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Japanese Dolphins killing and massacre condemned

Sad...Sad...Very sad..
why do they have to kill them..so much blood..It almost look like sea of blood...
humans are really worst kind of animal.....who kills for pleasure....

Exercise some intellect, Not all fish are the same. Sharks are not like Dolphins,

You want to take cheap shots at China?
India: The Largest Supplier of Shark Fins

Do Indian kill sea creature humanly???? How do you kill turtle??
100,000 turtles sacrificed in ritual slaughter to celebrate Hindu festival | Mail Online

Turtle getting cut alive in Kerala.
That cannot be true...
It make my senses go numb...why there is so much killing...
Exercise some intellect, Not all fish are the same. Sharks are not like Dolphins,

If you really think killing sharks are like killing an ordinary fish, why are all campaigners across the world and within China trying to get killing shark for fin banned and restaurant stop selling shark fin soup, and even artificial shark fins are being introduced in Chinese market to stop shark killing. So, stop trying to apologist. :girl_wacko:

You want to take cheap shots at China?
India: The Largest Supplier of Shark Fins

Do Indian kill sea creature humanly???? How do you kill turtle??
100,000 turtles sacrificed in ritual slaughter to celebrate Hindu festival | Mail Online

Turtle getting cut open alive in Kerala.

Such things are bad and should strictly be banned. BTW second link is from Bangladesh and not India.

India bans shark 'finning' - Technology & Science - CBC News
If you really think killing sharks are like killing an ordinary fish, why are all campaigners across the world and within China trying to get killing shark for fin banned and restaurant stop selling shark fin soup, and even artificial shark fins are being introduced in Chinese market to stop shark killing. So, stop trying to apologist. :girl_wacko:

Grow a brain, activists campaign just about everything. They're against wearing fur too, but most Europeans still do. If they know about how turtle are inhumanly slaughtered in Kerala for consumption , you would campaign too. You're no better.

Such things are bad and should strictly be banned. BTW second link is from Bangladesh and not India.
India bans shark 'finning' - Technology & Science - CBC News

West Bengal practice the same Hindu festival.

India: The Largest Supplier of Shark Fins
Grow a brain, activists campaign just about everything. They're against wearing fur too, but most Europeans still do. If they know about how turtle are inhumanly slaughtered in Kerala for consumption , you would campaign too. You're no better.

West Bengal practice the same Hindu festival.

India: The Largest Supplier of Shark Fins

Why didn't you bother to open the link I posted. Your apologist comments are of no use, why not campaigners campaign for banning killing fish in China if you think both are same. The news link itself says killing Turtles is banned in India and ban should strictly be observed.
Why didn't you bother to open the link I posted. Your apologist comments are of no use, why not campaigners campaign for banning killing fish in China if you think both are same. The news link itself says killing Turtles is banned in India and ban should strictly be observed.

Another retarded logic from you, banning fish in China?? As much as animal activists love to campaign, they are not as dumb to think that all fish are the same, like you do.

Many things are banned in India, but you know what is a black market or illegal trade? Imposing a ban is one thing, enforcing it in the open sea is another thing.
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Retarded logic, Indian hunt for fish too, they are not slaughtered in very humane way either. But not all fish are the same, dolphins are docile, human friendly, intelligent.

Dolphins and wales are not even fish,they're mammals.
What is wrong with people? I thought Japanese were very humble! :blink:
There should be more international condemnation against such traditions. Just because you have been doing it for years does not make it right.
What is wrong with people? I thought Japanese were very humble! :blink:

No they're not.That's what I used to think but recently i did a little reading.Turns out that the japanese are major dicks with a dangerous superiority complex towards the rest of the world(which wasn't knocked out of them even after swallowing 2 nukes) ,racists and really unapologetic for their horrible crimes in WW2,even outright defiant towards their ex victims.

On top of that they slaughter wales and dolphins with BS excuses-"it's science","it's culture" :mad:
Lol at people taking the moral high horse, complain about whaling and then go and chomp on a juicy steak.

Am sorry, but if you are not a vegan/vegatarain you have no rights to complain about such things.
Why didn't you bother to open the link I posted. Your apologist comments are of no use, why not campaigners campaign for banning killing fish in China if you think both are same. The news link itself says killing Turtles is banned in India and ban should strictly be observed.

India is a largely vegetarian nation, most of the Indians who are more Indian than Canadian I know won't eat meat of any kind, a few don't even drink for religious reasons.

You guys have a unfair advantage here, we are not a nation of religious nuts. We are atheists, so logic prevails more times than not. Before anyone post something crazy, I'll stake our crazies against yours any day.

So we all got our thing.

Also there are campaigns banning fishing, heard of PETA?
Lol at people taking the moral high horse, complain about whaling and then go and chomp on a juicy steak.

Am sorry, but if you are not a vegan/vegatarain you have no rights to complain about such things.

Stop comparing endangered species with farm animals.
Since when Dolphins are endangered species?

Some of them are and to be honest this touches an emotional corde.Dolphins are very intelligent,way more then farm cows and pigs,sharks,it is natural for humans to feel very attached to them,they're like our companions in the sea.Since early times they have sought our companionship,following human vessels in the oceans,sometimes saving humans from sharks,etc.
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