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JF-17 Block III's proposed AESA Radar KLJ-7A

Well i am perfectly calm bro!! No hard feelings. :tup:

It is just that the response was an bit surprising. Anyway!

I understand that. However what i was/am was confused about was KLJ7A being AESA or not.
Anyway, will you please share some details of the KLJA parameters that you think makes it similar in capability (not in functioning) to the APG81 (which is an AESA) ? Will love to read a bit more about it if that is not too much trouble for you.
it is written as AESA on the publicity board, that's simply it is. China has the best AESA on Kj2000 AWACS, we are no behind in this area.

Was thinking this morning that the brochure does not say Fc-1/Jf-17. ...... unless we assume that KLJ-7 is synonymous with FC-1 radar!
It's a dedicated design AESA for JF17/FC1.

With this AESA, JF17 can host AIM 120 like BVRAAM by having the ability to support its envelope.
A kind request/plea to Pakistani members to plz stop questioning whether it is AESA or not. Asking this question will not give any benefit at all. It is better to wait for official confirmation if u r feeling extremely pessimistic. All other people should be simply banned because they are obviously Indian trolls posing as Pakistani.
A kind request/plea to Pakistani members to plz stop questioning whether it is AESA or not. Asking this question will not give any benefit at all. It is better to wait for official confirmation if u r feeling extremely pessimistic. All other people should be simply banned because they are obviously Indian trolls posing as Pakistani.
This is a big threat to Su30 MKI, so Barahtis are choking.
What do we know of the performance of the other Chinese AESA radars? A comparison will put the KLJ-7A into perspective.
What do we know of the performance of the other Chinese AESA radars? A comparison will put the KLJ-7A into perspective.
Chinese airborne active phased array radar first appeared larger than killing device
2016-11-01 observer network
October 31, China ElectronicsTechnology Group fourteenth Institute at a press conference before the Zhuhai Air Show officially released several new radar, the Zhuhai Airshow, fourteenth Institute to carry a variety of radar equipment exhibition, it can be regarded as flying in the sky the ground running, and water travel, "nothing is checked."


CLP Branch send exhibition KLJ-7A 14 Fire Control Radar

I also attended the conference, in which there is a fighter designed specifically for KLJ-7A airborne active phased array radar attracted the attention of the author, the 20-year history of the Zhuhai air show for the first time there is such a radar display, the radar also modern fighters essential standard. As China's foreign trade representatives fighter radar products, the radar's performance than similar products in the past has been greatly improved.


KLJ-7 fire control radar, radar about 110 km maximum range of typical targets

Zhuhai air show as an important opportunity for China's largest air show and defense weapons development in recent years has become China's aviation industry to show their latest achievements in technology important occasions, it has become China Air Force military fans observed weapons. But the general aviation enthusiasts to watch the F -10B, J-20 advanced fighter handsome appearance, sleek design and sophisticated flight performance of "fun" mode is different from many knowledgeable military enthusiasts will drill avionics booth, to see the Chinese avionics, especially the latest developments airborne fire control radar.


KLJ-7A radar target detection range than KLJ-7 greatly improved, while significantly increasing the ability to track the target and multi-target engagement capability greatly improved

The 14 domestic airborne fire control radar is the undisputed leader, J-10, J--11B, J-15 and the "Fierce Dragon" fighter jets, etc. Almost all the radars from the hands of the Institute.Some foreign media speculation, will debut domestic fourth-generation fighter F-20 radar system also from the hands of the Institute.

Difficult to see from the number of radar KLJ-7A, the same type of radar is a comprehensive upgrade of the developed Central Electric Division 14 KLJ-7 radar improved model. KLJ-7 radar pulse Doppler radar is a type of light aircraft equipped with a particular type of foreign trade on. Compared with the latter, the biggest change KLJ-7A radar, the radar antenna is a plate-slot antenna mechanical scanning replaced by electronic scanning phased array antenna, into an advanced airborne active phased array fire control radar .

