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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

read your post again and reconsider how you review and hit the post button.

JF-17 Block production is not based on Tejas benchmark.
until now there are three versions of JF-17, Block 1, block 2 and JF17Bs.. all of them are without PL-15 and not declared a blunder by the PAF leadership.

there are a list of improvement announced in JF-17 and to consider it a joke you will need to defend your corner with reasons more than one liner.
We waited 5 years to upgrade JF-17 BLK3 and our mission was to bring the jet to indian Rafael standard, PL-15 is like Game changer in the region that can keep indian Rafaels on its bay.. To be honest do u think new AESA would save us from Rafaels??
J10C cannot serve as one on one replacement of Mirages. It's predominantly an air superiority platform which (if inducted) will probably replace F7PG squadron(s).

The decision to opt for J10C has political, technical and strategic dimensions.

J10C, if acquired, will represent a deeper Sino-Pak relationship which on one axis will show maturity of Chinese state of art product and on other axis will signal to West that Pakistan is not out of options as far as air power is concerned (political dimension); it will be meant to unlock certain technologies for Blk3 (technical dimension) and it will ensure to develop deeper interoperability with Chinese in a given sector against a common enemy (strategic dimension).
J10 is a multirole aircraft like F16? so its multirole ability in replacing a singular role (old) Mirage should be taken as a huge benefit as Mirages have been reduced to a singular ground strike role. I am not going to get involved in a multi dimensional argument(& I don't disagree with it). There is a platform available that has superior abilities to the Mirage as it can perform the job Mirages can and then some more.

That is my angle of seeing it.
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@JamD & @kursed

Let's speculate a bit more about PL-15, J-10 and Block-3.

The Chinese and Pakistani did their training exercises in Bholari. What happened to 19th Squadron Sherdil F-16's? They silently disappeared from bholari while chinese were there with their most advanced aerial assets and even americans didn't object which means F-16 squadron has been realocated from bholari airbase

The Chinese would have been resistant to share PL-15 because they dont want the Americans anywhere near PL-15. They'd have wanted a dedicated airbase where JF-17 block 3 critical chinese tech and PL-15 can be stored exclusively and away from Americans. Pakistan for this very reason specifically chose Bholari airbase to host Chinese so that they can come and inspect it personally and let PAF store they Chinese Tier 1 BVR missile
Given the so much speculation, opinions, observations & some sort of disbelieve in regards to PL-15 due to diplomatic or technical shortcoming, I wouldn't role out a solution with far better performance especially in NEZ as compare to Meteor but let the time come.
@JamD & @kursed

Let's speculate a bit more about PL-15, J-10 and Block-3.

The Chinese and Pakistani did their training exercises in Bholari. What happened to 19th Squadron Sherdil F-16's? They silently disappeared from bholari while chinese were there with their most advanced aerial assets and even americans didn't object which means F-16 squadron has been realocated from bholari airbase

The Chinese would have been resistant to share PL-15 because they dont want the Americans anywhere near PL-15. They'd have wanted a dedicated airbase where JF-17 block 3 critical chinese tech and PL-15 can be stored exclusively and away from Americans. Pakistan for this very reason specifically chose Bholari airbase to host Chinese so that they can come and inspect it personally and let PAF store they Chinese Tier 1 BVR missile

Unless Pakistan plans on never pitting the F-16s against the JF-17 Block 3, Americans will learn PL-15 specs sooner or later.
PAF not moving ahead to develop ammunition for JF17 with third countries like brazil southaftrica turkey etc will be a critical defiency
Given the so much speculation, opinions, observations & some sort of disbelieve in regards to PL-15 due to diplomatic or technical shortcoming, I wouldn't role out a solution with far better performance especially in NEZ as compare to Meteor but let the time come.
american think tanks thinks it is as better if not longer then meteor aim120d
It Misses a lot of goodies that some members here on this forum have been discussing . IRST ,HOBS ,HMD SINGLE SCREEN DISPLAY
IRST was never stated by the airforce as a requirement as far as I am aware, and having followed JF-17 development news, no credible member who might have had insider knowledge on this forum has ever claimed IRST would be there.

And there are several good reasons it isn’t there yet in the Block III we’re seeing. Firstly IRST is expensive, and perhaps an unnecessary expense vs capability, radar ranges far exceed IRST detection range. IRST is not an ideal targeting system due to limitations on what sort of targeting data it can produce, and conditions severely degrading the the range. With AESA, the advantage over IRST is even bigger. JF-17 is also light and powered by a single RD-93, more components require more space, add more weight, and add power requirement. If we get some sort of IRST on offer that truly offers an essential capability, that cannot be reasonably filled by the use of an IRST pod, then PAF might look to add it to the requirement of some future block.
IRST was never stated by the airforce as a requirement as far as I am aware, and having followed JF-17 development news, no credible member who might have had insider knowledge on this forum has ever claimed IRST would be there.

And there are several good reasons it isn’t there yet in the Block III we’re seeing. Firstly IRST is expensive, and perhaps an unnecessary expense vs capability, radar ranges far exceed IRST detection range. IRST is not an ideal targeting system due to limitations on what sort of targeting data it can produce, and conditions severely degrading the the range. With AESA, the advantage over IRST is even bigger. JF-17 is also light and powered by a single RD-93, more components require more space, add more weight, and add power requirement. If we get some sort of IRST on offer that truly offers an essential capability, that cannot be reasonably filled by the use of an IRST pod, then PAF might look to add it to the requirement of some future block.

Adding to that, we do have a new chin mounting hard point which seems to be specifically created for POD and that might include the IRST as well. The payload may differ as per mission profile and if there is a need for so & so POD. Just saying.
IRST was never stated by the airforce as a requirement as far as I am aware, and having followed JF-17 development news, no credible member who might have had insider knowledge on this forum has ever claimed IRST would be there.

And there are several good reasons it isn’t there yet in the Block III we’re seeing. Firstly IRST is expensive, and perhaps an unnecessary expense vs capability, radar ranges far exceed IRST detection range. IRST is not an ideal targeting system due to limitations on what sort of targeting data it can produce, and conditions severely degrading the the range. With AESA, the advantage over IRST is even bigger. JF-17 is also light and powered by a single RD-93, more components require more space, add more weight, and add power requirement. If we get some sort of IRST on offer that truly offers an essential capability, that cannot be reasonably filled by the use of an IRST pod, then PAF might look to add it to the requirement of some future block.
We can argue cost but not IRST capability
Every modern jet has taken IRST and 360 degree MWS including fighters like gripen

Anyway the key confirmation i am waiting on is rd93ma

I wonder how the cockpit will workout
For comparison look at grpen E cockpit

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