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JF-17 Block III Model Presented To The Participants





guess where is the difference ?
from above picture its looks to me wing area is increases
It looks way more compartmentalised. The secrets are all inside though. EW suite, AESA,avionics etc.
These are not Blk-3s, seen these models before. If Blk-3 took flight it would have done so at Chengdu and not in PAC Kamra. 19th Dec flight could have been first locally assembled JF-17 Bravo. However I do suspect PAF might have JF-17 Blk-2Bs with air cooled AESAs.
I think this is confirmation that:
601 = 2P-61B (Made in China)
602 = 2P-62B (Made in China)
603 = 2P-63B (Made in China)
604 = 2P-64B (Made in China)
605? = 2P-65B (Made in PAC)
606? = 2P-66B (Made in PAC)
607? = 2P-67B (Made in PAC)
608? = 2P-68B (Made in PAC) -- 4th aircraft made at PAC
609? = 2P-69B (Made in PAC)
610? = 2P-70B (Made in PAC)
611? = 2P-71B (Made in PAC)
612? = 2P-72B (Made in PAC)

@The Eagle @Pakistan Space Agency
i m quite sure 601 = 2P-61B (Made in China) 602 = 2P-62B (Made in China) these were made in Pakistan, and
603 = 2P-63B (Made in China) 604 = 2P-64B (Made in China) were made in China

i think Block III b will come first and single seat will come later
I think the most important change is that to the air intakes,
Seems they have decided to fine tune the DSI, and incorporated something from old school.

If true, we should see more efficiency from the engine.
I never said that..... you cannot select something without testing. They have narrowed it down and all integration/operational tests are done..... you need to fly and prove everything as claimed ...until then wait.
dear bro any names of AESA radars which are shortlisted ? China n Italy ?
Most people were expecting the same transition from Block II to Block III as was in the Gripen going from Gripen C/D to Gripen E/F.


Given how long it has taken to get to Block III, it was fair to assume that a larger change was being undertaken than has been. Additional Block II's have been purchased to keep the production line active until Block III is available.

And, what do we have people saying... PAF hasn't even decided on which variant of the AESA radar it wants? I mean, how pathetic is that?

Does seem like a lot of people in PAC/PAF/CAC have been sitting with their fingers up their bums as far as the Block III project goes. Rather dissapointing given the sheer amount of time they have spent on it and the delays this project has had with very little real progress to show for it.

Block III has not advanced much beyond Block II other than an AESA radar, which according to people, has not even been selected yet ?????!?!?!?!?
Relax, i can assure you those suffering or likely to suffer at the hands of IAF due to non-availability of Block 3 are more concerned about it than you and they are doing their best in a world of resource crunch and technological hurdles.
It was 1.8 not 2.0
The flight tests covered the entire F-16 flight envelope and achieved a maximum speed of Mach 2.0. The modified aircraft demonstrated flying qualities similar to a normal production F-16 at all angles of attack and at all angles of sideslip.
The new inlet showed slightly better subsonic specific excess power than a production inlet and that verified the overall system benefits of eliminating the diverter.


The flight tests covered the entire F-16 flight envelope and achieved a maximum speed of Mach 2.0. The modified aircraft demonstrated flying qualities similar to a normal production F-16 at all angles of attack and at all angles of sideslip.
The new inlet showed slightly better subsonic specific excess power than a production inlet and that verified the overall system benefits of eliminating the diverter.


You are talking about F-16s while i was about Thunders. BTW, great read, thank you VERY much.

This means that inlet with DSI can also go to such extents. Lets see what B3 does in that arena.

What, no infrared search and track (IRST)?

I never expected that since start...
They always talk about IRST pod instead of Nose-mounted

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