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Jinnah Class Revealed

Considering previous AD capabilities available on PN assets the disappointment shown by member is not baseless however it should also be considered that PN first time in history is going to arm Turkish made corvettes with fully automatic Albatros SAM system which reportedly perhaps 3 can be carried in single launcher, so the twelve cells launcher currently can carry 36 missiles with reported range of 40 KM however their are reports that same missile is able to intercept targets as far as 60 KM.

On other hand we may expect even in 16 cells the further longer range missile from Italy or Turkey with capacity up to 48 missiles per ship which is not less by any means with full digital systems perhaps Pak milgems shall have better capability to intercept Jets/missiles as compared to Chinese type 54 AP frigates.

( It is worthwhile to mention that some sources are reporting that HQ16 b is also fully automatic and has reported range above 70 KM so PN is first time getting true capability to secure naval assets suffciently as compared to past and present)

The Jinnah class model with 16 VLS and 8 cells for ASHM/Land Attack Missiles is already displayed in IDEF 2021 so may be the overall design of Jinnah class is almost finalised and vital chances are it will not have 36 VLS.)

Are we really going to compare PN to what it used to be after all the changes that are being made? Imo his concern is certainly baseless, on this forum we have a habit of speculating a billion things and not waiting to see them in person. As I said we know very little about what’s actually going to equip the Babur class and those ships are already finishing construction, they’ve been changing its loadout over and over and improving it. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Jinnah class has absolutely no resemblance to that model…(note how the PN MILGEM says PN MILGEM on it but the apparent Jinnah class doesn’t say it’s Jinnah class or even that it’s for PN anywhere.)

The ship is over 7-8 years out, how could it be finalized right now? In 7-8 years the entire naval armament tech is going to change. Also CAMM-ER can be Quad packed. It will be interesting to see how many Cells PN has gone with and how many missiles in each.

Also, we don’t know what exactly the Type 054APs are going to be equipped with either, navalized HHQ-16B (the designation should be HHQ-16C if Chinese media is to be followed) is definitely not ready yet, but it’s certainly under the works. I don’t think the 054APs will be equipped with it, they will almost certainly get The old HQ-16A, but it’s highly possible they will be upgraded with the better SAMs later once they become available.
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Are we really going to compare PN to what it used to be after all the changes that are being made? Imo his concern is certainly baseless, on this forum we have a habit of speculating a billion things and not waiting to see them in person. As I said we know very little about what’s actually going to equip the Babur class and those ships are already finishing construction, they’ve been changing its loadout over and over and improving it. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Jinnah class has absolutely no resemblance to that model…(note how the PN MILGEM says PN MILGEM on it but the apparent Jinnah class doesn’t say it’s Jinnah class or even that it’s for PN anywhere.)
just to add further to this point people need to remember the very first model of PN Milgem shown during the time of signing the contract was a model of Standard Milgem Corvette without any VLS and lot of disappointed discussion was carried out for some time ....

So a humble advice to forum member plz be patient .... wait for other models of Jinnah class.

BTW on personal grounds I don't even believe its the Model shown in the tweet is related to Jinnah Class
The person who snapped the picture of model during the expo learnt about that model being 'Jinnah class' from the official who was present at the spot.

There is good possibility that it's a tentative design, or one design out of multiple, from which final choice is yet to be made.

Still, whatever the layout difference might be in different designs, the configuration Navy wants in Jinnah Class is pretty much clear. A medium size frigate, which will have similar sensor and weapon package as Babur class. Difference will be in size oriented options. Like, more payload, more range, higher speed, bigger flight deck, etc etc. And this is what we actually need. A fleet of 8 - 10 Medium size Warships with state of art weapon and sensor package of Western origin.

There won't be any "indigenous" vessel of 5000 tons or 6000 tons category as people were expecting.
just to add further to this point people need to remember the very first model of PN Milgem shown during the time of signing the contract was a model of Standard Milgem Corvette without any VLS and lot of disappointed discussion was carried out for some time ....

So a humble advice to forum member plz be patient .... wait for other models of Jinnah class.

BTW on personal grounds I don't even believe its the Model shown in the tweet is related to Jinnah Class
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CAMM-ER and the NG version is definitely better than now old HHQ-16A. HHQ-16B featuring updated seekers improve the range certainly can be much longer ranged than CAMM-ER and Albatros NG.

The problem is HHQ-16 fills role of low end air defence and it needs to be cheap and fast to make thousands and thousands of. It is the main missile used but its range seems low for its size. 70km can be improved by better fuel or engine upgrades and better seekers. Right now the seekers used are simpler and lower end compared to next generation of medium range missiles for PLA and PLAN. The next generation of missiles is said to aim for mach 5 speed, 50km range, 50G turning limits and so informally referred to as the three 5s missile.

However HQ-16 is still quite valuable because it basically is like a large frame. It can easily updated to better seekers active homing or whatever PLA wants. The factory could make hundreds every week if they wanted and maybe already do.

Basically the frame is one limit and the cost of technology and components used is another. HHQ-16 frame and seeker space can allow for 100km+ range if they choose to improve with expensive and complex seekers. But its current usefulness is to carry a giant warhead and use calculated explosive cone to wrap around targets. Giant warhead also allows HHQ-16 to be used as anti-ship weapon or anti-surface in more ballistic mode to extend combat range against stationary ground targets for example.

This is why PLAN itself uses combination of HHQ-16 on smaller ships like Type 054A and mix of HHQ-9 on Type 055 and quad pack smaller missiles such as three 5s missile. Type 054A radars are not enough to use very long range weapons unless it is using datalink or form of CEC. For air defence this is much more important and harder to do than firing 200km anti-ship missiles. HHQ-16 is perfectly fine for these jobs on Type 054A for the costs but eventually it will need upgrading to fill the frame's capability.
The person who snapped the picture of model during the expo learnt about that model being 'Jinnah class' from the official who was present at the spot.

There is good possibility that it's a tentative design, or one design out of multiple, from which final choice is yet to be made.

Still, whatever the layout difference might be in different designs, the configuration Navy wants in Jinnah Class is pretty much clear. A medium size frigate, which will have similar sensor and weapon package as Babur class. Difference will be in size oriented options. Like, more payload, more range, higher speed, bigger flight deck, etc etc. And this is what we actually need. A fleet of 8 - 10 Medium size Warships with state of art weapon and sensor package of Western origin.

There won't be any "indigenous" vessel of 5000 tons or 6000 tons category as people were expecting.
I'm happy with the general design, but I hope they invest a bit more in stealthiness (e.g., raise the side super-structures so that they cover the exhaust stacks. I hope they find a way to have 32 VLS cells via the SYLVER or MDAS. Otherwise, this is a good direction if the goal is controlling cost, simplifying processes and -- above all -- building a sizable fleet.

Now we just need an original AIP submarine program.
As many members have stated this is probably an initial design which will undergo modifications before a final design is reached.

@Zarvan is highly encouraged to express his disappointment in the current design and suggest what goodies he wants included. Same goes for other members because as @Bilal Khan (Quwa) would have us believe this forum can will things into happening when it comes to the navy. :P

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