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Japan to sell off 100 f15j Eagles

I seriously dont understand obsession of Pakistani public with every kabar that is available in international market. These fighters are as old as our first F16s so there isnt much juice left in them. Japs are discarding them because they know that they have come to end of their lifecycle.

These jets will benefits current operators who can integrate them into their current fleet with little to no extra costs. Most of them will probably be used for spare parts.
F-15 is a proven combat ready plane

Would make good addition for PAF instead of F7 PG
Would not mind seeing 75-100 Units come to Pakistan

We would be able to retire our Mirages immediately

Provided we can get Engine Spares , and some help with maintenance facility
75-100 plane inventory would be a good

It will Modernize PAF to be a Force running on

JF17 Block I , Block II , Block III 250 Units
F-16 80 Units
F-15 100 Units Ideal Assignment Gawadar / Karachi ports


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They are flying it from 30+ years. I wish we get few of those as we need airsuperiority fighters. Pakistan should try to talk with Japan & U.S.A.
About india, I don't think they will buy 30 years used fighter, instead they will increase order of Rafale.
I just dont understand pakistanis. The US has openly and quite categorically come out against Pakistan. They are totally with India on every front. They are an enemy of pakistans. At every turn, every comment, policy, strategy they have gone against Pakistan. Why oh why do we feel the need to beg for scraps from uncle Sams table, even if it is through a third country

Do you not see the the issue with the attack helicopters, the F-16 embargoes, the CSF money, the 'do more' requests. Almost everything is against pakistan.

Have some self respect.
F-15 is a proven combat ready plane

Would make good addition for PAF instead of F7 PG
Would not mind seeing 75-100 Units come to Pakistan

We would be able to retire our Mirages immediately

Provided we can get Engine Spares , and some help with maintenance facility
75-100 plane inventory would be a good

It will Modernize PAF to be a Force running on

JF17 Block I , Block II , Block III 250 Units
F-16 80 Units
F-15 100 Units Ideal Assignment Gawadar / Karachi ports


PAF will rather go for F 16s
I just dont understand pakistanis. The US has openly and quite categorically come out against Pakistan. They are totally with India on every front. They are an enemy of pakistans. At every turn, every comment, policy, strategy they have gone against Pakistan. Why oh why do we feel the need to beg for scraps from uncle Sams table, even if it is through a third country

Do you not see the the issue with the attack helicopters, the F-16 embargoes, the CSF money, the 'do more' requests. Almost everything is against pakistan.

Have some self respect.

Trump will be gone in 2-3 years and then it will be Business as usual
F15 is a good choice given our current options and $. One must note that japs aren't scrapping them because they are old rather because there adverseriries now have better acs. We are in dire need of good air superiority and interceptors. No matter how old f15s are they are much better than our current interceptors. Hint can be taken from our actions in Feb.
I am amazed to see that there is still an active lobby for American weapons in PDF. How many betrayals do we need to wake them up?
US weapons means US diktat, dependency and blackmail. Don't ever make this mistake again, even if they give us weapons free of charge.
Come on guys , we cannot afford them!!!!!!!!!!! But real question is who will buy them??????
If we have money and USA is willing go for F-16s
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Sell them to Taiwan :tup:

LOL the Chinese will shoot them like birds out of thin air. Don’t get your hopes too high.

As for Pakistan, these are extremely sanction prone fighters and quite expensive to maintain. Otherwise they would be reasonable for naval air wing.

We need to go for a 5th gen fighter now.
F15 is a good choice given our current options and $. One must note that japs aren't scrapping them because they are old rather because there adverseriries now have better acs. We are in dire need of good air superiority and interceptors. No matter how old f15s are they are much better than our current interceptors. Hint can be taken from our actions in Feb.
We can get combat ready fighters in No time. It's not like that first delivery will start after 3 or 4 years . We can ready two squardons in no time. We can train our pilots in saudi arabia & about their sharing of experience in F15s. Saudi F15s pilots were trained by Americans. We can get many benefits .
26 February event shows india was not deterred by our nuclear weapons, & war can come at doorstep anytime.
Pakistani logic

F16 is Bad
Uncle sam is bad
Lets replace old planes with more old planes
Lets buy f15 which is at its last legs
So uncle sam can use that to screw us over

A future prediction in Next decade Pakistan will add only thunders more than 200 + no other bird is coming beside 5th Gen so hold your horses people
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