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Indian Railways to give big boost to Indian Army at LAC against China

The battle with Pakistan is very different man. It's a clash of ideologies and the wounds of partition are still engraved in the hearts of millions . Whereas the only problem between india and china is the unresolved border issue. China has the aspirations of being a global super power but how can it be one if it doesn't make peace with it's neighbors ? Honestly chinese leadership is being very short sighted by trying to use force against india. They should've known by now that India can't be defeated in a total war.
In such a situation where you can't force your adversary to accept defeat the only option left is to make peace
The wounds of partition dont mean anything to those that haven't lived through them, and that link is fading fast.

Ideologically, one could make an argument for a clash, but where in heavens is it written that you cannot coexist if you disagree with each other.

The economic synergy that arises from a stable economically integrated southern asia is far more worthy over this feud. Money will always triump sentiment, eventually :D

With the Chinese the seperation of our nations by a gargantuan natural barrier and vast distances between population centers afford us certain protections in that regard. With Pakistan this is the reverse.

If India is to be a super power, we cannot have Pakistan as our enemy. As simple as that.
China should give up it's short sightedness by giving up it's claims over Arunachal Pradesh and reconcile with india. Being the bigger nation it has to take the invitative to solve the border dispute . Win win cooperation for both sides is a must , we have a 2,000 year old history of trade and peace. I hope Xi comes to his senses and lays out an acceptable proprosal to solve the border dispute
China doesn't have the military capability to defeat india totally.
Why dont you indians return south tibet to china, the land is rightifully Chinese.

The battle with Pakistan is very different man. It's a clash of ideologies and the wounds of partition are still engraved in the hearts of millions . Whereas the only problem between india and china is the unresolved border issue. China has the aspirations of being a global super power but how can it be one if it doesn't make peace with it's neighbors ? Honestly chinese leadership is being very short sighted by trying to use force against india. They should've known by now that India can't be defeated in a total war.
In such a situation where you can't force your adversary to accept defeat the only option left is to make peace
Its just you indians being delusional and unreasonable all the time, not any fault on chinese side. Why should Chinese appease you Indians all the time ?
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I don't think that China-India dispute is fundamentally territorial in nature, at least, not from the Chinese side. Shekhar Gupta, of the "ThePrint", has written a revealing recent article, in this regard, which is worth reading.
I don't think that China-India dispute is fundamentally territorial in nature, at least, not from the Chinese side. Shekhar Gupta, of the "ThePrint", has written a revealing recent article, in this regard, which is worth reading.

Do post the article link for us to judge how revealing it is. Mini skirt or G-string, i.e. Or just a pajama masquerading as yoga pants....
Do post the article link for us to judge how revealing it is. Mini skirt or G-string, i.e. Or just a pajama masquerading as yoga pants....

Sir Jee: I don't know, how to, otherwise I would have. I am an old man, and my command at new things is very limited. This article is very recent, within the last seven days, and it is reproduced by others as well, in addition to ThePrint. It is available on internet.
Sir Jee: I don't know, how to, otherwise I would have. I am an old man, and my command at new things is very limited. This article is very recent, within the last seven days, and it is reproduced by others as well, in addition to ThePrint. It is available on internet.

Not a spring chicken myself having scored a half century recently..

Anyway managed to find the said article, as below, Haven't gone through it yet.

Chinese are coming for biggest breach in India’s defences. Our politics is far from ready for them

None of the actions of the Chinese, their method or subsequent de-escalatory response, suggest that land is what they are after. The territory they most likely want now is in our minds.

17 December, 2022 08:00 am IST
Not a spring chicken myself having scored a half century recently..

Still, about 14 years younger than me. :-)

Thanks for posting the article. May be, I appreciate it, because it somewhat rhymes with my thinking, which I have developed over time, while reading about this dispute.

Thanks for telling me about G-Strings. I didn't know anything about it. Now, have seen the images. Yes, they are quite "revealing". :lol:
Kashmir to get connected to the rest of the country via trains by next year

View attachment 907889
Travelling to Jammu and Kashmir will become easier and hassle-free from next year. If reports are to go by, Kashmir valley will get connected via trains with the rest of India as all bottlenecks at the railway tracks would be removed.

Meanwhile, the Railways recently finished a major chunk of work in the Ramban sector of Jammu region, which is on the longest rail tunnel in the country. An official in the know-how stated that the major portion of the work on the rail tunnel in the entire Udhampur-Baramulla-Srinagar Rail (UBSR) Link in Jammu and Kashmir, has been completed.

The official further added that it was very difficult to complete work on this tunnel as it surpasses the Pir-Panjal Tunnel in length, and the work has been very challenging so far.

Reportedly, this cost-effective and all-weather connectivity option will likely provide a boost to the economy of Jammu and Kashmir, apart from boosting several industries and generating employment options too.

