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JF17 AESA radar

Maybe we should try the trick we use with cars :p: pop the hood and keep driving :lol:

That is what you really do with high powered electronics in aircraft for cooling. You let air ram inside.
See that opening? what do you think its for?

That is what you really do with high powered electronics in aircraft for cooling. You let air ram inside.
See that opening? what do you think its for?


I thought that was for aesthetics ! :ashamed:

Can't we have a coolant there flowing through copper (or otherwise) pipes wrapped around the heat-emitting body (or something) ? :unsure:
That is what you really do with high powered electronics in aircraft for cooling. You let air ram inside.
See that opening? what do you think its for?


:cheesy: interesting...
I thought that was for aesthetics ! :ashamed:

Can't we have a coolant there flowing through copper (or otherwise) pipes wrapped around the heat-emitting body (or something) ? :unsure:

If only it were that easy, would have made the whole hullabulla about AESA FCRs for fighters relatively redundant. Besides you can't simply "wrap" the emitting elements, its a more complex process than that.
If only it were that easy, would have made the whole hullabulla about AESA FCRs for fighters relatively redundant. Besides you can't simply "wrap" the emitting elements, its a more complex process than that.

Don't patronize me you Bloody Bihari Book-Keeper ! :mad:

I thought they did something similar in Air-Conditioning Units so maybe that same principle could be applied to other electronic components albeit of an advanced nature ! :ashamed:
We don't need J-10 yet, JF-17 can carry out all the tasks J-10 can do. And PAF already has 4.5 gen F-16 Blk-52s.

My opinion is, if India's MRCA deal goes on track and Rafael arrives early then J-10s can be considered else PAF is going to wait and save funds as much as it can to opt for 5th Gen J-3.

Why Pak is interested in J 31 and not J 20?
I thought that was for aesthetics ! :ashamed:

Can't we have a coolant there flowing through copper (or otherwise) pipes wrapped around the heat-emitting body (or something) ? :unsure:

That solution is also there.
But the newest shindigs eliminate the need for a fluid entirely.
I believe that the AESA planned for JFT is probably a smaller version of the AESA present in J-10B.....therefore in terms of range it might be slightly better than KLJ-7....or might even be the same range.

There are a couple of advantages AESA can provide JFT with...for instance it is extremely hard to jam as compared to a pulse-doppler like KLJ-7. The anti-jamming capability will give us a chance of detecting the enemy aircraft(non-stealth) at safe distances.
What specify here make me understand it that both KLJ7V2 and ZDK-03 using one-dimension ESA radar. You can call them AESA, but not what we usually mean the AESA using GaN or GaAs as T/R units which are two dimentiona ESA radar
Why Pak is interested in J 31 and not J 20?

J-31 was made for export plus it meets Pakistan's requirements better, on top of this it has the same engine as the JF-17 so maintenance will be easier.
The J-20 is too extravagant for Pakistan's needs. Its large, has a huge range and was designed as a dedicated air-superiority fighter to counter the F-22. J-20 is not intended for export.
Read the contents of a link before posting it. You sure are not aware that we are developing two different AEW
systems, are you? A beam radar mounted on EMB-145I (similar to Erieye/KJ-200) and a dome radar mounted on a yet-to-be-decided aircraft (similar to Phalcon/E-3 Sentry).

The former is in advanced stages of testing and should be entering service in couple of years, while the
link you posted speaks about the latter. In case you need information about the DRDO AEW&CS project (EMB-145I),
kindly research the internet.

I do not have to do any extensive research to find that it is the first that IAF is not interested in and the second one is no where in sight!
However, i am not looking for another D**k measuring contest that our AWACS are better then yours or that stuff, all i can say is that there is a reason that PAF rather then going for off the shelve options went for a customized ZDK platform that have been repeatedly confirmed to have significant contribution on Pakistan's part.
Also i do not feel that it is appropriate to discuss how ZDK is compared to what DROD is trying to build as, again, this is JF-17 AESA thread!
However, i am not looking for another D**k measuring contest

What makes you think the member is here for ANYTHING else? Knowledge and information sharing is last of the concerns of the self-declared analysts.
What makes you think the member is here for ANYTHING else? Knowledge and information sharing is last of the concerns of the self-declared analysts.

I wasn't dick measuring when I brought it up.:p:

Or do you dare suggest otherwise?:mad:
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