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Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

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What is a flat top destroyer? This one is an aircraft carrier for sure.
What is a flat top destroyer? This one is an aircraft carrier for sure.

Why are you guys calling it an aircraft carrier?

It is just a helicopter destroyer. Haven't you guys seen any helicopter destroyers before?


Japan already has two such destroyers though in smaller size.

These are just defensive platforms. They have no offensive capabilities.
I understand that and I would not ask any American with European ties to severe such ties that would be unrealistic rather I firmly believe that we should not be a party to any permanent alliance and the founding fathers although they shared a kinship with Europe felt the same way (Jefferson, Washington come to mind). That being said we should still police the world and secure our interests, we have earned that right but that can be done economically which is the modern way of imperialism anyway. :smokin: Let us agree to disagree.

If the americans would sever military ties with Europe,the latter will militarise to protect its interests thus making room for another major military power on the world stage,you see,in the end it's cheaper for the USA to maintain this status quo than having to deal with another military behemoth in the world stage.
Ths Godness!
Chinese had a big land, had 1.2billion ppl, had a strong economy, had a rising military strength, had continuous investments in science & technology, had enough resources, had thousand nukes, had smart government. As long as learn mistakes from former S.U, i believe the Chinese will laugh at the end of this century.

A new "flat-topped destroyer" not a Big Deal for China.
Look,You've made a very big mistake,it's not Japan vs China,it's US+Japan vs China.We are dicisively weak,yet we seems don't even have the intention to win,That's pathetic.

You forget NATO..! China vs Japan+NATO.

China is a pathetic country. In embarrassing way!!!

I wonder, why don't China balance out US by supporting and arming Latin America?

And supporting and arming Middle East to balance out Western Europe?

I do believe China will be hugely welcomed!

But why don't China do that???

Simple, a pathetic country. Very embarrassing!!!

You are disappointing entire Mongoloid people. I'm supporting Vietnam+Japan in this case. As both of them proven to be brave enough and have good reputation dealing with them.

Ths Godness!
Chinese had a big land, had 1.2billion ppl, had a strong economy, had a rising military strength, had continuous investments in science & technology, had enough resources, had thousand nukes, had smart government. As long as learn mistakes from former S.U, i believe the Chinese will laugh at the end of this century.

A new "flat-topped destroyer" not a Big Deal for China.

But you lack of geo-political power...

You are encircled...you are dead anyway.
That is true...!!!
Japanese are friendly and not a threat to the world.
We, Taiwanese believe that too. And we gave them Diaoyu Islands enthusiastically.

So, you are going to give entire South China Sea to Japan too?
no way, Japan just wants to keep the Senkaku islands, they have no interest in SC Sea as it is ours. :smokin:
I wonder why you always hate them, indeed they are really smart and well-educated.

You don´t want a competitor challenging your hegemony in Asia, that s reason why you dislike them. Correct?


Japanese dance is featured in Ha Long bay (Photo: giadinh.net.vn)
no way, Japan just wants to keep the Senkaku islands, they have no interest in SC Sea as it is ours. :smokin:
I wonder why you always hate them, indeed they are really smart and well-educated.

You don´t want a competitor challenging your hegemony in Asia, that s reason why you dislike them. Correct?


Japanese dance is featured in Ha Long bay (Photo: giadinh.net.vn)

92.8% Chinese and 90.1% Japanese hold negative ideas towards each other. Japan did commit crimes, it's not a problem, but the point is they owe us a formal apology. Every contradiction has two sides, we cannot merely accuse of one's fault while ignoring the other's fault. I can understand your standpoint: enemy's enemy is friend, an old Chinese saying.

Frankly speaking, there is no absolute fairness, try to relax.

As for those pics, if I like, I can find much more, as evidence to show how peaceful the whole world is.
How make a country owning nukes & ICBMs to die ???

Like USSR...?

I think you should find a way to win the war against the West and their puppets without using nukes.

no way, Japan just wants to keep the Senkaku islands, they have no interest in SC Sea as it is ours. :smokin:
I wonder why you always hate them, indeed they are really smart and well-educated.

You don´t want a competitor challenging your hegemony in Asia, that s reason why you dislike them. Correct?


Japanese dance is featured in Ha Long bay (Photo: giadinh.net.vn)

Taiwan hate Japan?

You are kidding, isn't?
Like USSR...?

I think you should find a way to win the war against the West and their puppets without using nukes.
Kidding !
U.S built 8,000 nukes, Russia(USSR) built 10,000 nukes, Britain 200+ nukes, France 200+ nukes, China built hundreds nukes. All nuclear-powers built thousands of nukes just make sure to use it when the country to die by foreign invasion. USSR crashed but Russian controll nukes and save in Russia's nuclear arsenal.

Japan did a lot of great things to Taiwan. Many of Taiwan people are really appreciate and make a very deep fond to Japan up to today. Even most of them are dead now, but their decedents keep that memory alive. Japan developed Taiwan, modernized everything, up to the intellectual level.

I just want to say, there's no longer the so called Chinese civilization. All the modern thing you saw, is actually Modern Japanese Civilization. So, you can imagine, how deep our thank you to Japan, as because of them, we are civilize now.

Modern Chinese words were invented and a copy from Japanese words. Modern Chinese comic and anime were Modern Japanese civilization. The Chinese fashion trend were Modern Japanese civilization, by wearing Western clothes. Chinese ideologically was following Modern Japanese civilization during Meiji Restoration, by purging Confucianism and anything related to the dying Chinese civilization.

But unlike Japan. Chinese is even hardcore. When it come to fashion, unlike the inferior Japan, we completely destroyed our Hanzi. In politics, we are superior too, we did Cultural Revolution, while Japanese can feel envy to us.

PITY~ Japan government still not officially admit TaiWan as a normal country. :rofl:
By the way, why is everyone bitching about this development?

Japan already had a Heli carrier type produced. They have two of them. So now in total, they will have four helicopter carriers.

Here's a pic of the new Izumo class beside the Hyuga class:

The Japanese carrier feels like it has some stealth capabilities judging from flat angled surfaces.
Impressive !

Japanese Naval forces are a strong force. Japanese are know for innovativeness and innovative war doctrines.

There were innovative in war doctrines and it's no more. Besides there's no point in Japan to go to war path with China unless US in involved. So nothing much to brag about.
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