Sustainable connectivity to this region is crucial for national security and socio-economic development of the region. However, despite vast resources, Kashmir has lagged behind in terms of development because of the lack of railway connectivity. Now, after much effort and facing all the challenges, establishing rail connectivity to the region with the rest of the country will help boost tourism and other industries in the region.
Wait, I thought kashmir was in Pakistan.
I don't think that China-India dispute is fundamentally territorial in nature, at least, not from the Chinese side. Shekhar Gupta, of the "ThePrint", has written a revealing recent article, in this regard, which is worth reading.
It doesn't have an ideological angle to it I can assure you, atleast from the indian perspective. We just don't like the fact that china is trying to dictate it's terms on the borders rather than solving disputes peacefully.
Maybe chinese are trying to add an ideological angle to it

Why dont you indians return south tibet to china, the land is rightifully Chinese.
The people who live there aren't Han Chinese nor are they tibetan. I've been through that whole area. They simply don't like you. Many thousands of them are in the army, and that's for a state with a population of 1.3 million.
Its just you indians being delusional and unreasonable all the time, not any fault on chinese side. Why should Chinese appease you Indians all the time ?
When was the last time the Chinese appeased the Indians ?
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It doesn't have an ideological angle to it I can assure you, at least from the indian perspective. We just don't like the fact that china is trying to dictate it's terms on the borders rather than solving disputes peacefully.

Neither am I alluding to any ideological angle, from Chinese or Indian side. But, I am almost certain that it is not per se a territorial dispute, from Chinese side. Territorial clashes are merely a form of forced messaging or expressions of discontent. It has something to do with the increasing closeness of India to US, it's perceived implications for China's security, upmanship, and hegemonic competition. Apparently, no resolution seems to be in sight.
Neither am I alluding to any ideological angle, from Chinese or Indian side. But, I am almost certain that it is not per se a territorial dispute, from Chinese side. Territorial clashes are merely a form of forced messaging or expressions of discontent. It has something to do with the increasing closeness of India to US, it's perceived implications for China's security, upmanship, and hegemonic competition. Apparently, no resolution seems to be in sight.
India's closeness with the states is a direct consequence of china's territorial claims. But we have been very careful in building alliances with the west. Indians are aware of America's malicious intentions of using india against china. So we only cooperate with them to a limited extent.
India's closeness with the states is a direct consequence of china's territorial claims. But we have been very careful in building alliances with the west. Indians are aware of America's malicious intentions of using india against china. So we only cooperate with them to a limited extent.

Alright. As it is, your and mine difference of opinion stays, regarding the real concern and intent of China, with regard to it's dispute with India.

It doesn't have an ideological angle to it I can assure you, atleast from the indian perspective. We just don't like the fact that china is trying to dictate it's terms on the borders rather than solving disputes peacefully.
Maybe chinese are trying to add an ideological angle to it

The people who live there aren't Han Chinese nor are they tibetan. I've been through that whole area. They simply don't like you. Many thousands of them are in the army, and that's for a state with a population of 1.3 million.

When was the last time the Chinese appeased the Indians ?
You delusional indians claim that tibetans are not Han chinese and therefore tibet should belong to India. You can BS that those people in south tibet love you hindus, lol.
You delusional indians claim that tibetans are not Han chinese and therefore tibet should belong to India. You can BS that those people in south tibet love you hindus, lol.
WTF when did I say that tibet should belong to india :omghaha:
I just said that people In Arunachal Are not ethinic tibetans or Han Chinese. Arunachal is inhabited by hill tribes most of which follow Christianity , Tibetans don't even follow Christianity , a religion china is not supportive of. And it's true that the people there don't like you , I've been through the entire state. And one more thing. India is a multi ethinic country and it was founded to be one. China is a Han Nation where Han nationalism is the core principle of the one china policy. You may find 10 indian hindus but not all of them will be of the same race. China forces it's minorities to adopt Chinese as the national language. India dosent force it's states to learn hindi.
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WTF when did I say that tibet should belong to india :omghaha:
I just said that people In Arunachal Are not ethinic tibetans or Han Chinese. Arunachal is inhabited by hill tribes most of which follow Christianity , Tibetans don't even follow Christianity , a religion china is not supportive of. And it's true that the people there don't like you , I've been through the entire state. And one more thing. India is a multi ethinic country and it was founded to be one. China is a Han Nation where Han nationalism is the core principle of the one china policy. You may find 10 indian hindus but not all of them will be of the same race. China forces it's minorities to adopt Chinese as the national language. India dosent force it's states to learn hindi.
Oh BS, those "tribe East Asian minorities" love you Hindus. You Hindus have no relation with them either ethnically or culturally, they are more related to East Asians or Chinese, besides, the territory is Chinese before you Indians occupy it in the 1950s.

China is also a country with 56 multi-ethnicities. So its perfectly OK for you Hindus to make Hindi the national language of India while China can't make Mandrain the official language of China since it is spoken by the vast majority of Chinese and the minorities shouldn't learn Chinese official language, lol. And, it's perfectly OK for the Chinese in China and the minorities in Europe and America to learn to English, this comes down with your fk head is that Chinese shouldn't learn and use Chinese language and culture. Stop using double standard and being hypocritical on China that everything happening in China is evil and anti-human rights while everything happening in your shitty slum country are humane and good. Just look at the atrocities such as massacres and killings you Hindus have committed against Muslims and other minorities over the years, your PM Modi is a good example that he ordered to massacre thousands of Muslims while he was a state head. Stop lecturing Chinese on how to treat their fellow citizens before you clean up your own shit in your country.
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