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Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

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we are not bully but the rightful owner of the territories that both Mainland and Taiwan both claim
United for an easier target to be shot down!
you forgot to claim my toilet as yours, as you surely discovered and used it since ancient times. :angry:
The 7th Fleet, alone, could wipe out the entire PLAN. It is preposterous to even consider the PLAN a threat to the USN. The enemy's naval assets are of absolute inferior quality. In open water, we would ravage their fleet within a week's time. Air supremacy would be established and the enemy would sue for peace. Most probably their old regime would collapse and US-backed riots in China would ensure the supplantation of the CCP with a more democratic-friendly government.
YES, show the wannabe bully Chinese that the U.S. is the Superpower. Send them a message: don´t mess with America!
By the way, Vietnam welcomes more engagement from you in the region.


Picture: WASHINGTON, D.C. – JULY 25: President Barack Obama meets with President Truong Tan Sang of Vietnam in the Oval Office on July 25, 2013 in Washington, D.C.
Its a slug fest between Chinese and Others,

Mods Favor chinese trolls..

Once the slug fest get over I will post something better on topic..
Its a slug fest between Chinese and Others,

Mods Favor chinese trolls..

Once the slug fest get over I will post something better on topic..

Haha it is and I enjoy reading it. Our mod Hu Songshan is pretty neutral though, don't worry about it.
They are but conquered peoples. It is unfortunate but only a reactionary manner that they act such way. They have a history of being abused, conquered, and taken advantaged of by not only Western Powers, but also Imperial Japan. So, we should understand the attitude of some Chinese communists.

It is a psychological defense mechanism, to be exact, albeit an immature one.

Well said, my friend. ;)

It will be foolish for China to think about taking on the US. China first have to prove that its the 2nd most powerful country in the world before it can take on the US. As of now, the title of "2nd most powerful country in the world" is up for grab. As it has been since 1991, at the dissolution of Soviet Union.
I dont know what the problem is?
China is like godzilla and the other asian/east asian countries are like Tokio.
So it means they need to protect themselves.
I dont know what the problem is?
China is like godzilla and the other asian/east asian countries are like Tokio.
So it means they need to protect themselves.
LOL you mean China looks like this.

People should need a lecture before they post technical post here......

Many things is simply wrong, with either deliberate wrong interpretation of facts or omission of some facts..

1.) F-35B is NOT a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft, its a STOVL (Short Take Off, Vertical Landing)

You cannot operate a fully fuelled and fully armed STOVL planes off a LHD like Hyuga or Izumo, you either need a long flight deck or Ski Jump to operate a fully fuelled and armed STOVL Craft.

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

F-35B is most likely to replace AV-8B or BAe Harrier II with navy operating long flight deck LHA or Ski Jump mini carrier, Izumo and Hyuga have NEITHER

HMS Ocean and HMS Illustrious both have similar general characteristic, both 200 (+ Change) meters long and with 32 meters beam and both weighted about 20000 tonnes, the only fact that HMS Ocean are not certified for Harrier Operation simply because they do not have Ski Jump.

2.) Japanese have their own say on what they want, they are bounded by "THEIR OWN" constitution, which they can change as they wish. They are not bounded by any treaty nor International Governance.

3.) I keep seeing people say "Carry", what you can carry DOES NOT MATTER, what you can launch did, you can carry F-35B with a Cargo ship, does that mean you can launch a F-35B on a cargo ship deck??

Please do get the facts right before you make any post here.

Strange dude, why you need to go to Gambit for my post when you don't challenge me DIRECTLY??

Afraid of something I presume.

LOL at your comment.

Since when did I say anything about OTHER F-35 VARIANT? My comment is on VTOL F-35 (Or claim that F-35B are VTOL) directly as some Chinese and Indian Member here claim Japan WILL PURCHASE F-35B and operate it on a Izumo and Hyuga.

Ala #9



- Which is double failure as Harrier DOES NOT Takes off Vertically as well.

