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JF-17 Sale To Argentina Ensures Indian Agony Continues

It says they asked the government for money to buy jets. But they did not tell which country they going to buy the jets.
The Ministry of Defense informs that, by means of a Public Credit Operations Authorization note, it has requested the inclusion for the 2022 Budget of the credit management authorization for up to USD 664 million for the acquisition of multipurpose fighter aircraft, for the surveillance and control of the air space.
Likewise, this ministry clarifies that it has not been issued regarding the purchase of supersonic aircraft of any origin and is in the technical-economic and financial evaluation stage of five alternatives.

The name of the jet is mentioned just once, in the section of Public credit operations (Operaciones de credito público), on page 61 of the Annex to the Article 39. The name of the section is also visible in the picture attached to the original tweet by the PSF.

The section does not involve the money allocated for purchases; rather, it lists requests for funding from the National Treasury. Which means that the government has not allocated the funds: it just requested them for the project.

Iran would be better served by buying a derivative of the Su30SM from Russia and then working with Russia on Checkmate or China on the FC-35 project as a strategic programme - all with TOT & Co-development. Iran needs a platform with a very large payload and a long range.

Given Russian delays over delivering SAM systems, etc. China is the better bet.
What you said sounds great for the longer term, something like a Su30SM would be great as a airsupporiortiy asset, but Iran also needs a lower cost, all purpose jet that It can have in large numbers.

Not to mention Pakistan would be a much more safer, and reliable partner than Russia who frequently backtracks on deals

Iran signed some MOU with China recently, not much is publicly known about the massive agreement but perhaps airforce cooperation would be included in it.
Correct. Premature self-congratulations should not be allowed to hurt the thunder project. We congratulated each other over the finalization of the Malaysian deal too soon, and it is best to wait and watch before taking extreme positions that would hurt our credibility. While thunder does come as the frontrunner in Argentina’s case, we should still err on the side of caution.
It's a bit late for that. This is currently causing flames wars all over the internet. The problem is that this attention will allow other to scupper the deal.
It's a bit late for that. This is currently causing flames wars all over the internet. The problem is that this attention will allow other to scupper the deal.
Unfortunately any news that shows Pakistan in positive light causes flame wars for obvious reasons
final ingredients being added before delivery to "Chai Wala" for making cold tea and serving to indians so they can Chill

While Pakistani media is quoting British defence journal as it's source for the subject news, but what can stop fake factory Patils to create their own version, surely Indians have pioneered other methods to cool their flaming backsides.

View attachment 779423
Modi after 2/27 trying desperately to shrink his 56"

Argentina is not going to buy any fighter jets soon, todays news, not JF 17 or others. I have long suspected that they dont have the money for the procurement, now its confirmed.

Another Thread by the same poster debunked ? Things are not looking good for Old Uncle Whatsapp :tdown:
Just listen to Indian media applying ice to where sun don't shine by claiming that Pakistan is selling JF-17s to Argentina to lighten it's heavy debit load. I mean do other countries sell their military equipment to join a Casino or similarly to stable their economy and provide jobs to their citizens.

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Sun tzu: "Know your enemy"
Indians: "No we won't".
Sun tzu " know your enemy "
Indians: No you our enemy
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