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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

a nice pic indeed

Targets in most of the cases were unaware of being fired at and did not take any evasive action; mostly targets have no electronic countermeasures and support of jammers. When targets got aware and took evasive actions, the results were different.
Be careful about this assertion. While it is true, in no way does it mean that missiles are useless.

If we go back to the pre missile era, as in WW I and II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, in general idea, it was no different with machine guns.

When the target was surprised, the odds of victory increases dramatically. When the target was aware of the fight, the odds of victory decreases and often times, the tables were turned when the predator became the prey.

Machine guns forced the combatants to engage in distances of meters where the odds of the predator becoming the prey is high.

Missiles allows the combatants to engage in distances of kilometers where the odds of the predator surprises the prey is high.

Since so often that great pilots turned the tables on their attackers -- the prey became the predator -- do we criticize the machine guns ?

A major component of air combat is about putting one's self in advantageous positions and the more hidden those positions are, the better. No pilot want to engage an aware opponent, in other words, all pilots want the element of surprise. If the missile fails, the enemy is not going to hunt down the missile. Whereas with the machine gun, if the hunter missed, he could be outmaneuvered and become the prey.

The machine gun reached its apex of development a long time ago. Now is the time of the missile with the gun being the weapon of last resort.
The picture above although in PAF colors, is missing insignias.
I believe this is a mockup and not a real jf17. For some exhibition or function.

Its not a real one.

Why would they make a mock up per the original size? Could have easily done with a smaller one. a little confusing.
I have never seen such detailed full size mock up for any fighter in my life

Has any one???
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