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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 6]

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"Pakistan sent 18 JF-17 to china"

Well that's a pleasant surprise. A news kept hidden so well nobody noticed there was a air combat exercise in western china

Could be getting equiped with you know what...

AIRSHOW CHINA: Pakistan outlines JF-17 upgrade activity

By: Greg Waldron

Pakistan is in the process of retrofitting its 50 Chengdu/Pakistan Aeronautical Complex JF-17 fighters to an improved Block II configuration.

The new configuration features improved avionics and better software, and adds a fixed air-to-air refuelling probe, says Air Cdre Khalid Mahmood, chief executive of JF-17 sales and marketing.

Mahmood spoke to Flightglobal at the Pakistan booth at Airshow China in Zhuhai. He was part of a 20-strong delegation from Pakistan, which also brought a single JF-17 to appear in the static display.

Rex Features
Pakistan brought large contingents to the 2010 and 2012 shows, which included three JF-17s, transport aircraft and the nation’s display team. Mahmood scotched speculation that the pared-down presence reflects any change in Pakistan/China relations.He says the two countries still have an excellent working relationship, and notes that Pakistan sent a squadron of 18 JF-17s to a recent air combat exercise in western China.

Given the small size of the combat fighter, a fixed refuelling probe was found to be preferable to a retracting one. Pakistan uses the Ilyushin Il-78 to provide air-to-air refuelling for its fleet.

In December, Pakistan will begin taking delivery of 50 JF-17s configured in the Block II configuration. Beyond this, its air force has options to take its fleet of the type up to 150 or 200 aircraft. Additional improvements are foreseen in a planned Block III upgrade.

Mahmood adds that the air force is satisfied with the fighter's Klimov RD-93 engine. The powerplant can currently be operated for up to 800 flight hours between overhauls, but there is an effort under way to improve this.Mahmood reveals that the type has seen combat in western Pakistan, where it has employed both guided and unguided munitions.
AIRSHOW CHINA: CATIC hunts elusive JF-17 export deal
By: Greg Waldron

CATIC has entered discussions with up to eight countries about the Chengdu/Pakistan Aeronautical Complex JF-17 fighter, but political turmoil in the Middle East has delayed a foreign purchase of the aircraft.

Speaking to Flightglobal at the AVIC stand at Airshow China in Zhuhai, CATIC vice-president Zeng Wen says some of the nations could be getting close to signing a contract.This positive attitude mirrors comments by CATIC and Pakistani officials over the last few years.

One Pakistani official, however, says political turmoil following the Arab Spring revolutions in some Middle Eastern nations has delayed take-up of the new type, which is designed to be a cost-effective fighter ideal for the air forces of developing nations.

Zeng adds that CATIC and the Pakistan air force will continue to push for overseas sales, and to attend more air shows. He could not say whether the JF-17 will appear at the Paris air show in June 2015, however.

Pakistan air force
When asked about the heavy promotion of the developmental Shenyang J-31 at the Zhuhai show, Zeng says CATIC is "not involved too much in this aircraft". He expresses similar sentiment about the Xian Y-20 transport, which also appeared at the show.

Longer term, however, he foresees potential for China to sell advanced fighters beyond the JF-17.
"The development of technology will see our customers come to us with upgrade requests," he says. "This kind of high technology, advanced aircraft should meet somebody's request in the future."

As for other types, Zeng confirms that the Hongdu L-15 advanced jet/lead-in fighter trainer has found an export customer. He declines to specify the country or the number of aircraft involved, but Flightglobal's MiliCAS database records the Zambian air force as having six of the type on firm order. Work is being undertaken with the type to increase the range of weapons it can carry.

"I'm confident the L-15 compares favourably to other trainers on the international market, such as the [Korea Aerospace Industries] T-50, the [Alenia Aermacchi] M-346 and the [Irkut] Yak-130," he says.

Zeng adds that there is also strong interest in China's vertical lift products, such as the Harbin Z-9. CATIC's clients are mainly interested in helicopters for search and rescue, counter insurgency and transport missions.
CATIC is a unit of Chinese aerospace conglomerate AVIC. It employs several hundred people and has representatives in 54 countries.
[Global military report] at this air show, the Pakistan Air Force exhibited an FC-1 fighter, the scale is less than the previous two exhibitions as a huge contingent of exhibitors. Reporters in China Aviation Museum exhibition FC-1 interview with the Pakistan Air Force Major General Khalid • Major General Mahmoud.

