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Jewish News: Iran and Pakistan together are a massive problem

Israel relies on American charity when America goes bust and it will you cant just keep printing money Israel will dissapear

You have endless wet dreams. Sleep well. America has helped many nation out of misery, unfortunately your nation's leadership is taking Pakistan in the wrong direction. Disappearance of Israel is on your wish list and will never be fulfilled.
They together can be israel's great problem but israel alone is a problem for the world:angry:
Well to tell the truth , the Yanks are having massive problems answering the nature's call in Afghanistan as the supply of pampers is limited now ... :rofl: Guess who cant go to the toilet now ? :lol:

"The U.S will have to go to toilet now for sure because we also stopped sending diapers to their soldiers". Man that is jokes.... :rofl:
israel would be suicidal to pick a new fight with another country.....i question their wisdom

is this a contest to see how many more enemies they can create?

i wont take this baseless article as representative of israeli policy (at least for now).

the israeli security apparatus is scared of Pakistan and they dare not do anything that either compromises our security or causes breach of any kind of our holy land
Shiia Sunni thing is more of a regional political issue between Saudi Arabia and Iran...yes there is historical baggage but by and large countries with mixed sects (especially Pakistan) have never really had issues. Of course there was 1990s (which were much worse) and even today sectarian violence does take place -- including what happend in Karachi, my native Kurram Agency and also even in Azad J&K/F.A.N.A. region

hate groups exist, but their influence and reach is so minimal that its negligible. It only takes a few brain-washed pawns to do the work of the devil. Enemies of Pakistan know this. It's really up to Pakistanis to be smart and not be damned fools by falling for these evil tricks to divide our country.

Pakistan is not Iraq or Bahrain.

exactly...not only are you not in a position to judge, but your knowledge of Pakistan is limited (at best)
Maybe in Pakistan, but in the Middle East after the sectarian violence in Iraq, Bahrain and now Syria, there can never be unity. Tolerance maybe but not unity. IMHO there is a reason for the historical suspicion/animosity between the two sects, they are simply enemies.
List of countries by GDP

17 Turkey 735,487
18 Indonesia 706,752
23 Saudi Arabia 448,360
26 Iran 407,382
33 United Arab Emirates 302,039
37 Malaysia 237,959
40 Egypt 218,465
48 Pakistan 165,760

But drones keep up.

Democratic Republic of North Korea :lol:

Right and in your end, Iran, Hezbullah and Hammas keep up...
Saving Private Ryan :lol:
Maybe in Pakistan, but in the Middle East after the sectarian violence in Iraq, Bahrain and now Syria, there can never be unity. Tolerance maybe but not unity. IMHO there is a reason for the historical suspicion/animosity between the two sects, they are simply enemies.

well that's why I'll always be eternally grateful that we are not the Arabs
Another typical Indian talking bs.
One Indian was saying Pakistanis are slaves.But according to what i saw on this website,Pakistanis are much more free-minded and logical and most of the times make sense.


I am really pleased our Iranian brothers are learning for themselves what Indians and Pakistanis are about. India is America's chosen proxy so please be wary

Can't the probable reason be that a lot of posters on this forum are filled with illogical and blind racial hatred for Israel which would force even neutral people to side with Israel just for sake of principles.


we are pleased for you to tell us your feelings about israel
List of countries by GDP

17 Turkey 735,487
18 Indonesia 706,752
23 Saudi Arabia 448,360
26 Iran 407,382
33 United Arab Emirates 302,039
37 Malaysia 237,959
40 Egypt 218,465
48 Pakistan 165,760

But drones keep up.

Democratic Republic of North Korea :lol:

1. So you are saying everyone who has a bigger GDP is better? Is that the reason why Israel has better military technology than every country in the Middle East, yet has a smaller economy? :rolleyes:

2. And that is why I said we are not fully free from western hands. :rolleyes:

3. I don't get it.
You have endless wet dreams. Sleep well. America has helped many nation out of misery, unfortunately your nation's leadership is taking Pakistan in the wrong direction. Disappearance of Israel is on your wish list and will never be fulfilled.

