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JF-17 Block III's proposed AESA Radar KLJ-7A

I wonder you guys have capabilities to determine the performance - tech spec with the help of its name and pic.. that is great.

Stated specs, you have an issue with that? Go and ask NRIET to reduce these and spare your pride.

Take your inferiority complex to a new thread and cry there.
KEEP THIS ON KLJ-7 A related only.

The original title: Xiaolong fighter phased array radar debut can be preceded by India Su 30 lock attack
The KLJ-7 mechanical scanning fire-control radar KLJ-7 equipped with the FC-1 / JF-17 can not play the role of the SD-10 / F-17, which can be detected far more than the mechanical scanning radar and the passive phased array radar. Full performance FC-1 / JF-17 is equipped with KLJ-7 is a mechanical scanning radar, can be said that only upgrade to the phased array radar to truly achieve the multi-target tracking and attack capabilities.
Sina military editor: In order to better present the reader for a variety of military content, to meet the different needs of readers to read, to discuss domestic and international strategic developments, Sina military exclusive launch of "depth of military intelligence" section, the depth of military news behind the hidden trend, Facing the complex military strategic environment, welcome attention.
Introduction: The KLJ-7A exhibits that the relevant units in China have mastered the technology of airborne active phased array radar, which not only enhances the air combat capability of domestic combat aircraft, but also enhances the competitiveness of domestic fighters in the international market.

This year's Zhuhai air show, China's airborne active phased array fire control radar first public appearance, 14 exhibited domestic KLJ-7A airborne active phased array radar, according to 14 experts, KLJ-7A onboard Source phased array radar has the advantages of modern active source array radar, not only the detection efficiency, and electronic warfare capability is also more prominent, the overall technical level can be comparable with the international top level.
KLJ-7A is the development of domestic KLJ-7 mechanical scanning radar, from this number point of view, KLJ-7A fighter should be equipped with domestic FC-1 Fierce Dragon fighter jets and Pakistan's JF- 17 fighter aircraft, obviously equipped with KLJ-7A will be a strong enhancement of FC-1 / JF-17 combat effectiveness, improve its competitiveness in the international market.

FC-1 / JF-17 is equipped with KLJ-7 is a mechanical scanning radar, which means that radar rely on mechanical scanning to achieve airspace coverage, so slow speed conversion and mechanical structure there are inertia, precision and other shortcomings, In particular, multi-target capability, although the mechanical scan radar also has edge-search-edge tracking mode, in this mode can achieve the ability to simultaneously track and combat multiple targets, but subject to mechanical scanning system, this ability is actually Is limited to a small angle range, and not much significance, while mechanical scanning radar electromagnetic wave from the transmitter to the antenna need to go through multiple links, high system loss, noise, and further affect the radar detection range, the With the use of active radar-guided air-to-air missiles in the 1990s, mechanical scanning radar limitations were further exposed, according to the US Air Force, "mechanical scanning radar actually can not support the AIM-120 launch envelope."
In this case airborne active phased array radar appeared, the advantages of active phased array radar is to achieve the electronic scanning, beam transfer agility, suitable for dealing with multi-batch and high maneuvering target, can be said that only upgrade to the phase Array radar is really a multi-target tracking and attack capabilities, active phased array is not a unified transmitter, but in the antenna installation T / R module, the use of these modules in the space to achieve the power synthesis, in order to obtain More power, so as to improve the detection range of the radar, because the electromagnetic wave is radiated directly from the antenna, the system's loss is small, low noise, further improve the detection range of the radar, so under the same technical conditions, active phase control Array radar can get more than the mechanical scanning

Stated specs, you have an issue wit-7Athat? Go and ask NRIET to reduce these and spare your pride.

Take your inferiority complex to a new thread and cry there.
KEEP THIS ON KLJ-7 A related only.

What's wrong to seek answer, when you compare it with mki... so as per you Klj-7 upgraded mechanical scanned radar to Aesa.. that's fine for me, I don't need to cry just because Paf and lil things..

Oh gave me negative rating.. just i said something which you don't like..
The original title: Xiaolong fighter phased array radar debut can be preceded by India Su 30 lock attack
The KLJ-7 mechanical scanning fire-control radar KLJ-7 equipped with the FC-1 / JF-17 can not play the role of the SD-10 / F-17, which can be detected far more than the mechanical scanning radar and the passive phased array radar. Full performance FC-1 / JF-17 is equipped with KLJ-7 is a mechanical scanning radar, can be said that only upgrade to the phased array radar to truly achieve the multi-target tracking and attack capabilities.
Sina military editor: In order to better present the reader for a variety of military content, to meet the different needs of readers to read, to discuss domestic and international strategic developments, Sina military exclusive launch of "depth of military intelligence" section, the depth of military news behind the hidden trend, Facing the complex military strategic environment, welcome attention.
Introduction: The KLJ-7A exhibits that the relevant units in China have mastered the technology of airborne active phased array radar, which not only enhances the air combat capability of domestic combat aircraft, but also enhances the competitiveness of domestic fighters in the international market.

