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Japanese Dolphins killing and massacre condemned

You seriously don't believe that some people in Japan or Iceland will go hungry if they stop hunting whales or dolphins ?

I don't think that, but this is how many earn their livelihood, with ease. Give them better opportunities and see if they quit it voluntarily, am not for forcefully banning it.

But I think these people are being unfairly targeted, simply on the emotional grounds and simply because its visually discomforting. While we are at it why don't we also force the hundreds and thousands of various indigenous tribes spread across the world and get them to "behave" like the rest of us. I mean after all, even they too don't align with our misconstrued vision of whats "humane" and whats "Civilized" right?

That you're not a vegetarian. :sarcastic:

Sure bro, host me for dinner some day, and I shall :enjoy:
I don't think that, but this is how many earn their livelihood, with ease. Give them better opportunities and see if they quit it voluntarily, am not for forcefully banning it.

But I think these people are being unfairly targeted, simply on the emotional grounds and simply because its visually discomforting. While we are at it why don't we also force the hundreds and thousands of various indigenous tribes spread across the world and get them to "behave" like the rest of us. I mean after all, even they too don't align with our misconstrued vision of whats "humane" and whats "Civilized" right?

Sure bro, host me for dinner some day, and I shall :enjoy:

Let me know when you're in China.
I don't think that, but this is how many earn their livelihood, with ease. Give them better opportunities and see if they quit it voluntarily, am not for forcefully banning it.

But I think these people are being unfairly targeted, simply on the emotional grounds and simply because its visually discomforting. While we are at it why don't we also force the hundreds and thousands of various indigenous tribes spread across the world and get them to "behave" like the rest of us. I mean after all, even they too don't align with our misconstrued vision of whats "humane" and whats "Civilized" right?

That if they want to be part of an international community.If not,they can live isolated with their "traditions".As i've said,many idiotic things used to be "tradition".
Thats just unfair. You can't bully them into giving it up. Although I don't see them giving it up as long as their government has their back. I still don't see how its any different from these scenes though. But since its cows and camels, and its done by a big chunk of humanity, no one blinks an eye.




Anyways am done being the devil's advocate for today, take it easy.

P.S: And b4 religious shytestorm, I apologize in advance if I offended anyones religous sentiments with these photos, and that include Hindus and Muslims. Just trying to make a point here.

You are not offending anyone mate. As a Muslim I believe an animal should be stunned unconscious before being killed. We have moved on since the early 14th century. Some countries such as Sweden prohibit any slaughter without prior stunning.

As for the original thread, I'm sorry but this is cruel. Herding, corralling, forcing into tiny spaces such intelligent and sentient beings is wrong. The process is incredibly stressful and the killing techniques used often have the animals withering about in horrible pain for quite a long time afterwards.
They have banned the cutting bit.

The primary method of dispatch was for a long time to cut the dolphin's throat, severing blood vessels, and death was due toexsanguination. However, the government banned this method and now the officially sanctioned method requires that a metal pin be driven into the cervical region ("neck") of the dolphin, severing its brainstem, which causes it to die within seconds, according to a memo from Senzo Uchida, the executive secretary of the Japan Cetacean Conference on Zoological Gardens and Aquariums.

Activist, Melissa Sehgal, from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, called the slaughter process brutal.

“The process is called pithing, where they hammer a metal rod into the spinal cord of the dolphin. These dolphins do not die immediately. It takes up to 20 to 30 minutes for these dolphins to die, where they bleed out, suffocate or drown from the process of being dragged to the butcher house,” said Sehgal.
Activist, Melissa Sehgal, from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, called the slaughter process brutal.

“The process is called pithing, where they hammer a metal rod into the spinal cord of the dolphin. These dolphins do not die immediately. It takes up to 20 to 30 minutes for these dolphins to die, where they bleed out, suffocate or drown from the process of being dragged to the butcher house,” said Sehgal.

I have heard from people who tried to help these dolphins some take an hour to die. There is simply no place for this.
I have heard from people who tried to help these dolphins some take an hour to die. There is simply no place for this.

I love meat, but no matter the slaughtering method, I can't imagine anyone would have the heart to eat dolphins.
Chinese are well known to do things like this, poaching Tigers for their penis as Chinese think but eating it it will give them strength etc, not just Tigers but lots of other animals as well.
Lol at people taking the moral high horse, complain about whaling and then go and chomp on a juicy steak.

Am sorry, but if you are not a vegan/vegatarain you have no rights to complain about such things.

That doesn't even apply here. You are comparing 2 completely different scenarios. Are cows, chickens etc endangered species? There are 100s of millions of them out there and if their population ever falls below the danger mark , they can easily be bred and their populations expanded. Besides, they are not intelligent animals anyway. As for dolphins, they are extremely endangered animals and very intelligent. If there were billions of them swimming in the oceans, no would give damn if you kill a thousand of them, but that's not the case, is it?

Also ,there is nothing wrong in being a non-vegan. It's the way nature works, carnivores eat animals that they can kill.
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