Reporter: Compared to the previous two Zhuhai Air Show, the Zhuhai Airshow this we only saw an FC-1. Why on such a grand celebration, Pakistan did not send "lion" flight demonstration team it?

Khalid: This year's air show is different. This year's focus is the J-31, -20, and various radar operation. With them, this is a good session airshow. We understand that. But we also brought a gift, you can see us on the outside of the JF-17 (ie, FC-1).

Reporter: Zhuhai Airshow previous two we can encounter a lot of the Pakistan Air Force pilots and ground crew. But this year we often encounter on the Zhuhai Airshow UAE pilots rarely see Pakistan Air Force personnel.

Khalid: Yes. Before we send a lot of planes fly in Zhuhai, so we'll have a lot of pilots, engineers and service staff. But this time we are coming from Chengdu, came only six people.

Reporter: As you said, the focus is on J-31, you have any comments on behind the J-31?

Khalid: This is a high-tech and high-quality aircraft. Really impressive, so that everyone participate in Zhuhai Air Show this session have left a deep impression. This is a strong signal that China has made considerable progress in aircraft manufacturing. This is a huge jump, but this is not the first time, but the second time. We are also very proud of this, because you are our friend.

Reporter: Zhuhai Airshow last time a lot of Jian Shi Pakistani military officers showed great interest in the past two years Pakistan has the intention to buy Jian Shi it?

Khalid: We are currently co-production of fighter only JF-17 (ie, FC-1). There are 48 in production. Next month and there will be a number of new fighters appear. So we have a good few years.

Reporter: Chengdu Jian Shi and J20 is produced, there is no contact with the Pakistan Air Force aircraft?

Khalid: Our pilots have flown Jian Shi a. But the J-20 to show us before, we only saw, no driving too. Next month the latest batch of JF-17 will appear, aircraft conducted a lot of improvements, equipped with new weapons. This is great progress.

used google translator
jian shi is J10
"Pakistan sent 18 JF-17 to china"

Well that's a pleasant surprise. A news kept hidden so well nobody noticed there was a air combat exercise in western china

When are the earliest JF-17s coming up for the engine O/H considering that their Klimovs have a MTBO of abt 800 hrs? And where are the MRO facilities for that located?
When are the earliest JF-17s coming up for the engine O/H considering that their Klimovs have a MTBO of abt 800 hrs? And where are the MRO facilities for that located?

I believe some have gone through the overhaul as it was mentioned here in an interview posted earlier. Most facilities regarding the JF-17 are based at PAC at Kamra.
The jpg file of the Jf-17 is labelled 15 July 2009.

Here, by Google, the images has been on the net since July 09.
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And also the question as to why the Thunder had no participated in any international exercises .

Pakistan sent a squadron of 18 JF-17s to a recent air combat exercise in western China.

Yes, this is a famous excuse that is given and I am sorry, I don't buy it. Our weaponry is not any more advanced or of Martian origin than what many other countries have in their arsenals. If they could put them on display, so can we. Take for instance that H4 stand off weapon. What was/is so unique about that weapon system that we have not seen one photo of it either hanging from a pylon or being launched from the aircraft. Was that any better than SOWs in use with IAF, USAF, or other air forces? I understand weapon systems can be kept secret until next generation weapons become available but for ever? This does not make sense and it means only one thing; those weapons were not operational rather prototypes. Our cruise missiles can be displayed but not H4... does this make sense? A plethora of weapons is revealed/displayed on the ground, but not hanging on the pylons of a flying aircraft... what does it mean? Weapons are already disclosed but cant be shown in the air? Come one, please educate me about PAF's logic.

I believe that Pakistan's secrecy is more for not allowing the enemy to counter the weapons in hand. We have to keep in mind that the enemy has enough money to counter almost everything we get just through purchases. If they don't know what we have they're less likely to counter it. It has less to do with safeguarding the technology.

Plus the element of surprise will never grow old or useless when it comes to conflicts.
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