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People have make stealth a joke and F22 even being designed in 80s still managed to have RCS which is quite low also there are no spaces on body which can provide RCS .In radar only configuration it is almost impossible to detect F22 as it will detect you first and BVR will be in your tummy. Only success full way of detecting stealth is combination of instruments IRST , XBand and ground clearance .

You are rite on the money sir but there are new electronics tech appearing QUANTUM radars and chinese brothers are researching in this for quite some time they have established links via quantum satellites.

My point is if there is will then their is a way and they have gone to the extremes on it

I think our brothers have the tech and ability to see F22 from a great distance.
but if utilized on conventional aircraft it is doable in 10-15 years time.
The age of stealth will be obsolete.
6th & 7th gen aircraft will employ self healing nano tech and different spectrum of invisibility to evade sensors

e.g EMP in short bursts , laser , hidden energy fields to stop projectiles incoming hostiles threats.

Its more like scifi but un-ignoreable fact
RWR's don't have a range, they are passive receivers and the way they work, their range is exactly what the seeking RADAR's range is.

Do you know the range of F-22 RWR let alone the Radar and the range of AIM-20 ? And range of KLJ-7 A. JF-17 would be detected and fired upon by F-22 long before KLJ-A would even get a chance to detect F-22 !
RWR's don't have a range, they are passive receivers and the way they work, their range is exactly what the seeking RADAR's range is.

AN/AL 94 is the most advanced RWR of the world which can tell pilot where the enemy aircraft is and if need arises can be used to launch a missile against the enemy jet. Read up on some the specs. You'll get the idea.
I think our brothers have the tech and ability to see F22 from a great distance.
but if utilized on conventional aircraft it is doable in 10-15 years time.
no it does not work that way, even the most powful radars on jets, like F-22, F-35, J-20 and S-57 can only establish reliable track on a stealth jet within 20-30KM with very clean background and also enemy jet does not apply any counter measures`````

to detect a stealth jet is not a radar's work, or few``` 5th gen infomation centric warfare is all about battle theatre awareness, which is supported by nodes of advanced sensors, electronic waves or optics, spreading all over the theatre.

The U.S airforce and PLAAF does not "share" their thoughts much, but they do have a consensus that an air battle between a 5th gen infomation centric combat system to a 4th gen is a one way slaughter!

and the Quantum radar you have mentioned, well, that technology won't be leaving China or U.S's labs any time soon````maybe 2 to 3 decades``and by that time, the air war will be pretty much dominated by swarms of of AI fighters, drones or else````

AN/AL 94 is the most advanced RWR of the world which can tell pilot where the enemy aircraft is and if need arises can be used to launch a missile against the enemy jet. Read up on some the specs. You'll get the idea.
RWR cannot guild any missiles, in fact, anti radar missile is the least accurate missiles of all kinds, except the rockets```RWR can pick up enemy's radar waves thats for sure, however, new AESA can easily deceive it by creating a fake source, besides in a modern air-combat, there are loads of other ways to make it useless```and even for the conventional radar, just turned it off, then RWR becomes obsolete, and anti radar missile becomes headless chickens``

AN/AL 94 is the most advanced RWR of the world which can tell pilot where the enemy aircraft is

no its not, and loads of latest RWR can "roughly" tell where the source is, however, its useless as I explianed above, the best use of RWR is as it says "radar warming" please apply counter movement NOW! RUN or JAM``!
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They can also tell you where they are coming from and how long before the missile hits you, but my response was regarding your comment on RWR's range. RWR's are passive receivers and they don't have a "range" they will detect any Radar Radiation that hits them, do you agree with this?

AN/AL 94 is the most advanced RWR of the world which can tell pilot where the enemy aircraft is and if need arises can be used to launch a missile against the enemy jet. Read up on some the specs. You'll get the idea.
You are rite on the money sir but there are new electronics tech appearing QUANTUM radars and chinese brothers are researching in this for quite some time they have established links via quantum satellites.

My point is if there is will then their is a way and they have gone to the extremes on it

I think our brothers have the tech and ability to see F22 from a great distance.
but if utilized on conventional aircraft it is doable in 10-15 years time.
The age of stealth will be obsolete.
6th & 7th gen aircraft will employ self healing nano tech and different spectrum of invisibility to evade sensors

e.g EMP in short bursts , laser , hidden energy fields to stop projectiles incoming hostiles threats.

Its more like scifi but un-ignoreable fact
Its still a big claim and i never underestimate chinese and tech ,today US air force doctrine is based on system rather than aeroplane so its not aeroplane vs aeroplane any more its a combination of system vs system .at the moment US is inched away
You are rite on the money sir but there are new electronics tech appearing QUANTUM radars and chinese brothers are researching in this for quite some time they have established links via quantum satellites.

My point is if there is will then their is a way and they have gone to the extremes on it

I think our brothers have the tech and ability to see F22 from a great distance.
but if utilized on conventional aircraft it is doable in 10-15 years time.
The age of stealth will be obsolete.
6th & 7th gen aircraft will employ self healing nano tech and different spectrum of invisibility to evade sensors

e.g EMP in short bursts , laser , hidden energy fields to stop projectiles incoming hostiles threats.

Its more like scifi but un-ignoreable fact


You are so clueless as to what the americans have and what they can dowith their war machines---.

Having a will and having a 'break away ' technical advancement has nothing to do with each other---. They are decades away from where the US is today---.

This catchinh up game is going to be stopped by the sanctions---.

Just one sanction on ZTE----and the company is about destroyed---. All the corporate staff fired---.

Young man---you have no clue about the brutality of the US---when it wants to stop someone---it will smash it to pulp---.

The chinese just tasted a little bit of the medicine---and their industry got shook to the core---.


Why are you letting this thread run---. Shut it down please---.
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