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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Indra ALR-400 RCWS
was replaced, take a look at a block 1/2 tail and a b3 tail without paint and youll see what i mean

Not a good idea to have any NATO instruments?
indra provides ecm equip for the PAF. We use ALQ-500P on JF-17s aswell.

Not a good idea to have any NATO instruments?
The french supply alot of wiring for the plane. Nothings been dragged down. Usually with political messes its big ticket items that make headlines people care about, you dont see Indians whining about french wiring onboard but if it was a french radar then it would be different
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JF-17C Block-III Thunder S No 22-315 over PAF Academy Asghar Khan.
Look at nose and area behind nosecone of 315. Looks like It is first Block-III carrying Aesa Radar.

Just to repeat PAF wanted to introduce Block-III with KLJ-7 initially AND retrofit Aesa radar later on to all block-III as PAC chief said in the interview back in 2021
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Look at nose and area behind nosecone of 315. Looks like It is first Block-III carrying Aesa Radar.

Just to repeat PAF wanted to introduce Block-III AND retrofit Aesa radar later on all block-III as PAC chief said in the interview back in 2021
The text with picture did mention that it was the AESA equipped example belonging to Black Panther Unit.
JF-17 Thunder has got the most diverse and lethal menu on it arsenal, there is even a more tempting surprise package ready with Block-III! All these are integrated especially for those who think that they can enforce any aggression on the motherland! These are not kept for Eid!
Look at nose and area behind nosecone of 315. Looks like It is first Block-III carrying Aesa Radar.

Just to repeat PAF wanted to introduce Block-III with KLJ-7 initially AND retrofit Aesa radar later on to all block-III as PAC chief said in the interview back in 2021
All aircraft delivered till date are aesa equipped.
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