While I found 4 comment related any version of F-35 (A/B or C) are VTOL aircraft, WHICH IS INCORRECT, only one comment ever remotely related the Lighting II is STOL (Still incorrect as it's STOVL)

So tell me, which version of F-35 can take off AND land vertically, if you can find one reputable source on ANY VTOL F-35, I will shut up and issue an apology.

And this is my original statement in 207

And can you POINT TO ME where did my post in 207 EVER refer to any F35 Version being launch and receive in Izumo and Hyuga?

You are challenging me on something I DID NOT SAY and label the stuff that I DID NOT SAY is INCORRECT, is this a joke??

This is my second comment

For my comment to be incorrect the only way you can challenge it is when you can find evidence that their constitution are bounded by international body.

If you ever can find it and I will again shut up an issue an public Apology.

my 3rd comment

Tell me how this statement are wrong in any comment sense??

And how am I short sighted?? So you can tell fortune now and can tell me Japanese are going to buy F-35 (Any version) and retrofitted their Hyuga and Izumo for CERTAINTY?? Are you 100% sure??

When something do not happen, we gave the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT to the party, you cannot say "Hey, you are going to convert this and that and so you are forbid to build this" I don't know what kind of judiciary system are currently running in China but this is not the one that's running in the US and Japan.

Unless you can provide creditable proof that Hyuga and Izumo are designed as such that allow the launch of STOVL aircraft or will definitely with 100% certainty that they will convert the craft into launching STOVL, I am not interest to listen to your hot air.

If I am short-sighted, then you lot will be SUPER LONGSIGHTED. Getting scare on something that not even REMOTELY materialised yet.

And the reason I quote Wikipedia is not because of you, but because of the general public. There are certain things that I know and quite sure gambit knows but was not referred to in anywhere. If I say this without any resource and reference and people will claim my point are a BASELESS, much like yours, Mr yours point is true BECASUE you said it is true.

lol you've been entertaining enough by trying to make an arse out of yourselves, keep up the good work :tup:

People should need a lecture before they post technical post here......

Many things is simply wrong, with either deliberate wrong interpretation of facts or omission of some facts..

1.) F-35B is NOT a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft, its a STOVL (Short Take Off, Vertical Landing)

You cannot operate a fully fuelled and fully armed STOVL planes off a LHD like Hyuga or Izumo, you either need a long flight deck or Ski Jump to operate a fully fuelled and armed STOVL Craft.

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

F-35B is most likely to replace AV-8B or BAe Harrier II with navy operating long flight deck LHA or Ski Jump mini carrier, Izumo and Hyuga have NEITHER

HMS Ocean and HMS Illustrious both have similar general characteristic, both 200 (+ Change) meters long and with 32 meters beam and both weighted about 20000 tonnes, the only fact that HMS Ocean are not certified for Harrier Operation simply because they do not have Ski Jump.

2.) Japanese have their own say on what they want, they are bounded by "THEIR OWN" constitution, which they can change as they wish. They are not bounded by any treaty nor International Governance.

3.) I keep seeing people say "Carry", what you can carry DOES NOT MATTER, what you can launch did, you can carry F-35B with a Cargo ship, does that mean you can launch a F-35B on a cargo ship deck??

Please do get the facts right before you make any post here.

dont habitually pretend you are a "professional" when you are far far away from being qualified as one in the real world.

F-35 naval version allows vertical take off like the Harrier
It can also carry Ospreys

@jhungary the more you write the easier you are making yourself another record breaking joke of the world pretending no more than a wishful thiinking wikipedia "professional". @gambit is marginally better.

I am not dealing with you directly because you are writing trashes all along all the time. Hate to see your trash again. They are so negligible and you keep on harping your "professionalism" and offering a "lecture" to the forum.

Now if you are not pretending you are blind at the moment, what do you see in the vids:



Me "Afraid " of a comedian? yeah because the jokes are so vile and the pretentious "professional" and impudent attitudes just make us SICK!

you dont like my dealing with you before then you are asking for a beating and now you are seeing how you are trying make yourself the mega-sized arse of the universe !!

