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Congrats all for PAF acquiring the JF-17B/U.

As if the PAF pilots have not suffered enough already from flying the ugly Mirages for decades, they'll now have to put up with these uglies for the next few decades to come probably.

Then again, PAF have flown worse:


Mirage 3 / 5 was the most beautiful girl in the arena when it came out---if you have any doubts---just look at the list of operators who owned this aircraft---.

This late 50's designed A6 Prolwer can Jam all the radars of pakistan military---.


Mirage 3 / 5 was the most beautiful girl in the arena when it came out---if you have any doubts---just look at the list of operators who owned this aircraft---.
Indeed SAAF we loved Mirages - we ran Mirage 3/F1. F1 was also a beauty; then of course, we stripped everything off it and rebuilt a new variant Cheetah.
looks does matter mate

Noticed how the rear seating is higher than the front one for better visibility. So this is actually an improvement compared to the F-16B and other US designs like F-14 & F-18B. Russians have been following the similar approach for their twin seaters as well.

AVIC Brochure looks to be pitching it as a LIFT aircraft, if so then the JF-17B is actually one of the most if not the most high performance LIFT options out there. It will give tough competition to YAK-130 and T/A-50.
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Ugly looking? I see it flying every other day and I bet you would like it more than the single seater when it flies
It's just a very sleek design. In this pic ACM Sohail Aman is having a check ride in JF-17B while being escorted by another JF-17A


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Ugly looking? I see it flying every other day and I bet you would like it more than the single seater when it flies
It's just a very sleek design. In this pic ACM Sohail Aman is having a check ride in JF-17B while being escorted by another JF-17A
No he's not having a check ride.....as for a check ride he will need to fly from the front seat which he can't as he has not maintained his PIC (Pilot In Command) status for a long time.
well i m sticking to my point no matter what .... may b u r genius in fighter plane stuff but without good design it wont get customers... looks and technology go hand in hand
Ok you have your opinion, i have mine, no hard feeling bro, performance matters first look/beauty comes to least consideration @Manidabest @Manidabest :angel:
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