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Japanese parliamentarians propose to build gas pipeline from Sakhalin to Japan for $6 billion

probably not for long if this drill goes through.nobody signs a deal with others where oil/gas comes through a disputed region.

yup.they still live in Hokkaido.but do you know what,this barely matters.its just like saying that this whole world was property of Neanderthal people.

there is always "Handover of Property" in some form or others to one group of people to others.
hokaido was only inhabited by japanese something like 200-100 years ago
hokaido was only inhabited by japanese something like 200-100 years ago

Ainus are now part of the word "Japanese".Indegenous groups always gets "Blurred" after arrival of new groups.I wonder how many Ainus live in Sakhalin now.
Ainu are minority groups in Japan; and for the most part, many have integrated into Japanese society.
The US sabotaged the Iran-Pakistan pipeline. But I think Japan may have the leverage to act a little more independently. If US threatens to withdraw support for Japan against China in the Diaoyudao arena, Japan may simply decide that it can hold off China on its own, through their own militarization.

I am of the opinion that Japan has a lot less leverage than Iran or Pakistan by a long shot. I think a key issue is that Japan really isn't at equal status with Iran or Pakistan in the eyes of US. Don't get me wrong Japan is much more powerful than Iran and Pakistan economically, but both Iran and Pakistan are completely independent nations where US need to influence through diplomatic leverages. Japan is a semi-colony of US and instead of influence, US can order a lot of things in Japan.
Undoubtedly its important to develop multivariate resources. Energy security is pertinent for Japanese national interest, and quite frankly, the United States should respect this.

It is improbable, highly unlikely that there will be military integration and interoperability between the Japanese Self Defense Forces and those of the People's Republic of China. The number one geopolitical rival to Japan, and incidentally, China remains a threat.
China is a rising nation while Japan is a declining one. It just a matter of time Japan accept China as leader. Sooner or later, asia will build a NATO style organisation to protect asia.
China is a rising nation while Japan is a declining one. It just a matter of time Japan accept China as leader. Sooner or later, asia will build a NATO style organisation to protect asia.

when Mr. Ah Q can be a leader of Asia, it is tragedy for Asia.:D
when Mr. Ah Q can be a leader of Asia, it is tragedy for Asia.:D
It is more tragic that SE nations who make fun of Mr. Ah Q becoming leader of Asia, but cannot become one by themselves. :coffee:
This would be good. Will bring a strong thaw in Russo-Japanese relations and might lead to stronger eastern integration. Another massive opportunity to free our own foreign policy from making it a hostage to either parties.

Mr. Abe seems to be a boon to Asia. The way I see it, Japan might make it out of this one big yoke. Russian gas and oil will make them less dependent on volatile middle east.

I hope Russians accept their offer. India is also trying hard to get Russian pipeline via China into our country.
This would be good. Will bring a strong thaw in Russo-Japanese relations and might lead to stronger eastern integration. Another massive opportunity to free our own foreign policy from making it a hostage to either parties.

Mr. Abe seems to be a boon to Asia. The way I see it, Japan might make it out of this one big yoke. Russian gas and oil will make them less dependent on volatile middle east.

I hope Russians accept their offer. India is also trying hard to get Russian pipeline via China into our country.

Putin is very smart. He timed the Crimea annexation perfectly.

With China, Japan and India soon to be taking Russia oil and gas via secure pipelines, the EU becomes almost irrelevant.

China has a strategic reason to keep Russia strong and it will allow oil and gas to be piped via its territory to India.

With Putin, Xinping and Modi in charge, the US won't know what hit them.
perfect comment, Ah Q think that he is revolution leader. In fact he is joker.

did you read the novel " Ah Q " of Lu Sun ?
I know the story of Ah Q written during turbulant times in China. I do not confess to be honorable or spiritual. I am a realist and a patriot. It is Vietnamese who are dreaming of a Greater Vietnam. Dreaming of conqueringChina for over 1000 years, but still a dream. The story of Ah Q is more fitting for modern day Vietnam.

Vietnam, a back stabbing, self delusional petty thief. Begging for money with one hand, while holding a gun on the other. Playing thief and victim at the same time. Overestimating its place in the world and not playing its minor role. You think you are a heavyweight contender, but you are a flyweight journeyman.

Chinese do not make up false history or claim to be the strongest nation on earth. At least we know our capabilities are unlimited when we stick to our course, not delusional like Vietnam.
How reliable are the Japanese as a business partner though?

I believe they were the only Asian country to impose (limited) sanction on Russia during the Crimea crisis while China pretty much supported Russia behind the scene and everyone else paid lip service against Russia but remained neutral.
How reliable are the Japanese as a business partner though?

I believe they were the only Asian country to impose (limited) sanction on Russia during the Crimea crisis while China pretty much supported Russia behind the scene and everyone else paid lip service against Russia but remained neutral.

FYI no Asian power supported sanctions against Russia other than Japan that too under US pressure. You must understand that they have been under US nuke threat for the last 60 years. Only now Abe is trying to move away from USA and look for alternative partners.

The sanctions may be only temporary while discussions might be taking place backdoor.
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