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Japan to grant ODA to Vietnam to build patrol ships

@madokafc check this out, ASEAN seriousness about BD

Dhaka sees it as a rare move by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) because such committees are usually formed in countries that are its dialogue partners.

The Committee formally started its journey on Wednesday at a reception joined by ministers, politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and officials of the foreign ministry.

Malaysian High Commissioner Norlin Othman has been made the Chair of the ‘Dhaka Committee’.

All ASEAN countries, except Cambodia and Laos, have missions in Dhaka.

Though Bangladesh is not yet a dialogue partner of the ASEAN, its secretariat has already approved the 'Dhaka Committee'.

Foreign ministry officials in Dhaka feel this is probably a prelude to making Bangladesh a dialogue partner of the ASEAN, which is one of Asia's economic powerhouse.

source: ASEAN's 'Dhaka committee' -

can you differentiate between the words of dialogue partners and made a bid for your people to joint ASEAN? Yes Bangladesh is important to ASEAN based on their proximity near us and we see Bangladesh as one entrance toward South Asian Markets, but everything will stop here for a while and in the meantime ASEAN will focusing themselves to prepare Asean market community era there is no room for expansions growth in member states.

About the Malaysian ones, we had set a rule to pick peoples to fill their jobs and positions based on his merit and capability and there is no other reason rather than that, and those Malaysian guy apparently have the quality to fill the jobs.
can you differentiate between the words of dialogue partners and made a bid for your people to joint ASEAN? Yes Bangladesh is important to ASEAN based on their proximity near us and we see Bangladesh as one entrance toward South Asian Markets, but everything will stop here for a while and in the meantime ASEAN will focusing themselves to prepare Asean market community era there is no room for expansions growth in member states.

About the Malaysian ones, we had set a rule to pick peoples to fill their jobs and positions based on his merit and capability and there is no other reason rather than that, and those Malaysian guy apparently have the quality to fill the jobs.
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: since we are not joining ASEAN , alternative is being searched, now put it in your mind out of 10 members 4 of them economies are below $60 Billion ( actual figure is 1 around $60 billion and 3 are around $20 billion)
don't show so much hype LOL
Sub-Mekong region ,specially Thailand-VN have a very important geopolitical position to China-SK-JP-US, as a JPese, u should know clearly abt it.

To avoid US base in Singapore, China is going to build another sea lane in Kra Cannal-Thailand, and to protect that Cannal, China also build a new air base in Spratly island to provide air patrol over that cannal.


Unfortunately, in this case China-Thailand will create a pincer to contain VN from North-East and West. If VN fall, then the important sea lane pass through SCS(east sea) will fall into China's hands too and JP-US base in Okinawa-SK will put under serious threat.

Thats why, ur Govt and US turn to help VN now, and to break the pincer of China-Thailand , we must unite with Thai before they fall into China's hands.

Bcz Thailand dont share the border with China but VN, and bcz Thái generals r so tired to keep fighting with VN, so we have an advantage in unite with Thailand than China.:P
where did you lunatic get this Chinese map? do you know what does it mean on the map? it seems I underestimate your IQ.
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