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JF-17 Book Project

Please contribute for this project. Post any extra/rear information possible.

Update: The Chapter List is being updated to show the dynamic nature of how the plane was thought up, who supported it (like ACm Mushraf Ali Mir), why they supported it, the struggles to get the plane funded, the different stages of development, and the new stuff being done now

It not gonna be a dry scientific book, but suppose to have ancedotes of real people and the dynamic of Pakistan, chinese, russian, american, israeli, indian, and others influences on the project

something of a fun ready, for normal people (technical stuff will still be there but written in a way that everyone can understand)

sorry for the delay, was working on revising it today, and this is what i got so far
Hello buddy,

What is the progress? It is very sad that we couldn't do nothing regarding this project.
sorry for not replying recently (other work, but am back for the next few days)

the project is actually in the re-research phase
(getting a working chronocial look at the plane's development, especially early development is hard from a very secret place like factory 132 (chengdu aircraft corporation: CAC)

the other reasearch is getting the story part of the book the stories of pakistan's desires, and the whole picture of why this fighter is nessecary

like the not that great capbilites of the current fleet and the power these planes can bring to the PAF

this requires getting info from the PAF and China

that is what i'm working on, so the book can be great with real info not just internet stuff re-written
What would be the important questions that are still unanswered and we must know, that could be added in this book?
Originally posted by WebMaster@Nov 26 2005, 03:19 AM
What would be the important questions that are still unanswered and we must know, that could be added in this book?
[post=3721]Quoted post[/post]​

how did the deal develop (the dynamic of government officials and factory workers)

also what doctrine PAF was working on at first with this plane and how that doctrine evolved witht he upgrade in desgn of this plane over the years

what are the future goals for this project, upgrades< prospective sales?

how does this plane fit in the PAF?

we now know it will be a LIFT trainer, but will it be a CAS plane, a recon plane, EW plane, tactical strike?

what will the per unit price?

and more
How is the book going so far? How much progress have you made?

I will try to get those questions answered.

Looking for your reply.

Originally posted by WebMaster@Jan 30 2006, 10:56 AM
How is the book going so far? How much progress have you made?

I will try to get those questions answered.

Looking for your reply.

[post=5760]Quoted post[/post]​
on hiatus
JF-17 is a 4th gen fighter in the league of F-16,Mig-29,Gripen a. It is better than Mig 29 which is the arsenal of IAF's hi tech combat inventory.
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