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Japan to sell off 100 f15j Eagles

Here is my thinking why I thought it would work for Pakistan Airforce

a) Price per Unit is Cheap negotiated around , 7 Million per plane , 1.1 Billion gets us 100 Units

b) We retire F7-PG , 3.75 Generation birds

c) We consolidate the Mirage Fleet to 80 birds

Future Fleet:
250 , JF-17 Thunders, Block I , Block II , Block III
80 F-16
100 F-15
80 Mirages
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Here is my thinking why I thought it would work for Pakistan

a) Price per Unit is Cheap , 7 Million per plane , 1.1 Billion gets us 100 Units
b) We retire F7-PG , 3.75 Generation birds
c) We consolidate the Mirage Fleet to 80 birds

Future Fleet:
250 , JF-17 Thunders, Block I , Block II , Block III
80 F-16
100 F-15
80 Mirages
Why does Pakistan choose to buy the very old second-hand F-15J, while Pakistan isn't using F-15?
F-15 would fit well for Sea Patrols , or Coastal Area Protection

I think if we can introduce the Maintenance facility for F-15 platform
it would work out well.

Since Shenyang J-16 is not available to us , it makes F-15 next better option

F-15 Would pair up nicely vs Indian Mig 29 threat
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Presently their is no news around sale of Su-35 in recent months , while it would be also a great choice

Our Status :

Project Azm: On Going , 10 years cycle
JF17 Thunder: Waiting for Thunder Block 3
F16 Numbers have not risen

F7PG , need to be retired
Mirage. need to be retired
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Why not Su-35?
F15 is more advance and lethal than Su35. Also less expensive in maintenance than Su35. 1200 F15s units made till today with compare to only 105 Su35.
F15 is combat proven. It is more successful with 100+ victories with 0 loss in aerial combat. Not only airsuperiority role it performed well on ground attacks.
While we have brother country Saudi Arabia using it. We can get training, & many benefits from it.
They might not fetch much but from what I'm reading about wear and tear on those machines, Japanese forces will likely free up a lot of its maintenance budget. Any bit helps.

That only enforces my point. Who would buy such airframes with such massive wear and tear? You are right. These F-15s are only good for spares. Right now these fighters are also a liability for Japanese air force.

F-15 would fit well for Sea Patrols , or Coastal Area Protection

I think if we can introduce the Maintenance facility for F-15 platform
it would work out well.

Since Shenyang J-16 is not available to us , it makes F-15 next better option

F-15 Would pair up nicely vs Indian Mig 29 threat

It would be better to opt for something like a brand new J-10C airframe. The F-15 is very expensive to operate. It goes against PAF doctrine and philosophy.

I don’t think PAF is in a hurry at the moment. PAF should concentrate on the induction of newer JF-17 block fighters and its 5th gen project. Our real objective is to get a lethal 5th gen fighter that can take on IAF as broadly as possible.

If we require a few squadrons in the short term the only option is J-10C.
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Well we need a stronger navy, a navy that can defend frm the American navy. Where are you going to get planes for the navy?

But if you want to defend from American navy, why would you become more reliant on America for doing that? F-15 is one of the most maintenance heavy jets out there.....it would be self defeating.
But if you want to defend from American navy, why would you become more reliant on America for doing that? F-15 is one of the most maintenance heavy jets out there.....it would be self defeating.
No other jets fit the bill. Well besides the Su-35 or F-18 and those arent happening. If Iran can keep their f-14s flying, with heavy sanctions then we can keep the F-15s flying, too.
F15 is more advance and lethal than Su35. Also less expensive in maintenance than Su35. 1200 F15s units made till today with compare to only 105 Su35.
F15 is combat proven. It is more successful with 100+ victories with 0 loss in aerial combat. Not only airsuperiority role it performed well on ground attacks.
While we have brother country Saudi Arabia using it. We can get training, & many benefits from it.
Let the Indians have it then... couple of months later 100- 100
This thread is so laughable

First the F15 is the most successful fighter in history if these things are junk what does that makes the mirages and f7s

and no we are no getting it..........:angry::crazy::crazy:
If the Saudis can help us get a F-15 maintenance facility set up in our country then and only then PAF will consider buying these 2nd hand Japanese's configurated F-15J. But frankly i don't see this procurement happening in the near future because of USA but everybody have a right to dream. So keep dreaming peeps :sleep:.
Japanese F-15's were build between 1981-1997.
Some of them are nearly 40 years old, makes no sense to waste money for it, especially from PAK's view.

They also will sell it to friendly countries with weaker AF's, ofc countries that are friendly towards the US.
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