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It is possible. After Abbottabad episode, Pakistan and Chinese technical experts evaluated stealth material used in down helicopter. May be they get breakthrough to find out rays which will not be absorbed by stealth coating. After all we made nuclear bomb in just 10 years. Abbottabad operation is almost 7 years ego. We do not in a position to use JF 17 in offensive operations but it is very potent in defensive operations.
It is Ramadan guys.. please..
So f22 is 100 percent invisible to radar from every angle and will become visible only with weapons bad doors open. When they are closed again it will be invisible.. ...oh dear

JF might have picked up J20 in exercises and Chinese assume it will pick up F22 also.
It's not Chinese media
It's the OP being stupid and farting above his weight

"The research institute has been promoting a series of new-generation radar capable of detecting stealth aircraft such as the US F-22 Raptor.

These new radar types, such as the YLC-8B, SLC-7 and SLC-12, integrate the traditional detection method of mechanical scanning with two-dimensional active phased array technology, so they are able to handle not only stealth fighter jets but also unmanned aircraft, and even cruise or ballistic missiles, according to the institute."

Where is KLJ 7a in that?
JF might have picked up J20 in exercises and Chinese assume it will pick up F22 also.
JF might have single handedly taken out the entire US airforce. Just an assumption by the Chinese
KLJ 7-A has capability to deny RADAR jamming so that means it has achieved 50% ability to detect F-22 as F-22 stealth is highly dependent on RADAR Jamming.

In addition the multi mode band of the RADAR is capable to detecting stealth. Keeping in mind F-22 is not 100% stealth but uses the force multiplier concept of stealth by reducing the detecting RADAR range and gaining superiority via early detection but this concept has been obsoleted by KLJ 7-A. The main issue rests if these RADARS are able to detect B-2 bomber which is a more difficult job.
KLJ 7-A has capability to deny RADAR jamming so that means it has achieved 50% ability to detect F-22 as F-22 stealth is highly dependent on RADAR Jamming.

In addition the multi mode band of the RADAR is capable to detecting stealth. Keeping in mind F-22 is not 100% stealth but uses the force multiplier concept of stealth by reducing the detecting RADAR range and gaining superiority via early detection but this concept has been obsoleted by KLJ 7-A. The main issue rests if these RADARS are able to detect B-2 bomber which is a more difficult job.

Do you know the range of F-22 RWR let alone the Radar and the range of AIM-20 ? And range of KLJ-7 A. JF-17 would be detected and fired upon by F-22 long before KLJ-A would even get a chance to detect F-22 !
KLJ 7-A has capability to deny RADAR jamming so that means it has achieved 50% ability to detect F-22 as F-22 stealth is highly dependent on RADAR Jamming.

In addition the multi mode band of the RADAR is capable to detecting stealth. Keeping in mind F-22 is not 100% stealth but uses the force multiplier concept of stealth by reducing the detecting RADAR range and gaining superiority via early detection but this concept has been obsoleted by KLJ 7-A. The main issue rests if these RADARS are able to detect B-2 bomber which is a more difficult job.
Going back a number of years when the Farnborough show was on. The b2 came to the UK for the first time. It was picked up by RAF radars. If you Google it I am sure you will find it
misleading title```

even for U.S and China that has difficulties of tracking our own F-22 and J-20```it needs a holistic detection system, radar and optical sensors, to detect stealth targets```

I dont know the U.S 5th gen air combat manuals, but for PLAAF, during exersises, all other pilots cannot fly into the "stealth corridor" unless the 5th gen fighters "revealed" their positions called in for "help"````

and also the stealth technology does not stand still, it evolves fast, As in order to counter stealth targets, China and U.S started on optical techs, both of them are leading in this field. They both have developed optical sensors that can detect small targets 150KM away! ````Russia is quite behind in this field, that is why you can see T-50 has loads of antennas all over its body```quite brilliant, but different to China and U.S, approach have to say.

for those counter measures listed above, U.S and China has invested loads on stealth coatings, that can furture reduce F-22, F-35 and J-31, J-20's stealthness to XX%, and also can be effective to optical sensors```

and the info I've got that PAF will be very likely getting 5th gen stealth fighters from China````once you have that, you'd know what is stealth````and you'd know the current air battle tactics and tachs applied can do little to 5th gen infomation centric warfare````
It's not Chinese media
It's the OP being stupid and farting above his weight

"The research institute has been promoting a series of new-generation radar capable of detecting stealth aircraft such as the US F-22 Raptor.

These new radar types, such as the YLC-8B, SLC-7 and SLC-12, integrate the traditional detection method of mechanical scanning with two-dimensional active phased array technology, so they are able to handle not only stealth fighter jets but also unmanned aircraft, and even cruise or ballistic missiles, according to the institute."

Where is KLJ 7a in that?

That is correct. The article by China Daily makes no claim whatsoever of the KLJ-7A or any sensor on the JF-17 being able to detect the F-22. The OP for some reason changed the article title and then added another ridiculous line right under the fake title saying the JF-17 block 3 can detect a frickin F-22. Very funny. The JF-17 cant. The Tejas Mk. 3 however, surely can. Dont ask how :-)

KLJ 7-A has capability to deny RADAR jamming so that means it has achieved 50% ability to detect F-22 as F-22 stealth is highly dependent on RADAR Jamming.

In addition the multi mode band of the RADAR is capable to detecting stealth. Keeping in mind F-22 is not 100% stealth but uses the force multiplier concept of stealth by reducing the detecting RADAR range and gaining superiority via early detection but this concept has been obsoleted by KLJ-7A. The main issue rests if these RADARS are able to detect B-2 bomber which is a more difficult job.

F-22 is not highly dependant on RADAR jamming. It isn't even highly dependant on its APG-77 Radar. You should read up more on this plane and its passive AN/ALR-94 system.

The aircraft that are dependant on jamming are the non-stealth aircraft like F-15s and FA-18s. The jamming itself is carried out by dedicated jamming aircraft like the EA-18G Growler and EC-130 Compass Call, and not by F-22s by any stretch of the imagination.
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People have make stealth a joke and F22 even being designed in 80s still managed to have RCS which is quite low also there are no spaces on body which can provide RCS .In radar only configuration it is almost impossible to detect F22 as it will detect you first and BVR will be in your tummy. Only success full way of detecting stealth is combination of instruments IRST , XBand and ground clearance .
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