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Japanese Dolphins killing and massacre condemned

India is a largely vegetarian nation, most of the Indians who are more Indian than Canadian I know won't eat meat of any kind, a few don't even drink for religious reasons.

You guys have a unfair advantage here, we are not a nation of religious nuts. We are atheists, so logic prevails more times than not. Before anyone post something crazy, I'll stake our crazies against yours any day.

So we all got our thing.

Also there are campaigns banning fishing, heard of PETA?
the banning is not due to religious reason, because many people eat non vegetarian anyway, and its available in every city/town/village. Its because there are animals who are identified to be endangered and hence there is prohibition against killing.

Some of them are and to be honest this touches an emotional corde.Dolphins are very intelligent,way more then farm cows and pigs,sharks,it is natural for humans to feel very attached to them,they're like our companions in the sea.Since early times they have sought our companionship,following human vessels in the oceans,sometimes saving humans from sharks,etc.
Thats how I feel when europeans eat horse meat. or chinese eat dog meat.
Some of them are and to be honest this touches an emotional corde.Dolphins are very intelligent,way more then farm cows and pigs,sharks,it is natural for humans to feel very attached to them,they're like our companions in the sea.Since early times they have sought our companionship,following human vessels in the oceans,sometimes saving humans from sharks,etc.

All flimsy ground. I think lambs and rabbits are nice and cuddly too, should people stop eating them? Some people say Dogs are very intelligent animals and man's best friend, doesn't stop the Chinese and Vietnamese from eating them.

Become a vegan and then protest all this killing, and I ll be with you. Until then you and people like you are just being hypocrites.
Thats how I feel when european eat horse meat. or chinese eat dog meat.

I feel the same.I don't agree with it either,luckily they're not that common.In the future i hope they won't exist.
In Japan, the hunting is done by a select group of fishermen.[7] When a pod of dolphins has been spotted, fishing boats move into position. One end of a steel pipe is lowered into the water, and the fisherman aboard the boats strike them with mallets. This is done at strategic points around the pod, in an effort to herd them toward land. The clamor may confuse or alarm the dolphins, which move away from the noise. The pod of dolphins is thus driven into a bay by the fishermen, which is quickly closed off with nets to prevent escape. As the dolphins are initially quite agitated, they are left to calm down over night. The following day, fishermen enter the bay in small boats, and the dolphins are caught one at a time and killed. The primary method of dispatch was for a long time to cut the dolphin's throat, severing blood vessels, and death was due to exsanguination. However, the government banned this method and now the officially sanctioned method requires that a metal pin be driven into the cervical region ("neck") of the dolphin, severing its brainstem, which causes it to die within seconds, according to a memo from Senzo Uchida, the executive secretary of the Japan Cetacean Conference on Zoological Gardens and Aquariums.
All flimsy ground. I think lambs and rabbits are nice and cuddly too, should people stop eating them? Some people say Dogs are very intelligent animals and man's best friend, doesn't stop the Chinese and Vietnamese from eating them.

Become a vegan and then protest all this killing, and I ll be with you. Until then you and people like you are just being hypocrites.

Vegan is an option for idiots,humans are omnivores not vegetarians.Now ,we have evolved,we have simpathy even for animals,there's no need to mass slaughter endangered species in the wildwhen we can raise them in farms.What the japanese are doing is not even hunting,that's just mass slaughter of wild animals not some farm beasts purposedly raised to be on my menu.
Two things:
1. we feel bad coz its dolphin, they are almost like us
2. coz its more for a ritual than for food, basically killing for fun
In Japan, the hunting is done by a select group of fishermen.[7] When a pod of dolphins has been spotted, fishing boats move into position. One end of a steel pipe is lowered into the water, and the fisherman aboard the boats strike them with mallets. This is done at strategic points around the pod, in an effort to herd them toward land. The clamor may confuse or alarm the dolphins, which move away from the noise. The pod of dolphins is thus driven into a bay by the fishermen, which is quickly closed off with nets to prevent escape. As the dolphins are initially quite agitated, they are left to calm down over night. The following day, fishermen enter the bay in small boats, and the dolphins are caught one at a time and killed. The primary method of dispatch was for a long time to cut the dolphin's throat, severing blood vessels, and death was due to exsanguination. However, the government banned this method and now the officially sanctioned method requires that a metal pin be driven into the cervical region ("neck") of the dolphin, severing its brainstem, which causes it to die within seconds, according to a memo from Senzo Uchida, the executive secretary of the Japan Cetacean Conference on Zoological Gardens and Aquariums.

Irrelevant how they are killed, dolphins are docile and human friendly.
Yes i know,they are just as retarded.The norwegians to.There is an ongoing battle to stop them ,i hope it's soon.As i've said if you're excusing the japanese though,do some reading.If you'll search my posts i was defending them a few months ago in here,than i did a little reading.They're a bunch of nasty little buggers.

There is nothing retarded about it, you are just not used to it, but its the way of life for these people. Just like slaughtering cows and lamb and chicken is the norm for us. Not everyone had the luxury of farm animals, so they had to make do with whatever that was available to them.

So are rare species of turtles.

Indeed, but you don't see me being all sanctimonious do you?
There is nothing retarded about it, you are just not used to it, but its the way of life for these people. Just like slaughtering cows and lamb and chicken is the norm for us. Not everyone had the luxury of farm animals, so they had to make do with whatever that was available to them.

Indeed, but you don't see me being all sanctimonious do you?

An european nation in 2014 can survive without butchering wild endangered animals.And those whales are indeed endangered.After they kill them all,what's next ?
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