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Japan unveils record budget in boost to military capacity

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan unveiled on Friday a record 114.4 trillion-yen ($863 billion) budget for the next fiscal year from April, pushed up by increased military spending and higher social security costs for a fast-ageing population

The budget - endorsed by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet on Friday along with a bond issuance plan - features record military and welfare spending for a country saddled with an ageing population and as it confronts regional security issues from an ever-assertive China and an unpredictable North Korea.

To fund defence spending for military facilities, warships and other vessels, the government decided to use construction bonds worth 434.3 billion yen, to be issued in fiscal 2023, in an unprecedented move.

The budget got a boost from Kishida's controversial plan to double Japan' defence spending to 2% of GDP by 2027, straining Japan's already tattered finances under the weight of public debt at 2.5 times the size of its economy.

In a brighter sign for the economy, the budget draft expected Japan to rake in a record tax revenue worth 69.44 trillion yen, reflecting improving corporate profits and 69.44 trillion yen to lower new bond issuance to 35.62 trillion yen.

The budget assumed next fiscal year's exchange rate at 137 yen to the dollar, the weakest since 2010, in calculating fiscal 2023 budget spending for defence and diplomacy, the officials said.

($1 = 132.5900 yen)

Some son of bitch from Taiwan still dreaming Japan will come to save them.
Perhaps But given Japan some time to prepare and rapidly advanced their military, they could do what they did in WW2 and take South East Asia with minimum issues (at least thats what they would believe).

Their approach would be likely to take the capital centres and starve out the rest rather than fight in guerilla warfare. Japan with a built up military would do island hoping across south east asia, destroying the food production areas and taking capital cities and towns while starving millions and forcing a surrender. They always go all in and not going to fight with hands tied behind their backs like in the case of vietnam war or China-Vietnam border conflict. Once you aim to destroy food/farmlands and divert water flow to genocide a population into surrender its a different ball game.

Japanese want glory, power and expansion in size and population. Thats why throughout history they are always invading their neighbours. The West is becoming a minority majority country which will only be able to be governed in the future through a ultra left wing woke agenda to make all races/religions/cultures happy. Therefore they will likely become peaceful/understanding instead of hawkish in nature and withdraw thereby Japan will re establish friendships with Russia/China and seek support in their invasions of South East Asia for land, resources and a place to expand their population.

pre-WW2 Japan was industrial country facing non-industrial nations it is like bringing a gun to a knife fight.. Japan can't occupy Philppines which is one of the least armed in SEA with 111-million... As for a mammoth like Indonesia it is unrealistic it's like putting a needle thru a camel..

Example Japan invaded China and Korea back then? because they were non-industrial countreis but today it would be an entirely different picture
pre-WW2 Japan was industrial country facing non-industrial nations it is like bringing a gun to a knife fight.. Japan can't occupy Philppines which is one of the least armed in SEA with 111-million... As for a mammoth like Indonesia it is unrealistic it's like putting a needle thru a camel..

Example Japan invaded China and Korea back then? because they were non-industrial countreis but today it would be an entirely different picture
Like I said, I don't pretend to be an expert but a total war requires you to destroy food production capabilities and divert water from the population centres. Once that happens, the weaker nation will have to capitulate or risk being wiped out. Indonesia has 200mil + people and without a sh1t ton of food everyday the people will starve to death easily. Simply capturing a few choke points on each island will control the fresh water flow and food production centres like farms leaving the people with no food or water. Japan never needs to even fight in the jungles, they can force a surrender with the threat of total genocide.
Like I said, I don't pretend to be an expert but a total war requires you to destroy food production capabilities and divert water from the population centres. Once that happens, the weaker nation will have to capitulate or risk being wiped out. Indonesia has 200mil + people and without a sh1t ton of food everyday the people will starve to death easily. Simply capturing a few choke points on each island will control the fresh water flow and food production centres like farms leaving the people with no food or water. Japan never needs to even fight in the jungles, they can force a surrender with the threat of total genocide.

Get the F' outta here you don't know how warfare works.. How are you gonna starve a green lush area.. :lol:

Indonesia beats Japan into retreat and submission and if they were to persuade the Japanese they could successfully batter an aging and decling Japan and occupy it after taking huge monstrously casualities themselves..

Indonesia has the capabilities and under-water drones to handicap Japan's navy and then to go on the counter-offensive but only after battering Japan's navy into non-existent to bring the fight into Japan's mainland due to aging population Japan would have a hard time fighting on the home front but they could repel the Indonesian invaders if they make it tough for the Indonesians bringing resources to the mainland
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