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Jerusalem Councilman Urges Muslims: 'Leave Israel'


Jun 1, 2012
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Jerusalem Councilman Urges Muslims: 'Leave Israel' - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


Aryeh King, Jerusalem councilman and Israel Land Fund founder

Aryeh King, Jerusalem Councilman of the United Jerusalem faction, has begun a new campaign distributing thousands of fliers to Arab residents of Jerusalem, urging them to leave Israel.

"You have many large countries that you can live in. Understand that we returned to Israel to fulfill what is written in the Torah," reads the flier. "It isn't easy for millions of people to abandon their homes without any monetary help. Therefore we propose that you negotiate with the state of Israel to receive economic aid to move and live elsewhere."

King is the Chairperson of the Jerualem Municipality's Environment Committee, as well as its Emergency and Security Committee. He is also the director and founder of the Israel Land Fund, and ran as number 4 on the list of candidates for Otzmah Leyisrael in the last Knesset elections.

The flier includes the following message, in Arabic:

A call to all Muslims living in the land of Israel. We want to explain to you in this letter the words of the Torah regarding non-Jewish residents in the land of Israel.

Firstly, we say every person was born from the same G-d and every believing person should be treated with respect; therefore the Jewish religion isn't racist but humane.

As believing Jews we returned to Israel to fulfill the Torah; in the Torah it is written that the land of Israel is meant for (the Patriarchs) Avraham, Yitzhak, Yaakov and their grandchildren, and no one else. All agree that we are the great grandchildren of the ancient people of Israel.

...In the Torah it is also written that the land of Israel, this small land, belongs to the Jewish people alone and it is forbidden for others to live here in a permanent manner.

According to the Torah, the Jewish people were exiled from their land and remained in exile two thousand years. Now that the Jewish people have returned to the land of Israel, the time has come for them to fulfill this divine commandment.

Therefore we demand that you leave the land of Israel. We say this from a religious perspective, in order to ensure peace in the land of Israel.

We are explaining things written in the Torah as well as the Koran, and we reason that when you understand that we don't hate you or want to make war on Islam, you'll understand our desire to fulfill the commandment as is written in the Koran: there is no G-d but Allah.

The Jerusalem municipality said in response that it "doesn't recognize, isn't connected with or hold responsibility for private letters of elected officials written on their opinion alone, and we encourage contacting them directly to receive a statement. It is unnecessary to note that the official positions of the municipality on every issue are decided in an organized process and certified by the city council."
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Next time he will urge Arabs, Jews and other Semitic people to leave Al-Quds so only Eastern European imports will remain. Your Goldbergs and Silversteins in other words. The "native" and chosen people of course. LOL.
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I can't believe no one is outraged by this, he's inciting violence, terrorizing inhabitants of Jerusalem, also demonstrating to us how they believe in ethnic cleansing under the disguise of God given rights. What's even scarier is this guy represents the views of the vast majority of Israelis. Tomorrow who knows what we will seek they may actually attempt to drive all Palestinians out through terrorism and the world will do nothing about it and the United States will continue encouraging this behavior by giving them superior military capabilities.

So who here still wants to tell us otherwise?

Israel's democracy is eroding. Getting more racist, right wing and fascist.

They've been fascist like this ever since they settled on our land illegally. If it wasn't for the United States we would actually have a different scenario in this region. The United States administration needs to be tried at Hague for illegal CIA activities all around the world and for advocating genocide against the Palestinian people.
I can't believe no one is outraged by this, he's inciting violence, terrorizing inhabitants of Jerusalem, also demonstrating to us how they believe in ethnic cleansing under the disguise of God given rights. What's even scarier is this guy represents the views of the vast majority of Israelis. Tomorrow who knows what we will seek they may actually attempt to drive all Palestinians out through terrorism and the world will do nothing about it and the United States will continue encouraging this behavior by giving them superior military capabilities.

So who here still wants to tell us otherwise?

