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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

You are supremely misinformed. First of all, the right selection of composite material can bring down radar signature without the need of any RAM coating. If this fact is lost upon you, then go waste your time somewhere else.

And then you show even more immaturity in not realizing the value of reducing the nose radar signature. Targeted reduction of radar signature is common place in today's aircrafts. Especially the nose section which plays a role in the initial merge. Please actually learn something.

I have nothing to contribute to your posts. They lack real experience and basic know how. If you re-read your post yourself about 3 times and mine, you'd see how off you are in your response. Carry on but no discussion from my end.
I have nothing to contribute to your posts. They lack real experience and basic know how. If you re-read your post yourself about 3 times and mine, you'd see how off you are in your response. Carry on but no discussion from my end.

You need to place this guy on your ignore list, he's a well known troll and narcissist.
You need to place this guy on your ignore list, he's a well known troll and narcissist.

Yea, I've seen it from his posts elsewhere. Einstein is linking airframe, radar cross section, RAM's, nose design and all this ........with a merge! Someone go figure the seas apart gap in the actual topic, real application and his entirely post.
I have nothing to contribute to your posts. They lack real experience and basic know how. If you re-read your post yourself about 3 times and mine, you'd see how off you are in your response. Carry on but no discussion from my end.

Sure, let's look at your post
There is no radar absorbing material or "super skin" used here.

There is? See the note of finality. You have passed your final judgement? Instead, 'I think...', or 'Maybe', 'Or it looks like...'.

These are aluminum based or at best, strengthened Carbon fiber pieces with green paint on them.

You came so close, yet remained so far. If they can be carbon fiber pieces, they can also be some other carbon derivative. Which supports my hypothesis of LO nose.

On a Radar friendly airframe, putting a few feet worth of material to reduce a few feet's radar cross section makes no logical sense. This airframe will need to be redesigned to reduce it's cross section. It's smaller size certainly helps it.

So it's not making any logical sense to your superior intellect? The airframe WILL need to be redesigned? And on top of that, you are so full of yourself that you have the impudence to call me out.
yaap even after installation before ahnding over to Testing and evaluation squadron PAC test JF-17 for all systems approximately 2 weeks so it will take some time as it was standing at the station were avionics will be installed
I suspect we will see a dozen delivered to PAF in March not before.
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In all likeliness will take much longer.
Really. Do you not think that if we saw 9 planes at various stages of delivery in the 9th month, we an not have the 12 delivered by March ie 6 months away.
yeah, it’s also been up engined to carry the F135(remember the LOAN nozzle you were talking about? yeah it’s because we have replaced RD93 with F135.) They also replaced the landing gear with a giraffes neck (remember; the taller gear you mentioned?) oh and they also have turned the whole aircraft into a fuel tank (see below- the green=fuel tank[1]). Alongside that there’s also been structural changes on the inside as you mentioned above, now each JF-17 carries a section full of helium gas so that it can increase its payload capacity due to the buoyant properties of helium.

see below:

JF-17 Block 3 - green due to the entire airframe being a fuel tank
View attachment 776066

also, ACM sent me a text saying that they’re replacing radomes with Punjabi samosay so it’s pointer and thus stealthier.
I keep on instigating them to do some research to bring out some useful debate, but looks like they are all school kids. I am here for a shortwhile.


He has an extremely poor engineering background & is clueless of metal and material.
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