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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 6]

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No. Its a cruise missile of C-700 series.
You could be right but look at the mid-body fins. Your C-700 I expect to see them larger.

For the CM-series, they tend to be close to the body. The two photos below both show CM-Series missile - including the gray one next to the SD-10.
PLAAF PL-12 + new AAM-LR.jpg
PLAAF new AAM-LR - maybe CM-102.jpg
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China-Pakistan Fighter Jet Nears First Foreign Deal
By Bloomberg News Nov 14, 2014 10:38 AM GMT+0500

An unidentified Middle Eastern country is in “advanced” talks to make the first foreign purchase of a fighter jet jointly developed by Pakistan and China.

The joint sales team from the Pakistan Air Force and China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation also known as CATIC, are in advanced talks with 10 other countries to sell the JF-17 Thunder, said PAF Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, who heads sales and marketing for the fighter jet.
“We are in advanced negotiations with a Middle Eastern country, but the political situation over there has delayed the deal,” said Mahmood in an interview at the Zhuhai Air Show yesterday, declining to give more details. “But we still expect them to be our first foreign client.”

The JF-17 Thunder fighter jet is among several aircraft China is seeking to export, after designating its domestic aerospace sector as a key national strategic industry. The twin-engine jet was jointly designed and manufactured by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China, also known as AVIC.

The partners are in “advanced talks” with clients in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America for jet sales, Mahmood said. He declined to identify any of them. Prospective orders will be for the third block of 50 planes, with the Pakistan Air Force having ordered the first two blocks of 50.

Dual-Seat Version
Mahmood said there are plans in place for a dual-seater version of the JF-17 Thunder after feedback from potential clients. The third-generation fighter jet, also known as FC-1 Dragon by the Chinese, can be used for aerial reconnaissance and has air-to-air and air-to-surface combat capabilities, according to its product website.

Flightglobal, an aviation-related website, previously reported that the partnership was close to making its first foreign sale.

A mock up of the single-seat, single-engine JF-17 is on display at the Zhuhai Air Show that started Nov. 11 in the province of Guangdong, along with several others produced by AVIC -- including the J-31, one of China’s fifth-generation stealth fighters.

The J-31 gave its first public demonstration at China’s largest air show on Tuesday. Manufactured by a Shenyang AVIC subsidiary, the fighter is a test of the country’s ability to deliver cutting-edge defense technology.

Still largely-shrouded in secrecy, the production of the fighter could add heft to China’s sea and air expansion in the region and its push-back against decades of U.S. economic and military dominance.

To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Clement Tan in Hong Kong at ctan297@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Anand Krishnamoorthy at anandk@bloomberg.net; Rosalind Mathieson at rmathieson3@bloomberg.net Andrew Davis, Greg Ahlstrand
CETC new tactical data link (first export-oriented tactical data link) which most probably be installed in JF-17 and new EW pod from China, KG600 Airborne self protection Jammer as well as KZ-900 ELINT pod

@Oscar @Dazzler


中国电子科技集团公司 (CETC WEBSITE)

Ironically KG600 and KZ-900 both are new products of CETC and seems to be the successor of KG300G and miniaturization of KZ800 system

KZ800 Airborne Electronic Intelligence System

The KZ800 is a computerised airborne electronic intelligence (ELINT) system designed to be installed on medium- to large-size aircraft to detect, identify and locate hostile land-based or shipborne radar emitters operating within frequency band 1.0-18.0GHz, and accurately measure and analyse the intercepted signal parameters. The analysis of the aforesaid radar information can provide key information on the configurations of hostile air defense radar networks, the distribution of enemy operational airports, and the deployment of enemy artillery and missile troops.

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Anymore info on the capabilities of the DTS-03 system?
in ARM CM102 seems to be a good choice .... LD 10 can also be integrated inJF17
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AIRSHOW CHINA: Pakistan outlines JF-17 upgrade activity

By: Greg Waldron

The new configuration features improved avionics and better software, and adds a fixed air-to-air refuelling probe, says Air Cdre Khalid Mahmood, chief executive of JF-17 sales .

As the article mentioned is it only that much or does it include something more? Like AESA
I was also expecting more, like the JF17 fanboys, considering Chinese growth rate

In December, Pakistan will begin taking delivery of 50 JF-17s configured in the Block II configuration. Beyond this, its air force has options to take its fleet of the type up to 150 or 200 aircraft. Additional improvements are foreseen in a planned Block III upgrade.

Are you going to get all 50 retrofitted aircrafts in December ?:o:
Can u upgrade all 50 in one go ?
Who wants to start a betting pool to guess when the CX-1 will be integrated onto an aerial platform?

It's rumored that there are two variants: one that is shore-based and one that is VLS-based.
We have our own proprietary data link.

Perhaps software side is handled by us where hardware is procured from china ?

Anymore info on the capabilities of the DTS-03 system?

No, It was unveiled yesterday, it would take some time until specs of KG600 and DTS-03 are revealed
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