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JF-17 is now Battle Tested (Air to Air & Air to Ground)

yesterday you were spitting venom against PAF, what happened to you all of a sudden ?


We were---and we would in the future as well if such a situation arose---.

We never live on the past performances of the military---.

It is always and always---what have you done for the country today and what are you planning to do tomorrow---.

It sounds extremely selfish---but such is the nature of the job---because consequences can be catastrophic---.
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Oh wah, what a logic! Pure cowardice. Your blood was not shed, right. Not because Indians set the target locations into the open space. No, not at all. Indians wanted to kill innocent students in a school. It's their bad luck they missed it. But their claim of killing 300 or more terrorist was actually the script prepared much before their failed strike. That shows how serious they were to kill 100s of pak childer. What a shame on you cowards. Allah saved you from catastrophe and you are telling us why should we kill the enemy. If hit, it would have been much worse than APS terrorist attack. Allah saved us.

It's not just a coencidence that they wanted to kill scores of our children in this surgical strike. They have done it with us before in APS but indirectly using the terrorists of Afghan NDS and TTP. Now they wanted to do that directly by themselve. God forbid, had Indians succeeded in doing that, they would unleash a blackmailing global campaign to blame Pakistan as a country supporting terrorism. Hit you where it hurts the most and then not allowing you even cry.

Ok, fine. Let Modi get off the hook and get away with his grave crime of aggression against our country. I am 200% sure Indians will subsequently prepare much better and launch a similar or even worse attack in Pakistan (they failed in 1965, they prepared well in next 5 years and then broke Pakistan in 1971) killing scores of children in Pakistan. I am sure you'll then get at least some shame in yourself. I hope your son or brother wouldn't be among the dead. Or else you'll get much more than just the shame.

I have seen the burger babies - our libral seculars - having wet pants, shevering with fear, and abusing our armed forces, especially PAF and its chief, in desperation after the Indian attack yesterday. That really exposed the shallow personality of these bloody cowards. Now that Pak has turned the tables on Indians, these idiots want to go back to normal as soon as possible leaving the mission unachieved. These idiots, adicted to Indian movies, don't really have any shame in them or realization the pains that the people of occupied J&K are going through.

Fvck these libtards. We going to hang them along side Modi.
F16s were not part of strike force. CONFIRMED by serving lot. They might be in the prephery but not part of strike package. PAF deployed SOWs,all home made , H series and REKs. F16 DO NOT CARRY these weapons. Only mirage and JFs do.

This is what was deployed.

Not using F-16s means no ability to track the PAF fighters!!! That's not what's promised....

The entire game plan was based on IT folks in H1-B visas and "outsourced" job centers....
One is a 21 bison, other one is a mirage from the looks of wreckage. Where is Su? Perhaps Su wreckage fell in IHK!! In any case, tremendous disgrace being shot down by a new comer. Callous miscalculation and overconfidence.
Good tgat we have willing full pm to answer india as it litens nawaz sharif was big phatoo

Lets come to topic any info it was BVR missile which we lacked in kargill war

Wonder why SU 30 IAF did not sent instead of tgese flying coffins

Look like abhiband belongs to low cat he was given sucidal mission

Good tgat we have willing full pm to answer india as it litens nawaz sharif was big phatoo

Lets come to topic any info it was BVR missile which we lacked in kargill war

Wonder why SU 30 IAF did not sent instead of tgese flying coffins

Look like abhiband belongs to low cat he was given sucidal mission
I live near the PAF base and just few minutes ago i heard fighter jets taking off in the sky .They were definitely up to something.Looks like its escalating.
what is this negative vector thing ? anyone explain .

It's a mathematical term. A 'Vector' in space denotes a direction. Observing from a perceived stationary point in space a negative Vector would mean a direction vector in the opposite plane from the positive plane. Here its just meant that the aircraft which fell in IOK was travelling back towards IOK when it got hit, so opposite direction.

Thunder was not used anywhere in this incident. Only F16 from No. 9

A very recent facebook status of air commodore retired kaiser tufail


Absolutely brilliant performance by the PAF. Top class demonstration of professional abilities by pilots of No 9 Squadron. The most commendable part of the operation was the deadly response within 24 hours, as promised by the Air Chief. Also very encouraging is the fact that these were PAF's first-ever Beyond Visual Range (BVR) kills, achieved through masterly tactics which completely confused the enemy despite AWACS support. (DG ISPR misreported that F-16s were not employed). PAF lost no aircraft in the operation, so please don't believe the fake news churned out by Twitter and other social media.

Cheer up Modi. Cow Cola for you, I'll have a Pepsi. Bottoms up.
First of all DG ISPR is in service and more credible at the moment. Secondly, FB posts can't be treated as valid source and neither Kaiser Tufail will go that way. Time to keep it with Official Statement by DG ISPR.