Modern air combat, airborne radar aircraft gain mastery as the battlefield situation, obtaining objective information to guide the weapons to attack opponents and even interfere with critical equipment, the kind of icing on the cake and even dispensable when things are not aircraft already born, and fighters become judges performance abilities of factors in determining the fighters in combat, especially BVR air combat victory. For contemporary radar, the radar system is the primary means of working people generally identify radar performance, and technically speaking, unless a serious lack of design experience, in general, the same order of airborne radar, passive phased array radar performance is better than mechanical scanning radar, active phased array radar is better than the performance of such a law passive phased array radar basic or applied.


Su -30MKI of N001M fire control radar with a passive phased array system, a combination of mechanical and electronic scanning, although the size of the radar looks much higher than KLJ-7A, but its actual performance and the latter is not

This advantage is mainly reflected in the probe found that distance, reliability, anti-interference ability and other aspects. As a KLJ-7 radar improved products, KLJ-7A models start from the existing radar, upgraded by replacing the radar antenna and other means, it is relatively simple in the development of technology. Another important consideration such improvement is likely to continue to upgrade trade lightweight fighter, it faced in product size, not too much weight on a breakthrough prototype radar, in particular, is to limit the size of the affected aircraft nose cone, the new radar antenna aperture can not be increased substantially, in this context, by using the active phased array radar antenna can be made in almost antenna aperture, obtained greatly enhance overall performance index. Raytheon when AN F-15 fighter modified to use / APG-63 radar, use similar means to improve, introduced the use of active phased array radar antenna AN / APG-63 (V) 2 and AN / APG-63 (V) 3 two models, so that it has nearly doubled detection range than earlier models.

According to the exhibitors said the data, when for the radar reflection area of 5 square meters of the target, after improved KLJ-7A radar detection range in the empty mode than the prototype improved 65%, if you take the current mainstream light aircraft radar, for example, Israel's EL / M-2032 radar comparison, KLJ-7A radar target on the detection of similar distance to a large 70%; and Sweden and PS-05 / a radar when compared to the detection range KLJ-7A also far more than 40%; foreign trade with domestic light aircraft between respective radar performance from all of a sudden use KLJ-7 radar period, "the tournament" to "take the lead."

In fact, this performance KLJ-7A radar not only at the advanced level of similar products in the light fighter radar, even in the face the third-generation heavy fighter airborne radar also has a considerable advantage. KLJ-7A radar detection range is not only much better than earlier Su-27 radar Zook N001 Series, but also better than Zook N011M type passive phased array radar Indian Air Force Su -30MKI fighters use. Considering China and Russia double in the detection range of the measurement process using different standards, but compared to China's more stringent standard, this advantage in the detection range in practical use in promotional materials often than parties the gap is more evident.


US APG-83 radar, which is Taiwan's F-16V retrofit AESA radar designed for low cost, the use of a large number of F-35's APG-81 technology ,,. The radar antenna dimensions have more than KLJ-7A, but in performance between the two close. Sino-US trade fairly basic type of radar technology, one can imagine, both main fighter radar technology is also on the same level

Considering this is just a light for light aircraft radar used in the detection of the main indicators can overwhelm a series of heavy fighter airborne radar, combined with the size of the aircraft radar, and antenna aperture transmit power analysis, this type of radar the technical level is close to AN / APG-77 active phased array radar used on the F-22 the United States, the world's advanced level, but also indicates the Nanjing fourteen where airborne active profound technical strength and phased-array radar on China Airlines rapid industrial development.

In addition to the detection distance away, KLJ-7A there is a good radar detection range. Searching for promotion at the same distance, KLJ-7A radar further enhance the multi-target tracking capability, will also track the number of goals from 10 to 15, and at the same time one of the guided-missile attack four. And further enhance the performance possible. Of course, for the light aircraft used in radar, since the disposable carrier aircraft carrying RAAM at most in four up and down, the current performance also basic enough.

According to exhibition CLC, KLJ-7A radar mode rich, including general search, tracking target different types of air, ground and sea, guided-missile attack, synthetic aperture radar, and other close combat.