Yep they helped Iraqis Afghanis Libyans. I suggest they go nd help Canada first. Israel will dissapear it cannot exist without American charity and Americans are going bust.

remember even crusaders held Jerusalem for 100 years. It took Zionists thousands of years to get the land that they will lose I bet in much less time than that

1. So you are saying everyone who has a bigger GDP is better? Is that the reason why Israel has better military technology than every country in the Middle East, yet has a smaller economy? :rolleyes:

2. And that is why I said we are not fully free from western hands. :rolleyes:

3. I don't get it.

What economy Zionists have subverted democracy America and are stealing American money

Israelis will bark until the lost drop of black Americ ans blood
You have endless wet dreams. Sleep well. America has helped many nation out of misery, unfortunately your nation's leadership is taking Pakistan in the wrong direction. Disappearance of Israel is on your wish list and will never be fulfilled.

To the same Islamic countries that brought science, technology, literature, money, and workforce... umm.. think again.

To my amaze, the Americans have helped Vietnam (war against Communism), Cuba ( War against communism), Rwanda (civil war), Sudan (Darfur Masacre), Japan (Nuked twice), Iraq (Steal oil), Mexico (Weed market) Latin America ( U.S citizens for sexual desires, holiday homes), .....

Not to forget that brands like Nike, etc's products sold in North America are made by poor people (Pakistanis, Bangladeshis), who are rewarded just few cents...

Forgot so soon that they used Afghanis, Pakistanis and Arabs against Soviet communism in the 80s? Forgot so soon that OBL, Saddam Hussain, Yasir Arafat, Hosni Mubarak, were U.S puppets? They were nice guys and then became bad in a span of few years?

Off course how can i forget. The U.S helped both Iran and Iraq and later got them into war... lolz

You know what i have a lot of argue but i will leave it to you to think.
Democratic Republic of North Korea :lol:

You forgot the "People's" part in it, so correctly it would go like: "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (DPRK).

List of countries by GDP

17 Turkey 735,487
18 Indonesia 706,752
23 Saudi Arabia 448,360
26 Iran 407,382
33 United Arab Emirates 302,039
37 Malaysia 237,959
40 Egypt 218,465
48 Pakistan 165,760

But drones keep up.

Secondly, you are right in stating that Pakistan in its current state is a weak country, no doubt about that. But weak in what aspect?

Yes, we are weak in that we are divided and we must resolve our internal conflicts through peaceful means.

We are weak in that our rulers are corrupt puppets who tow the line of their western or Arab masters (depending on the political party).

Our nation's economy is in shambles and millions are jobless, homeless, without food, and immense poverty.

Our puppet leaders, both in the past and the present, have been assisting in a war in our western neighboring country which has caused immense death and destruction in our own nation taking an immense toll on our economy.

You are right in saying that Pakistan is no where close to being Islamic. How can we be Islamic if millions are out on the streets without homes, millions haven't recovered from the earthquake in Kashmir and now the floods.

How can Pakistan be a Islamic country if thousands of our citizens are committing suicide, killing their own children with their own hands because they cannot afford to feed and cloth their children let alone themselves, can they be blamed for making such a difficult decision?

How can we be Islamic if there is rampant crime, drugs, sectarian violence, ethnic violence, and corrupt traitors within our ranks who are willing to collaborate with foreign entities to bring down their own nation, so how can we be Islamic?

Indeed, the rulers of a nation are the reflection of its people, so until Pakistanis change themselves from within, rid their hearts and minds of corruption, greed, selfishness, jealousy, and unite as one, only then can we progress and rise on our feet, and only then will we see dedicated and patriotic leaders who put Pakistan's interests before anything!
I am so pleased that Indians have exposed their true colours. You see they like pat on the head or bottom from white man

Stop patting yourself on the back, lots of people on this forum are false-flaggers anyway.
Don't like the fact that some of your Indian mates can't keep up the two faced charade that you are Iran's friends. Don't worry Iranians are not stupid

Don't be silly. False flags are a dime a dozen out here. And stop making every thread about India.
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