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JF-17 French Avionics Deal On Hold/Cancelled

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well, a few problems here...

a.) Frenchys always like the cash up front
b.) defence deals with the French is more of a headache than anything else; French defence contractors are also corrupt
c.) given that the French are making very incorrect moves by signalling that they will arm the indian air force, and given the 'mood' lingering over the attack on French employees of DCN - it's hard to see any major deal seeing fruition

the doors are not closed though - but for now we should focus on "sanction-proof" systems and technologies --especially given that the French government (at least under this rascal Sarkozy) is positioning itself as the U.S.A's lapdog. Another country with "NATO-baggage" attached to it.
They probably want the Rafale to win the MMRCA

of course they do....MMRCA is a large tender, it's a multi-billion dollar deal ---and this is an industry that employs a huge amount of people

indian defence deals however tend to be convoluted, ridiculously slow and lackadaisical and mired in corruption......so we will just have to wait and see what they do. My guess for IAF's tender is that it will be between the Eurofighter & the Rafale
of course they do....MMRCA is a large tender, it's a multi-billion dollar deal ---and this is an industry that employs a huge amount of people

indian defence deals however tend to be convoluted, ridiculously slow and lackadaisical and mired in corruption......so we will just have to wait and see what they do. My guess for IAF's tender is that it will be between the Eurofighter & the Rafale

Weren't the 2 short-listed amongst all others about a couple of months back?
They'll choose only one!
Most recently some interesting developments took place in MMRCA tender, my flicker isnt working else i would love to share them to you :)
well may be french will win the MRCA and then boom a big defense corruption scam will uncover and MRCA will plunge into further delay due to disqualification of one party...it has happened in past with subs and other weapon deals
well may be french will win the MRCA and then boom a big defense corruption scam will uncover and MRCA will plunge into further delay due to disqualification of one party...it has happened in past with subs and other weapon deals

If wishes were horses, Beggers would ride the most..
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