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Jawans of Indian and Chinese army play volleyball :celebrate harvest festival at Nathu La

Yet according to India's own internal army report, it was Nehru who started the 1962 War.

And it was Nehru who back stabbed us by hosting our largest separatist group in 1959.

Even India's own internal army report agrees that it was Nehru, i.e. India who started the war.
The internal report what you are refering to.if you have read properly states clearly it was a misunderstanding and not planed ,some officer creates a post he tought was Indian claimed land,and the report says thats not the Indian stand.
Now even if i take your word,tell me you treated us as friends right,when you saw a post in your side,what would you do....will you go for a fight immediatly or tell the one whom you consider friend and see what happened,and then go for fight.

If you go for fight over a post then there must be something wrong in your friendship.
The internal report what you are refering to.if you have read properly states clearly it was a misunderstanding and not planed ,some officer creates a post he tought was Indian claimed land,and the report says thats not the Indian stand.
Now even if i take your word,tell me you treated us as friends right,when you saw a post in your side,what would you do....will you go for a fight immediatly or tell the one whom you consider friend and see what happened,and then go for fight.

If you go for fight over a post then there must be something wrong in your friendship.

That's the thing, there was no friendship. Only the lie of a friendship by Nehru, who immediately back stabbed us.

Nehru claimed that India and China were "bhai bhai" (notice it was said in Hindi, not in Chinese), then immediately he hosted our largest separatist group in 1959 after their failed violent uprising.

Then Nehru started the Forward Policy, i.e. the 1962 war against us, while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history (the Great leap forward).

What a great friend, one who attacks us when we are in the middle of our worst famine!
That's the thing, there was no friendship. Only the lie of a friendship by Nehru, who immediately back stabbed us.

Nehru claimed that India and China were "bhai bhai" (notice it was said in Hindi, not in Chinese), then immediately he hosted our largest separatist group in 1959 after their failed violent uprising.

Then Nehru started the Forward Policy, i.e. the 1962 war against us, while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history (the Great leap forward).

What a great friend, one who attacks us when we are in the middle of our worst famine!
Dude do you save the replys or save it some where,its the same reply para to para in the thread about the secret report which you mentioned.did you read my post before replying.you dint even come close to my post.
Sorry no hard feelings bro,
Dude do you save the replys or save it some where,its the same reply para to para in the thread about the secret report which you mentioned.did you read my post before replying.you dint even come close to my post.
You just talking about something preseted in your mind which not in reality for example friendship.
You just talking about something preseted in your mind which not in reality for example friendship.
No hard feelings again bro,who did bringup friendship and back stabbing in the thread,not me or any Indian.
It should be very tough for these guys to play volleyball on so high altitude .
Yet according to India's own internal army report, it was Nehru who started the 1962 War.

And it was Nehru who back stabbed us by hosting our largest separatist group in 1959.

Even India's own internal army report agrees that it was Nehru, i.e. India who started the war.
Why do you always have to rant the same sentence "India hosting our ......." again and again. It was the US who were the real culprits to foment troubles in Chinese occupied Tibet and mind you, you people were not saints either.....
Once I went to Nathula 4-5 years back as a tourist. The border was guarded by fence Camera was not allowed. Other side Chinese soldiers were present. They were so friendly , shook our hands from other side of the fence. Particularly they were interested in talking with ladies. Tourists were also happy and amused to see people of other country.

The army person accompanying us told us not to shake hands. If in some way they pull us to other side of the fence, then army would have nothing to do. Army will inform to Defence Ministry, They will inform Foreign ministry. FM will inform Indian Embassy in China. They will talk to China Govt. If they agree then you can cross the Fence and come to this side :) .
Ladies became sooo afraid that they started maintaining safe distance from the fence :)

We came to know that the Chinese side of Nathula was not that much developed like Sikkim ( Do not know true or not). No major town that side. Soldiers live a very boring life. They feel good time pass to talk to different types of Indian tourists
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