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This anchor done two goofs which gone in favour of Pakistan.
This video where he break the news of Su 30 going down. Which later by Lying India Media turned in to F 16 shot down.

And the second one declaring Mig 21 debris as F 16 debris.

well actually indians lost their senses on that day as they couldnt understand what hit them and what exactly PAF has done to them.
their isnt goint to be a war any time soon between india pak and china. the leaders of all three countries exactly know what will be the consequences of full scale war in the region. even if india gets US backing to go to war with china they wont do it. they will never put their country's safety at stake for US.the economic war and proxy wars will remain continue and at the moment china is succesfully encircling india and india cant do much about it. india cant offer to its neighbors what china can and the world is foreseeing china as the next leading state of the world so they will prefer to be with china rather then india. china also has strong relations with russia so russia wont support india against china. india has isolated itself in the region due to its policy of bullying the neighbors and the recent skirmishes between india and china have also made china to adopt aggressive diplomatic policy against india. india can think of engaging in any conflict with either pak or china. with corona having a free run in india they are losing lives and economy on daily basis. no military can engage in a war when a disease is playing havoc with it s manpower and the entire nation.

Mostly true.
That had been my point from day one in Feb 2019.

A- India already declared war on Pakistan by attacking Pakistan proper, not just Kashmir.

B- We have every right to respond. The difference is striking with full power and causing maximum damage. Why not all 9 jets shot down!! That is the point. Imagine the ripples in the world and shame for India and IAF!!

The rest of the scenarios remain the same, which you admitted in your post. India would have been foolish to escalate , knowing the consequences. IF it is true now, it was also true in Feb 2019. That is my argument from day 1 in Feb 2019.
Pakistan has nuclear arms for heaven sake, why you showing cowardice. Nobody would take you lightly.
All you need to do is not take yourself lightly.
We have all three. With Visual Proofs of the destroyed bird. Have already shown it to reps of 02 x friendly countries(as per my knowledge) .They were impressed.Russian requests were For acccess were humbly declined.
name these two countries, i think one of them is china and im not sure about the second one saudi arabia or some other?
name these two countries, i think one of them is china and im not sure about the second one saudi arabia or some other?
one of the shares I can quote is from my contact in PAF who says that the Americans based in Pakistan was ecstatic and celebrated with PAF since their Falcon downed a Russian behemoth SU 30,
Mostly true.
That had been my point from day one in Feb 2019.

A- India already declared war on Pakistan by attacking Pakistan proper, not just Kashmir.

B- We have every right to respond. The difference is striking with full power and causing maximum damage. Why not all 9 jets shot down!! That is the point. Imagine the ripples in the world and shame for India and IAF!!

The rest of the scenarios remain the same, which you admitted in your post. India would have been foolish to escalate , knowing the consequences. IF it is true now, it was also true in Feb 2019. That is my argument from day 1 in Feb 2019.
Pakistan has nuclear arms for heaven sake, why you showing cowardice. Nobody would take you lightly.
All you need to do is not take yourself lightly.
please show some maturity. nuclear weapon is not a child's toy. when you fire nuclear weapon then be ready to receive 2 and then the cycle continues till both the countries cease to exist. are you ready to kill a billion civilians on both sides through burns, blasts, radition, cancer and starvation including women and children. nuclear weapons are deterrent and the last resort. pak has seen less then 6000 deaths and india around 30000 due to corona. economies on both sides have been adversely affected and look at the morale of boht the nations. people are worried, stressed and frustrated. what will be the situation when we will be seeing dead bodies all around us. those who survive the blasts will die of starvation and cancer and at that time even idiots like zaid hamid, Orya maqbol and keyboard warriors on pdf wont care about the color of flag on fortress in delhi. life will become purposeless.
Allah himself says in Quran dont start wars. Allah doesnt like starters of wars. at another place He says if they do aggression pay them back in the same coin and if they stop you should stop too. Allah "ziyadti" kernay walay ko pasand nahi kerta. indian struck us on 26 and we responded back on 27. scores settled. they retreated from doing any further action and so we did. it was the right thing to do.
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This was a classic ambush engagement that despite several attempts the IAF pilots were unable to break the lock and instead asked Indian ground defences to engage the PAF jets which in fact who in process shot down their own helicopter which in fact was sent out on SAR mission for downed SU-30 pilots.
getting shot down by a thunder might have been less humiliating but they instead chose to shoot down their helicopter
Mostly true.
That had been my point from day one in Feb 2019.

A- India already declared war on Pakistan by attacking Pakistan proper, not just Kashmir.

B- We have every right to respond. The difference is striking with full power and causing maximum damage. Why not all 9 jets shot down!! That is the point. Imagine the ripples in the world and shame for India and IAF!!

The rest of the scenarios remain the same, which you admitted in your post. India would have been foolish to escalate , knowing the consequences. IF it is true now, it was also true in Feb 2019. That is my argument from day 1 in Feb 2019.
Pakistan has nuclear arms for heaven sake, why you showing cowardice. Nobody would take you lightly.
All you need to do is not take yourself lightly.

Happy to see you get it.

Your response in February changed the game between us forever.

Our action in August post that was only the first in a series of cascading moves that have been planned.

