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I know the story of Ah Q written during turbulant times in China. I do not confess to be honorable or spiritual. I am a realist and a patriot. It is Vietnamese who are dreaming of a Greater Vietnam. Dreaming of conqueringChina for over 1000 years, but still a dream. The story of Ah Q is more fitting for modern day Vietnam.

Vietnam, a back stabbing, self delusional petty thief. Begging for money with one hand, while holding a gun on the other. Playing thief and victim at the same time. Overestimating its place in the world and not playing its minor role. You think you are a heavyweight contender, but you are a flyweight journeyman.

Chinese do not make up false history or claim to be the strongest nation on earth. At least we know our capabilities are unlimited when we stick to our course, not delusional like Vietnam.

Ah Q is symbolic character and spirit of Chinese, bro.

What you said is applied to China, Mao went to Moscow 1950 and Deng went to Washington 1979. China betrayed her friends in cold war.

Today, the tension in Asia is a reason for that Mr. Ah Q would like to take hegemony in region, what is never been in the past.
Ah Q is symbolic character and spirit of Chinese, bro.

What you said is applied to China, Mao went to Moscow 1950 and Deng went to Washington 1979. China betrayed her friends in cold war.

Today, the tension in Asia is a reason for that Mr. Ah Q would like to take hegemony in region, what is never been in the past.
The real traitors I know are Vietnam.
China had always been a hegemon in East Asia for most of her history. It provided peace in the region for a long time. It's best to know your role in the international community and not over play it.
The real traitors I know are Vietnam.
China had always been a hegemon in East Asia for most of her history. It provided peace in the region for a long time. It's best to know your role in the international community and not over play it.

It was Manchurian ruled China, not Han chinese.:jester:
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