The Israeli "left" is really non-existent. The problem is that the Israeli occupation is having a very corrupting and corrosive effect on Israeli society, which is getting gradually much more racist.

Next time he will urge Arabs, Jews and other Semitic people to leave Al-Quds so only Eastern European imports will remain. Your Goldbergs and Silversteins in other words. The "native" and chosen people of course. LOL.


Tell me about it, :lol:.

If this develops into a serious thing though it's time to show these criminals and their allies justice. Israelis understand only violence. Since they are immune from justice they are encouraged to freely encourage this ethnic cleansing policy knowing full well the world will not hold them accountable. The US is assisting this policy.

We need to make these people desperate or else they will keep terrorizing us and driving us off our land. Tomorrow they will slowly do so to surrounding Arabic countries under the disguise of military operations.

You will see tomorrow for example they will instigate violence with Jordan for example and claim they are defending their people, attack Jordan, set a military buffer zone, build settlements unto them and then repeat step 1 elsewhere over a long period of time.

Their crusader allies will condemn the 'evil' Muslims and Arabs once again and stress Israel's right to 'defend' itself and we will be hopeless.

This is a threat we seriously need to contain.
The Israeli "left" is really non-existent. The problem is that the Israeli occupation is having a very corrupting and corrosive effect on Israeli society, which is getting gradually much more racist.

The Israeli left is made up of some parochial Jews who are OK with apartheid but spend their time protesting cheese prices.

I can't believe no one is outraged by this, he's inciting violence, terrorizing inhabitants of Jerusalem

Imagine if it was the other way around - a politician in, say, Iran or France waging a public campaign to have Jews leaving the country. It'd be a field day for BBC.
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The Israeli left is made up of some Jewish idiots who are OK with apartheid but spand their time protesting the cheese prices.

Imagine if it was the other way around - a politician in, say, Iran or France waging a public campaign to have Jews leaving the country. It'd be a field day for BBC.

You're right on my friend...question is...what can we do? How do spread awareness for this? Mainstream media will not make anything out of it. Why?

Next time he will urge Arabs, Jews and other Semitic people to leave Al-Quds so only Eastern European imports will remain. Your Goldbergs and Silversteins in other words. The "native" and chosen people of course. LOL.

Leave my Jewish Brethren alone & stop cheering for @Hazzy997 - He is currently dating an Israeli lady right now - Hes a traitor to the Cause ! :mad:
This is a threat we seriously need to contain.

Theres a bigger problem in the middle east than Israel now which has been going on for decades.
In all of the levant Gaza & West bank are probably one of the safest.
Those Ashkenazi Jews have outsmarted their Arab enemies in every way imaginable.
Theres a bigger problem in the middle east than Israel now which has been going on for decades.
In all of the levant Gaza & West bank are probably one of the safest.

Yeah, problems that Israel and the CIA want you to keep indulging in moron. Who do you think is behind all this instability?

And try to understand what containing a threat means, make sure the threat never reaches Arabic neighbors. I'm not speaking of western perspective in which containing threats= colonization and mass murder of people for no reason.

What is the 'Levant' btw?

Those Ashkenazi Jews have outsmarted their Arab enemies in every way imaginable.

What does this mean?
You're right on my friend...question is...what can we do? How do spread awareness for this? Mainstream media will not make anything out of it. Why?

You probably know the answer. Western press outlets won't have Israel presented in too bad a light. Because of fear of protests by pro-Israel viewers, because pro-Israeli lobbying groups will be slamming "anti-Israel" coverage, because journalists themselves have a pro-Israel bias - I don't know; it's probably a mix of all these. And the worst part is that not even influential, English-language Arab media (Al Jazeera, for example) have much to say on these isolated incidents, though they're revealing of the racist sentiment in the nation, and though I have no doubt this sort of thing would be widely covered if it happened in a Muslim country to some minority group. The one good news is that social media allows us to spread these news independently of the pro-Israel filter in the mainstream press.

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