The active phased array technology is so KLJ-7A radar has the advantages of many predecessors did not: This is not only difficult to use traditional radar jamming measures, but can take advantage of the technical characteristics of its transmit antennas interfere with the implementation of electronic warfare; at the same time since transmit and receive radar signals by the large number of independent transmit / receive modules, potentially improved radar reliability, since a few faults transmit / receive unit and will not affect the normal use of radar, generally to He said that even if 30% of the transmit / receive unit fails, the radar system can still maintain basic use. Simultaneous multi-unit structure phased array radar can also perform a variety of functions to make it at the same time, making the aircraft carrying air search, tracking the same time, it can be done such as meteorological, mapping and other functions, or the use of radar mode alternate function, has in a short time to perform a variety of different content.

Since the radar KLJ-7A small in size, power, and cooling conditions required is relatively limited, it is easy to apply to upgrade a variety of light aircraft improvements. Not only can not spend too much of the cost of existing trade fighter upgrade from the standard machine for the three generations of three generations of semi-fighters, greatly enhance its viability and future combat in complex air combat conditions; also be used as some of the old medium even heavy second generation upgrade option, in limited circumstances to spend money to make these old fighters have comparable or even more than ordinary three generations of machines BVR air combat capability and stronger sea, ground attack capability; even FTC-2000 / 2000G this level of advanced trainer and attack aircraft primary battle, in theory, have also upgraded the radar equipment, as with horizon air combat capability of the light fighter (of course, this improvement will significantly reduce the aircraft flight performance in cost-effective than debatable). This highly flexible Fitness and economy, given the KLJ-7A radar unprecedented broad market prospects.

According to foreign Air Force's current equipment KLJ-7 radar feedback to see that for KLJ-7 radar performance is quite satisfactory, it is foreseeable that if future equipment KLJ-7A radar trade lightweight fighter to join those countries Air Force sequence, must be able to make these countries even more powerful air force, icing on the cake. KLJ-7A radar is expected to become the fourteenth Institute of China Electronics Technology Group in the field of foreign trade a new "big kill" for China's reputation on the international radar and then write an important sum.

plz don't pollute this forum .... its a humble request ....

Now read again .... (you false falger)

1 mile = 1.6093 KM
100 miles = 160.934 KM


170 KM = 105.633 miles
180 KM = 111.847 miles


Sir, I have no idea what you meant. Your title says you are a pretty senior guy. I'd imagine you'd write some sense. How did I pollute this forum? Writing the fact means the forum is polluted? Please come back with substance than emotional outbursts. We are talking about science and tech with respect to a jet. This isn't a story. Re-write your question so that I may understand your logic and can reason with you. And what does a "false falger" mean?
Sir, I have no idea what you meant. Your title says you are a pretty senior guy. I'd imagine you'd write some sense. How did I pollute this forum? Writing the fact means the forum is polluted? Please come back with substance than emotional outbursts. We are talking about science and tech with respect to a jet. This isn't a story. Re-write your question so that I may understand your logic and can reason with you. And what does a "false falger" mean?

if you can not see your own stupidity ...plz spear me I am not interested to point it ...

plz don't quote me ... unnecessarily
This radar has adopted advanced solid active phased array technology,with air to air,air to surface,air to sea and auxiliary navigation functions,it can achieve track & attack on multiple aerial targets and air-to-surface precision strike.KLJ-7A is the upgrade product for the KLJ-7 currently used by JF17,and the radar is comparable to the F35s'.

Working Mode
Single/Multiple Objects Tracking
Real-Beam Map
Synthetic Aperture Imaging
Ground Moving Target Scaning and Tracking
Searching and Tracking On-The-Sea Target
Meteorology Mode
Missile Guidance & Multi-target Attack
Multi mode alternation etc.

Main Feature
Long detect range
High precision
(reflect lighto_O
My English is poor.There may be some mistakes.
if you can not see your own stupidity ...plz spear me I am not interested to point it ...

plz don't quote me ... unnecessarily

Well you don't quote me either. The stupidity is yours, not mine. You started a mindless post, not mine. And you can't provide logic. Don't quote me either. You started it.
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