Best regards,

Pakistan has nuclear arms for heaven sake, why you showing cowardice. Nobody would take you lightly.
All you need to do is not take yourself lightly.
those nuclear weapons are the last resort and our insurance policy against Indian aggression where our survival as a state as a nation is at stake.
they are not a weapon of intimidation or bullying. look around you when you go out. close your eyes an imagine the Pakistani cities you visited. they will be reduced to nuclear rubble with charred bodies. those who will survive the initial fallout will die in weeks and months if you survive somehow then be assured that 70 or 80% of people you know will be dead already.
nuclear capability shouldnt even be brought in discussion while arguing our counter against Indian regular diplomatic and border hostilities.
those nuclear weapons are the last resort and our insurance policy against Indian aggression where our survival as a state as a nation is at stake.
they are not a weapon of intimidation or bullying. look around you when you go out. close your eyes an imagine the Pakistani cities you visited. they will be reduced to nuclear rubble with charred bodies. those who will survive the initial fallout will die in weeks and months if you survive somehow then be assured that 70 or 80% of people you know will be dead already.
nuclear capability shouldnt even be brought in discussion while arguing our counter against Indian regular diplomatic and border hostilities.

With due respect the scenario is the same with India. It didn't worried about the consequences on 26th.
More reasons, Pakistan would have known that India wouldn't be able to retaliate.

Where did I say that we should have used nuclear!!
I said , like India did, we should have called their bluff and showed our mussels.

I just laugh when I hear excuses from Pakistanis for not shooting down of all 9 locked jets of IAF.
When you have nuclear power, you don't use it, but show your strength.
Pakistanis don't even do it against the Afghans. Despite countless incursions in to Pakistan, sending trained terrorists in to Pakistan and killing Pakistanis. How long this is going on!!
Which other nuclear state would have tolerated this!!!
Exactly. Give whatever name you want to cowardice, at the end of the day it is cowardice. Period.

Happy to see you get it.

Your response in February changed the game between us forever.

Our action in August post that was only the first in a series of cascading moves that have been planned.

Best regards,


Well, what I will say is bring it on. Why you didn't after 27th Feb!!
Why Modi has to give the excuse of Rafale!!

That is the message I and @MastanKhan tried to convey for over a year now.
The day Pakistan started to act as a power it is, India would learn quickly, like it learned from Chinese in recent months.
There was much heated debate within PAF after this as there were seven IAF aircraft that were sitting ducks....but the higher ups didn't give clearance.....shooting them all would have had same effect as that by Rafiqui and Bhati did on the opening engagement of 1965 war.....at least some of IAF fleet would have been grounded.
This was a big mistake...one has to be bold and brave during combat
name these two countries, i think one of them is china and im not sure about the second one saudi arabia or some other?

I don't think Saudi fits in to this scenario, it could be uncle Sam or may be Russians. Most likely Russians, clue is they demanded access.
With due respect the scenario is the same with India. It didn't worried about the consequences on 26th.
More reasons, Pakistan would have known that India wouldn't be able to retaliate.

Where did I say that we should have used nuclear!!
I said , like India did, we should have called their bluff and showed our mussels.

I just laugh when I hear excuses from Pakistanis for not shooting down of all 9 locked jets of IAF.
When you have nuclear power, you don't use it, but show your strength.
Pakistanis don't even do it against the Afghans. Despite countless incursions in to Pakistan, sending trained terrorists in to Pakistan and killing Pakistanis. How long this is going on!!
Which other nuclear state would have tolerated this!!!
Exactly. Give whatever name you want to cowardice, at the end of the day it is cowardice. Period.

Well, what I will say is bring it on. Why you didn't after 27th Feb!!
Why Modi has to give the excuse of Rafale!!

That is the message I and @MastanKhan tried to convey for over a year now.
The day Pakistan started to act as a power it is, India would learn quickly, like it learned from Chinese in recent months.

I do not want to get into this thread bhaijan.

I am carrying out a personal experiment, with me as the test subject.

I just was lazily reading the posts and your post caught my eye.

Of course @MastanKhan an got it at that time itself. Very few others if any did.

The situation is not much different here with our sanghi hordes. You can choose to take comfort from that.

Khuda hafiz.

Cheers, Doc
I just laugh when I hear excuses from Pakistanis for not shooting down of all 9 locked jets of IAF.
When you have nuclear power, you don't use it, but show your strength.
Pakistanis don't even do it against the Afghans. .
we have valid reason and right to disagree and criticise PAF leadership for not extending the 27 February 19 lead
but we must be sparing with dangling our Nuclear manhood on every possible opportunity otherwise its significance diminishes,
Indian army fire over LoC ,, we have nuclear weapons,
Indians arrest Pakistani fishermen .. we have nuclear weapons,
Indians harass/ expel Pakistani diplomats we have nuclear weapons.
Arnab Goswami has a mental diarrhea against Pakistan.. we have nuclear weapons

you can count me and every other Pakistani who would've liked to see those 9 more IAF jets shot down.
but I grudgingly accept the view that our powerful massage was made to IAF and Indian military at large.

the Pak military leadership at the time took a view and made decisions thinking of 3 or 4 possible future outcomes.
in the end, it was a view taken and call made by the leadership not to take them out as in their view a point was made and a message was passed.
you can be assured even those who decided not to shoot them down did entertain themselves with going ahead with further kills but decided against it in the end. the criticism against that decision shouldnt be explained using nuclear weapons please.
Was ghr
Happy to see you get it.

Your response in February changed the game between us forever.

Our action in August post that was only the first in a series of cascading moves that have been planned.

Best regards,

Was the Chinese incursion and occupation in Ladakh part of the plan in this series of cascading moves?
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