@gambit @visom

all hail armchair General @shuttler

you do know he is a very powerful war machine right? He don't need bullet, he don't need gun, only ONE LOOK at his post and I guarantee you that you will go down laughing and you will not get up for quite some time,

and who is the "armchair General". I never proclaim I am proficient in military. You consistently hold yoursellf to be the "military" professional and now you are embarrassingly revealed as no more than a couch amature whose ‘professionalism“ is gained by clicking a lot harder into the wikipedia webpages PLUS your claiming of military deployment in mid east
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you forgot to claim my toilet as yours, as you surely discovered and used it since ancient times. :angry:

who cares about your toilet TROLL
share it with your accidental cheerleading ally after done
I do not play video games. Even though am Air Force, I do not even have Flight Simulator. The last video game I played was 'Missile Command' in the nickel arcade in pre historic (Internet) era. :lol:

But I do know enough of today's video games that all weapons are perfect. If I missed, it is my fault, never the weapon. That is what these guys grew up with -- perfect weapons from video games. Not one of them has ever been in the military, sometimes forced to rely upon your wits to solve a problem. In the ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, literally lives were at stake and lives were lost because of mechanical doo-dads that failed to work at a crucial time. You and I know that, albeit in different times, and in your case, the fear of weapons failure is much more intense and real. The most fearful feeling I ever had was take the M4 off safety and hope this Air Force issued rifle would work. These ya-hoos do not have these knowledge and feelings, not even like mine. Ever. To them, war and combat, the way they talk about them, is no more real than a video game. Hence the juvenile 'thermonuclear' this or 'megaton' that.

I have stood in front of a pair of B61s hung on an F-111E. They look plain and ordinary. Almost like external fuel tanks or even harmless travel pods. The Chinese members here do not know what the totality of fear -- emotional, physical, and intellectual -- is like. For me, when I stood in front of those B61s, the fear was intellectual. In my hands holding a WSO navigation cartridge, I had the fate of millions of human beings who never knew that their homes were at one time in history marked for nuclear destruction. China does not allow these guys proximity to a .22 caliber bullet, let alone a nuclear bomb, so how are they to know even at the intellectual level, the horror of what they so casually talk about in dealing out nuclear destruction to the 'inferior' Asiatics they believe we are?

They do not even know how pathetic they look as a group in front of the world.


Funny, how Gambit mentions guns control in China and totally ignores the fact that South Korea and Japan also have heavy gun controls paws in place, most Japanese and South Koreans will not see a handgun in their lifetimes, LOL.

They are but conquered peoples. It is unfortunate but only a reactionary manner that they act such way. They have a history of being abused, conquered, and taken advantaged of by not only Western Powers, but also Imperial Japan. So, we should understand the attitude of some Chinese communists.

It is a psychological defense mechanism, to be exact, albeit an immature one.

Well said, my friend. ;)

Shintaro Ishihara and his friends feel exactly that way towards America. :omghaha:

I dont know what the problem is?
China is like godzilla and the other asian/east asian countries are like Tokio.
So it means they need to protect themselves.

Tell the Okinawans and Moros that China is Godzilla, and Japan and the Philippines are victims?



I'm very interested in why Japan feels the need to shove the military base on the Okinawans who don't want it, but not on themselves in mainland Japan?
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who cares about your toilet TROLL
share it with your accidental cheerleading ally after done
I said it because your claim of the SC sea as yours is worthless. Get it?
I said it because your claim of the SC sea as yours is worthless. Get it?

The Republic of China occupied and claimed the Spratly islands before Vietnam was even an independent country.. And Vietnam continues to claim Taiping island and whines when there is a live fire drill held there.

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

Taiwan to conduct live-fire Taiping Island drill in Sept. - The China Post

Vietnam and the Philippines claims are worthless.
The Republic of China occupied and claimed the Spratly islands before Vietnam was even an independent country.. And Vietnam continues to claim Taiping island and whines when there is a live fire drill held there.

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

Taiwan to conduct live-fire Taiping Island drill in Sept. - The China Post

Vietnam and the Philippines claims are worthless.

Look at "An Nam Guo" map in old Chinese book printed in China, kid.

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