This year's Zhuhai air show, China's airborne active phased array fire control radar first public appearance, 14 exhibited domestic KLJ-7A airborne active phased array radar, according to 14 experts, KLJ-7A onboard Source phased array radar has the advantages of modern active source array radar, not only the detection efficiency, and electronic warfare capability is also more prominent, the overall technical level can be comparable with the international top level.
KLJ-7A is the development of domestic KLJ-7 mechanical scanning radar, from this number point of view, KLJ-7A fighter should be equipped with domestic FC-1 Fierce Dragon fighter jets and Pakistan's JF- 17 fighter aircraft, obviously equipped with KLJ-7A will be a strong enhancement of FC-1 / JF-17 combat effectiveness, improve its competitiveness in the international market.

FC-1 / JF-17 is equipped with KLJ-7 is a mechanical scanning radar, which means that radar rely on mechanical scanning to achieve airspace coverage, so slow speed conversion and mechanical structure there are inertia, precision and other shortcomings, In particular, multi-target capability, although the mechanical scan radar also has edge-search-edge tracking mode, in this mode can achieve the ability to simultaneously track and combat multiple targets, but subject to mechanical scanning system, this ability is actually Is limited to a small angle range, and not much significance, while mechanical scanning radar electromagnetic wave from the transmitter to the antenna need to go through multiple links, high system loss, noise, and further affect the radar detection range, the With the use of active radar-guided air-to-air missiles in the 1990s, mechanical scanning radar limitations were further exposed, according to the US Air Force, "mechanical scanning radar actually can not support the AIM-120 launch envelope."
In this case airborne active phased array radar appeared, the advantages of active phased array radar is to achieve the electronic scanning, beam transfer agility, suitable for dealing with multi-batch and high maneuvering target, can be said that only upgrade to the phase Array radar is really a multi-target tracking and attack capabilities, active phased array is not a unified transmitter, but in the antenna installation T / R module, the use of these modules in the space to achieve the power synthesis, in order to obtain More power, so as to improve the detection range of the radar, because the electromagnetic wave is radiated directly from the antenna, the system's loss is small, low noise, further improve the detection range of the radar, so under the same technical conditions, active phase control Array radar can get more than the mechanical scanning

What's wrong to seek answer, when you compare it with mki... so as per you Klj-7 upgraded mechanical scanned radar to Aesa.. that's fine for me, I don't need to cry just because Paf and lil things..

The last sentence, you are doing just that.

@Manticore @waz @Jango @Oscar take note plz.

The last sentence, you are doing just that.

@Manticore @waz @Jango @Oscar take note plz.


Birds are big things and rest of additions are lil thing that make those birds more big.. just try to read and understand first.

@waz @Manticore it just kinda funny to determine the performance of Klj-7A with the just help of name.. he said Klj-7A can detect mki 170km away.. then he must know something which i don't know/ he must speculating. Few days ago thread opened about Klj-7A. Some thought A means AESA It might be true or not. Doesn't bother me. But needless measuring contest wrt mki or other uncalled for. Kindly check negative rating. I have explained why i said it.
Birds are big things and rest of additions are lil thing that make those birds more big.. just try to read and understand first. View attachment 350376

@waz @Manticore it just kinda funny to determine the performance of Klj-7A with the just help of name.. he said Klj-7A can detect mki 170km away.. then he must know something which i don't know/ he must speculating. Few days ago thread opened about Klj-7A. Some thought A means AESA It might be true or not. Doesn't bother me. But needless measuring contest wrt mki or other uncalled for. Kindly check negative rating. I have explained why i said it.

First, watch the video and read the subtitles, the expert from NRIET clearly mentions MKI and gives the range 170km.

You are free to file a lawsuit on NRIET for that.

Secondly, is mki a holy grail or something that no one can relate to that?? Are you in your senses?

Try to make some sense next time. And stop derailing the thread. Feel free to open a new thread on this topic.
I think you lost your senses.. you don't even have idea is that Aesa/ phased array.. yet coming to claim just because of video.. silly that you gave me negative rating, just because you don't lime my post..
Read this,

It is the stand next to the radar abut the airshow

So I hope that your comment is anything but sarcastic, otherwise I see nothing beyond you being stubborn and derailing a thread based on just your national bias

I have no intention to derail thread and neithe i commented on other posts..but jumping to conclude superiority..
Superiority by what measures?
He means he is crying about the JF-17 block-3 with its AESA Radar will be capable to detect his MKI at such a range..That means the JF-17 will become SUPERIOR to the MKI..hence his word "superiority".. that fits his stubborn and peanut sized thoughts capacities and/or lack of military knowledge combined with fanaticism..
This is an absolute must Sir. Otherwise, you'd have around 100 jets in a 3rd generation category very prone to getting killed by their opponents with better tech like AESA. No air-force would risk a 100 jets over a few million worth of upgrade. At the least, you brought in serious force-multiplier capability through these upgrades. Thanks
3rd Generation for Chinese is the 4th Generation in the West..JF-17 is a 4th G and Block3 is 4+

You do not need every fighter with AESA even USAF initially had F15s with mix radar sets and perhaps even now, F18 fleet is mix A/B and C/Ds, Just because AESA is here does not mean just AESA radar is everything

first 100 JF-17 block 1/2 can stay with KLJ-7 and renaming block 3/4 with aesa. Though it did stated somewhere that KLJ-7A is evolution and there may be an upgrade kit developed which may be cheaper option than buying out right new and replacing older block1/2

Finally this is just an option no one know what the final section is , do we ?
KLJ-7A was build specifically for the JF-17..It is the option for PAF, other buyer countries can take another option like from Selex as well as Western avionics and Engines..

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