System (VLS) on Pakistani Frigates - does Pakistani VLS single cell carry one missile or more than one; in case of more than one missile does all missile have to be same type...?
They carry infinity stones 😑
I don't think this is the final design of Jinnah class frigate our MILGEMs went through lots of changes even when construction was started it evolved. Secondly if it's the final design of Jinnah class frigate then why is it that the navy hasn't posted the design on their official public relations account? What if this is just a concept of the ship and not the actual design? PN was supposed to develop the Jinnah class with help of turkey at this time the design should be in it's initial stages this model does not indicate this is the finalised version of the ship. And looking at the raised VLS on the ship it doesn't make sense to put a 16 cell VLS there unless it's quadpacked.
Gentlemen as most of you on this thread seems pretty well versed with various Frigate weapon components; I would like to ask a question about Vertical Launching System (VLS) on Pakistani Frigates - does Pakistani VLS single cell carry one missile or more than one; in case of more than one missile does all missile have to be same type...?
Each tube of GWS-26 VLS carry single missile
So you saw one model of a frigate that’s more than 7 years away from delivery and assumed “yeah that’s the absolute final thing”…meanwhile the Babur class is completed and they’re still changing its Armament plans and Improving it…don’t jump to conclusions like that. As it stands we know jack about the Jinnah class and it’s armament (we don’t even know the final armament for the Babur class!) and this model does absolutely nothing to change that if we consider how the Babur class changed just over the course of its construction period.
Considering previous AD capabilities available on PN assets the disappointment shown by member is not baseless however it should also be considered that PN first time in history is going to arm Turkish made corvettes with fully automatic Albatros SAM system which reportedly perhaps 3 can be carried in single launcher, so the twelve cells launcher currently can carry 36 missiles with reported range of 40 KM however their are reports that same missile is able to intercept targets as far as 60 KM.

On other hand we may expect even in 16 cells the further longer range missile from Italy or Turkey with capacity up to 48 missiles per ship which is not less by any means with full digital systems perhaps Pak milgems shall have better capability to intercept Jets/missiles as compared to Chinese type 54 AP frigates.

( It is worthwhile to mention that some sources are reporting that HQ16 b is also fully automatic and has reported range above 70 KM so PN is first time getting true capability to secure naval assets suffciently as compared to past and present)

The Jinnah class model with 16 VLS and 8 cells for ASHM/Land Attack Missiles is already displayed in IDEF 2021 so may be the overall design of Jinnah class is almost finalised and vital chances are it will not have 36 VLS.)

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