Add to that the fact that Air Cmdr Tufail has previously provided incorrect information on multiple occasions. Once even about a member of this very forum. Not his fault, he's human too.

@Telescopic Sight Could you please provide a screenshot of his status? I couldn't find it.

Not using F-16s means no ability to track the PAF fighters!!! That's not what's promised....

The entire game plan was based on IT folks in H1-B visas and "outsourced" job centers....

Haha, abi, this is why we love you. Don't ever leave us.

Good tgat we have willing full pm to answer india as it litens nawaz sharif was big phatoo

Lets come to topic any info it was BVR missile which we lacked in kargill war

Wonder why SU 30 IAF did not sent instead of tgese flying coffins

Look like abhiband belongs to low cat he was given sucidal mission

Same reason they sent the Vampires in 65. Do read up on it, it was a pretty entertaining incident.
Why would Pakistan want to incur casualties on India if India's bombing run did not inflict human, material damage on our side?
This is a valid point since IAF did no damage on ground except vegetation and one wounded boy, PAF had no interest to cause loss of human loss. Those who are enjoying the thought that IAF killed scores of gun totters inside Pakistan can keep themselves deluded for as long as they want.

It would be interesting to know which AAM was used and the distance from which the kill was made. Also did HMDS play a part. Was AWACS sending instructions or ground controller.

Not using F-16s means no ability to track the PAF fighters!!! That's not what's promised....

The entire game plan was based on IT folks in H1-B visas and "outsourced" job centers....
Do you think that information on flight of F-16's would have been transferred across the border by USA as soon as the F-16's took off?

100 percent success rate. A to A or A to G. Achieved and back on base.
Your take please . No F16 took part this strike mission. 2 kills in interceptor role and bomber role.
All six ground target hit. Precision strike without any collateral damage.
Subcontinent has been a volatile place since centuries. JF-17's kills come from scoring hits against Pakistan's unfriendly neighbors (Iran and India) who have allied themselves with each other to corner Pakistan from both sides, east and west. Thanks to the China, a friendly neighbor, for sharing the technology of FC-1 to produce JF-17.
This is a valid point since IAF did no damage on ground except vegetation and one wounded boy, PAF had no interest to cause loss of human loss.

Obviously. Pakistan played its hand brilliantly. The whole operation was extremely well thought out. The whole narrative built by the military is even better.

Naive posters will still create hullabaloo though. That's all they're good for.

Also did HMDS play a part.

No F-16s took part in the op. We only have one old picture of a Mirage pilot with an HMD on, besides they wouldn't have been used for the interception. The rest don't have HMDs.

It would be interesting to know which AAM was used and the distance from which the kill was made.

Given that F-16s weren't used, it had to have been either the PL-5 or the SD-10. With reports of them being BVR kills, we might just have the SD-10's first ever kills (someone correct me if I'm wrong, please).
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The event of the last two days have shown the PAF is the tip of the spear of the Pakistan Armed Forces. The JF-17 with 15 years of operational experience is now getting a chance to prove itself. Reports state the JF-17 has fired BVR missiles and carried out air strikes.

Can the JF-17 Block II now be considered a full spectrum battle tested fighter? (beyond its counter insurgency operations)

This experience of the last 48-72 hours can help refine the JF-17 Block III design, although this standoff episode is not over yet. The amount of Stealth Shaping, EW equipement, the need for an IRST or not, The need for improved Missiles/PGMs and in which way, if the plane's size needs to be increased based on the profile of real world CAP missions carried out, if the design should be increased by 25% like @MastanKhan states; should the engine be switched to the WS-10/WS-15 class... evolving into a more potent design, to the point that it can counter the Su-30MKI, Rafale, and F-16 Block 70/F-21 on its own, and Pakistan can afford to retire the F-16 once and for all etc.

Some reports claim that the IAF jets were engaged with beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles (BVRAAM). Notably, the PAF is in the process of integrating the Chinese-made PL-12 BVRAAM with the JF-17. (An unnamed BVRAAM has recently been test fired by the PAF.) As of today, there is no publicly available data to verify what aircraft type engaged the IAF jets. Nonetheless, if confirmed it would constitute the first kill of an aircraft by a JF-17. (A JF-17 shot down an Iranian drone in 2017.)

BTW, any word on this "unnamed BVR missile" recently test fired by the PAF?


Reports of the US wary of Pakistan's use of the F-16 in the current standoff may see the Russians suspend future sale of RD-93 Engines if large future Indian deals are signed. The PAF may need to request use of the WS-13 Engine on the Block III despite it shortcomings. Another realization is that China will not intervene at the current level, but if things escalate would China shift Fighter/bombers to its air bases in Sichuan, Tibet and Xinjiang. Does the current standoff not give them a good chance to fly along the borders with spy planes and soak up as much data for refining equipment (like the JF-17) and techniques.

The Indian Adventurism has given the PAF a real world exercise to refine itself, while their Tejas sits on the sidelines.
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