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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

It depends if the Air Force requires/requests more than 50 Block 2s otherwise it'll be 2019 onwards for Block 3s I think.
with lack of any more fighters coming i think PAF should keep the block 2 running till 3 comes in, can later lease/sell some of them
so block 3 will be 18-301?
in 2018 is PAC continue to manufacture block 2 like 18-251 to 18-267?

You might probably see the first block 3 by November, December of 2018.
If I remember correctly, the first block PAC made block 1 rolled out in November 2009.
The First Block 2 in November 2015. could be a sequence.
You might probably see the first block 3 by November, December of 2018.
If I remember correctly, the first block PAC made block 1 rolled out in November 2009.
The First Block 2 in November 2015. could be a sequence.
I think PAC might struggle bringing out Bl3 in 2018. we might be able to do them by 2019 as there are quite a few things which will be going into Bl.3 and these will require testing. So lets wait and see.
I think PAC might struggle bringing out Bl3 in 2018. we might be able to do them by 2019 as there are quite a few things which will be going into Bl.3 and these will require testing. So lets wait and see.

I hope we see them as potent enough system to take on anything thrown at us by adversaries.
Paf chief interview said 2019-2020. So i expect it in late 2019

I think he was talking about production not prototype and testing correct , prototype may be in works but production at pac will commence in 2019-20 time frame depending on test and trials plus pac video states all previous blocks can be upgraded to future block so pac can continue with block 2 and production from 19-20, if needed previous blocks can be upgraded if and when required

The video is available at PAC site ;)
an example how a system can become formidable if exploited to maximum potential
Thanks Dr. Sb for the video.

JF-17 must have incorporated these design features that make Gripen such a wonderful machine. JF-17 is made for high sortie rates. PAF can use road network in case of emergencies and it is exactly this type of set-up that would be needed. Many people think that JF-17 is not a potent-enough a platform and do not consider its many advantages that are mainly due to its small size.

Even if PAF had a few twin-engined behemoths, they are not likely to matter a whole lot while facing off massive wave attacks. It is nimble and rugged machines like Gripen and JF-17 that are likely to survive through dispersion and make life difficult for enemy who can not generate a high sortie rate.

Much is made of the fact that JF-17 has high wing loading. People talk about need to increase the wing span and add hard points until JF-17 matches F-16. Well, high wing loading means lower lift, but also lower drag. It means ability to fly at lower & denser altitude and perform well. It also means that the aircraft can take off from a highway close to action to support ground forces, and return quickly to generate another sortie. A loaded JF-17 requires around half a kilometer of runway (or highway) to take off. Motorways can be used for aircraft, but a small fighter like JF-17 does not need motorway per se. I have seen regular roads that are set up for PAF use.

Paf chief interview said 2019-2020. So i expect it in late 2019
Despite that I am still hoping for Block-III production commencement by end-2018.
I think he was talking about production not prototype and testing correct , prototype may be in works but production at pac will commence in 2019-20 time frame depending on test and trials plus pac video states all previous blocks can be upgraded to future block so pac can continue with block 2 and production from 19-20, if needed previous blocks can be upgraded if and when required

The video is available at PAC site ;)
The likelihood is the slack will be taken up by export Planes and twin seaters. It does not make snse to make plane and then modify it. Rather do it once but do it correctly.
You might probably see the first block 3 by November, December of 2018.
If I remember correctly, the first block PAC made block 1 rolled out in November 2009.
The First Block 2 in November 2015. could be a sequence.
If my memory correct then as per Air chief statement i read here in PDF, it will be first quarter of year and Mar or April he said
You might probably see the first block 3 by November, December of 2018.
If I remember correctly, the first block PAC made block 1 rolled out in November 2009.
The First Block 2 in November 2015. could be a sequence.

Some quasi-recent sources are implying that late 2019 would be an entry-to-service date, while the actual Block III prototype could make an appearance as early as the dawn of 2018.
Wiki pedia says jf17block1 upgrraded to block 2 is that right???
Secondly if they have to be updated what u guys think that it will be either just avionics changes or upgraded block 1 will have more internal fuel capacity as well as more weapon load and for more weapons load offcourse material changes will be required too strenghtenibg of wings reqd etc etc ???
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